The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 483: 483

Changsheng was tricked into forming an alliance with Ye Sheng as the leader. By the time he came to his senses, it was already too late.

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Ye sheng smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I swear on my dao heart that as long as you don’t betray me, I will not mistreat you.”

Changsheng said helplessly, “Is it too late to go back on Your Words?”

“Are you trying to play with the number one expert in the world?”Ye Sheng narrowed his eyes.

Changsheng said apologetically, “Are you joking? Don’t mind it.”

Ye sheng smiled and said, “I’m also joking.”

Changsheng sighed and said, “Forming an alliance with you is equivalent to completely giving up the opportunity to merge the five branches together. Don’t trick us.”

“Merge the five branches together?”Ye Sheng frowned and looked at Changsheng in confusion.

“Someone from the five lineages suggested that the five lineages should unite and develop the tribe. However, this proposal is controlled by the fire-elemental lineages. Their tempers are not much better than those of the metal-elemental lineages. We of the earth-elemental lineages are not willing to confluence with them, so we took the initiative to form an alliance with you,”Changsheng Wild explained.

“What’s the use of confluence? The total number of villages is less than a hundred people. Once you don’t have the support of the outside world, it’s only a matter of time before you all die by yourself,”Ye Sheng said bluntly.

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If the five lineages really confluence and added Liu Ruyan, forcing Ye Sheng and Qin 2nd generation to directly slaughter the members of the longevity clan, their ending would surely be miserable.

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“So we gave up on this idea. It’s completely impossible for the five lineages to confluence. From now on, we’re allies,”Changsheng said solemnly.

“After forming an alliance, a large number of experts will come over in the near future. Adding on the fact that we have four keys in our hands, we can completely take the initiative to look for the members of the other lineages,”Ye Sheng said after thinking for a moment.

“Alright? Then we’ll wait for a few days.”Changsheng Ye’s face lit up with joy.

When the other five old men at the 12th level of the emptiness realm saw this situation, they could only silently support it.

Compared to the convergence of the five sects, they were more willing to form an alliance with Ye Sheng, even if it was with Ye Sheng as the leader.

After a long period of conflict and accumulated resentment, the convergence of the five sects was only a dream.

Seeing that the matter of forming an alliance had been completely settled, ye Sheng asked, “Is there a granny long among the Changsheng Tribe?”

Changsheng wild looked at Ye Sheng in surprise and asked, “How do you know about Granny Long?”

“That’s right. Granny Long is a very special one among our Changsheng tribe. How Do You Know?”The plump person at the twelfth level of the emptiness realm asked.

“An old friend asked me to bring some things for Granny Long, so I asked you,”Ye Sheng said slowly.

“Granny Long, she has already entered the Changsheng Canyon,”sighed the plump 12th level of the emptiness realm.

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“What do you mean?”Ye Sheng frowned. The meaning of these words was not good.

“Granny Long is an unusual member of our Changsheng tribe. She is a woman of the fire element of the upper five lineages. She reached the 12th level of the emptiness realm five hundred years ago and is an outstanding woman of the fire element. The current chief of the fire element wants to marry her, but she has been rejected. Granny long directly said that she wants to leave the Changsheng tribe and live in the outside world,”Changsheng said slowly.

Ye Sheng listened calmly.

“When the people of the fire element heard this, they were immediately enraged. Granny long obviously had a lover outside, so the fire element imprisoned her for a hundred years. During that hundred years, granny long begged for her to leave, but she was rejected. It wasn’t until a hundred years later that Granny long reached the peak of the emptiness realm. She single-handedly defeated the four great emptiness realm level 12 experts, broke free from the imprisonment, and escaped,”Changsheng said.

“It’s too late.”Ye Sheng closed his eyes and said regretfully.

“What’s too late?”Changsheng asked in puzzlement.

“It’s a hundred years too late. Everything has been missed.”Ye Sheng shook his head, and there was a sense of melancholy in his heart.

As a great expert at the twelfth level of the Void realm, it was impossible for Daoist Jiu not to know of the danger of transcending the tribulation, but he still transcended the tribulation.

Why was he in such a hurry?

He had been waiting for a woman for a long time, but that woman did not come.

Taoist jiu thought that she had given up and that he had done something wrong. In his excitement, he transcended the tribulation and ascended.

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Ye Sheng suddenly asked, “Five hundred years ago, did a person called Taoist jiu come knocking on your door?”

“Yes, I remember very clearly that there was such an expert who came to the fire element lineage, but I don’t know what happened. Anyway, he did not enter and was rejected by the fire element lineage. After that, that person left in disappointment,”said the Fat Old Man.

Ye Sheng sighed regretfully, he said, “Priest Jiu loved granny long dearly. He waited for Granny long overseas for a long time, but Granny Long didn’t come, so he came to find her. But he must have been deceived by the fire element and suffered a blow. Then, he went overseas to undergo the tribulation, but unfortunately, he lost his life under the Heavenly Tribulation.”

All these things could be inferred. When priest Jiu was only left with a wisp of remnant soul, he still wrote many letters. It could be seen how much he loved Granny Long.

At that time, Granny Long was imprisoned. It was already too late for her to find the wine Daoist after a hundred years.

After changsheng wild heard this.., he said regretfully, “This is what the upper five lineages insist on. They can’t be combined with outsiders. After Granny Long defeated four people at the twelfth level of the emptiness realm, she left this place. She only returned three hundred years ago, but when she returned, her hair was already white and her appearance was easy to change. She was no longer beautiful.”

“What happened after that?”Ye Sheng asked calmly.

“After that, Granny Long didn’t enter the fire-elemental lineages. Instead, she directly entered the longevity valley and settled down there. Up until now, she hasn’t come out,”changsheng ye said with a complicated expression.

“Bring me to the longevity valley. I obtained Daoist Jiu’s remains, and he has many letters to give to Granny Long,”Ye Sheng immediately said.

“Let’s go together. This person can still be considered a junior of mine, but he has a tough life. He is deeply immersed in the word ‘love’and can not extricate himself from it. He will never be able to walk out of it,”the fat old man sighed.

The others also nodded and were willing to go together.

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“The longevity valley is in a large forest by the Yellow River. The corpses of the past generations of the longevity clan are buried there. Those seniors who are about to die of old age entered with a coffin and have never walked out ever since,”Changsheng said.

Ye Sheng and the others left the Small World and walked along the Yellow River. They all had complicated feelings.

This was a very tragic story.

Because of an ancestral instruction, an ancestral instruction that had to be followed, it was true that Granny Long had fallen in love, but it was wrong that she had fallen in love with an outsider. In the upper five lineages, this was the biggest mistake.

The Wine Daoist was deceived by the people of the fire element. In the end, he failed to transcend the tribulation. A large part of the reason was because of the word ‘love’.

The wine priest loved wine all his life. However, when he had only a wisp of his remnant soul left, he had written three thousand letters. He did not drink anymore. What he was thinking about was not wine, but Granny Long.

During the one hundred years that Granny Long had gone out, she had probably been searching everywhere for the wine priest. Unfortunately, she could not find him anymore.

A momentary miss was a lifetime miss. Both of them had paid the price.

When they entered the longevity valley, they could see tombs everywhere.

These tombs were all well-built. They were all tombs for one person. The only one that Ye Sheng saw was a double tomb.

It was the tomb of the wine master!

Beside him was the tomb of the wine master’s wife.

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