The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 466: 466

Samsara was below.

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The human world was above.

Ye Sheng stood in the middle of the two, stepping on the darkness while his heart turned towards the light.

Yin and yang were vividly reflected in his body. Thus, when Ye Sheng comprehended them, he was extremely carefree. In an instant, he had a hundred dao rhythms.

With Samsara under his feet, Ye Sheng entered Samsara and had a deep understanding of it. Naturally, he comprehended it very quickly.

This was extremely helpful to Ye Sheng.

All of his samsara sect’s cultivation techniques were undergoing a transformation. After seeing the true appearance of reincarnation, Ye Sheng seemed to have an epiphany as he started to circulate a few cultivation techniques on his own.

In front of the Nai River Bridge, there was a long river of the netherworld. It was extremely huge and was even wider than the sea that Ye Sheng had seen before. It stretched as far as the eye could see. On the long river of the Netherworld, the Samsara Bridge stretched out eighteen layers of hell. It looked like a pair of wings that hung from the sky.

Such a shocking scene was extremely helpful to Ye Sheng.

He quickly changed his cultivation method. The river of the Netherworld was modified according to this prototype, and its power became enormous.

/ please keep reading on MYB0XN0VEL.C0M.

This was a very good opportunity. Whether it was the dao rhythm, the cultivation method, or other things, they were all incomparable gains for Ye Sheng.

He reached a thousand dao rhythms in a very short period of time and advanced towards a higher level. With the yin-yang Dao Rhythm and the Reincarnation Dao rhythm as the main components, the main improvements were in these two aspects.

Time passed by minute by minute, and Ye Sheng was immersed in this feeling.

His Dao Rhythm had reached one thousand and five hundred, and it was still advancing towards two thousand, and he had the feeling that he could enter three thousand dao rhythms at any time.

“If I stay here for a few more days, I’ll definitely be able to break through to the twelfth level of the Void Martial stage,”ye Sheng thought confidently.

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His feet stepped on the darkness, his heart turned towards the light, and he was fearless.

Ye Sheng began to like this place a little, and he had no intention of ending it at all.

Right at this moment, the space between Ye Sheng’s brows suddenly started to ache.

It started to burn like fire.

He couldn’t help but let out a miserable cry, clutching his head, and said furiously, “All gods pill furnace, what are you doing?”

“Master, don’t get lost in the Netherworld.”The all gods Pill Furnace’s tool spirit emitted a weak voice.

Ye Sheng was suddenly jolted awake. In an instant, his entire body was drenched in sweat. This was all cold sweat, and he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

He had been bewitched by the netherworld.

He had stayed for too long.

Ye Sheng came to his senses and looked at himself. His entire body had entered the darkness, and only his head remained. It was also slowly sinking down.

“No, I want to leave this place.”Ye Sheng knew that he was afraid. If he was left here by the Netherworld, he would die completely. There would be no hope for his entire life.

Ye Sheng struggled with all his might, wanting to crawl out of the darkness, but in the darkness, it was as if there were millions of pairs of hands pulling on Ye Sheng, not allowing him to leave.

Ye Sheng kicked down with all his strength. To be precise, his cultivation had already broken through to the sixth level of the Void Stage, and he was breaking through to the seventh level of the void stage. It was an explosive power that could not be underestimated.

But even so, Ye Sheng still climbed up with his entire body exhausted.

If he were to sink even a little deeper, he might really regret it.

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“The danger of the Netherworld is really like a tempting cake, silently pulling people down. He won’t be able to turn things around for the rest of his life,”Ye Sheng sighed.

This time, he had gained a lot from the execution of the netherworld. He had comprehended 1500 dao rhythms, and all the cultivation techniques of the Samsara sect had greatly increased their power. Moreover, they had succeeded in facing death. Now, he wanted to return to the human world.


Ye Sheng burned the last bit of the power of the Samsara seal and sent himself into the human world.

Ye Sheng, who was already a corpse, opened his eyes. He looked at the roof of the meditation room and panted slightly.

His body was still heavily injured, but Ye Sheng smiled.

This was an extremely happy smile. At the end of his smile, Ye Sheng even laughed out loud.

“Ye Hong, thanks to you, I have succeeded in facing death. The enmity between us can finally be resolved once and for all.”Ye Sheng’s eyes erupted with a powerful killing intent.

He was no longer afraid of Ye Hong.

Facing death and living brought Ye Sheng too many benefits. He had truly completed a transformation.

This wasn’t something that could be explained by breaking through a realm.

He had broken through from the inside out. Whether it was his body, cultivation technique, soul, realm, or Dao Yun, he had made tremendous progress.

Ye Sheng looked at the ten or so storage treasures, which contained all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

With a thought, all the storage treasures exploded, and countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures flew out and drowned Ye Sheng.

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“Disintegrate!”Ye Sheng’s soul power was enormous, and he directly extracted all the spiritual essence of these heavenly materials and earthly treasures and integrated them into his body.


Ye Sheng’s body was like a dry desert, and the spiritual Qi was like an endless sea, instantly drowning ye Sheng.

He was saved.

His body continued to grow in the sea of Spiritual Qi, and the netherworld saintly being once again achieved a breakthrough. Not only that, the fourth reincarnation seal also began to condense.

Ye Sheng had condensed two previously, but he had used them all. Originally, it would have been difficult to condense the fourth seal, but this time, he had accidentally observed the Netherworld and helped Ye Sheng improve a lot, so he was able to condense the fourth seal.

Now, Ye Sheng’s cultivation base had started to loosen, and he had broken through to the sixth level of the emptiness realm in an instant.


The heavenly tribulation slowly condensed, and dark clouds surged wildly, blotting out the sky and covering the sun, covering the sky above the manor.

Ye Sheng was about to undergo the heavenly tribulation.

Ye Sheng’s expression didn’t change in the slightest. Facing the heavenly tribulation, he directly threw out the all gods pill furnace.

The all gods pill furnace had already recovered the origin it had expended previously. After absorbing the Dragon Soul, its power had become unfathomable.


The Pantheon Pill Furnace flew out and rapidly expanded. Under the shocked gazes of quasi-sage Zhou Yuan, Dao elder Qing Xu, and the others, it withdrew the Lightning Tribulation.

Ye Sheng didn’t want to undergo this tribulation, so he directly withdrew the lightning tribulation and then fused all of the 1,000 Dao rhythms he’d just comprehended into his body.

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His two thighs had completely transformed into origin bodies.

Now, Ye Sheng’s four limbs were all origin bodies, and they were already advancing towards a different body. It was extremely inconceivable.

Moreover, what was even more inconceivable was that ye Sheng’s cultivation had instantly reached the peak of the sixth level of the void stage.

He stood up, and his slender body had a terrifying aura, and his eyes were calm as he watched the Pantheon pill furnace slowly float over, entering the center of his brows, and then disappearing.

“I’ve finally broken through.”Ye Sheng let out a long breath, and his face was covered in stubble as he sighed with emotion.

During this period of time, his stubble had grown longer, and he was now a full beard. Ye Sheng had completely become an uncle level person.

Ye Sheng strode out of the meditation room and pushed open the sealed door.


Outside the door, many people were waiting for Ye Sheng.

Quasi-sage Zhou Yuan, eldest brother-in-law Zhou Yi, eldest brother Duanmu Yu, Second Brother Dao Ming, Master Daoist Qingxu, the Northwestern Madman Chu Zhongtian, Chu Zhongtian’s wife Qilin, and a pregnant Beauty Zhou.

Everyone looked at Ye Sheng in surprise, their eyes filled with anticipation.

Ye Sheng walked out and looked at them. He felt as if he had experienced a lifetime. He was someone who had walked through the Netherworld, and now he was alive again.

Thinking of this, Ye Sheng could not help but smile and ask, “How many days until the duel?”

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