The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 490: 490

The Blue Sky, the azure sea water, the gentle sea breeze, and the wind and waves.

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All of this gave Ye Sheng a familiar feeling.

It had been almost a year since he last came to the sea. Ye Sheng had broken through the emptiness realm on the sea. Everything here made Ye Sheng miss it.

Staying on the sea for a long time would cause him to be bored, but occasionally taking a look would make him feel relaxed and happy.

Early in the morning, the sun rose and shined on the surface of the sea. In the distance, the blue sea and blue sky were connected together. It was extremely beautiful, and the beautiful scenery under the light attracted many people to watch.

The Changsheng tribe had spent their entire lives in a small world, living in seclusion. They had never seen such a scene. Each and every one of them stood on the deck and watched greedily.

It was truly greediness.

Looking at their eyes, they all regretted not coming out earlier to see the beauty of this world.

Ye Sheng actually didn’t understand either. These people had rigid thinking and were tightly restricted by the rules left behind by their ancestors.

The Void Demon King was on Ye Sheng’s shoulder and said in a low voice, “Ye Sheng, the strange things that we encountered in the Black Sea area last time must be the reason for the Pure Land.”

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Ye Sheng nodded. It was very likely.

Before, they didn’t know about the existence of the Pure Land and thought that there was something terrifying in the Black Sea area. But now that they knew where the Pure Land was, after thinking carefully, everything became clear.

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“The old Xuanwu is also in the sea. Will it know?”Ye Sheng’s expression became serious as he asked seriously.

Ye Sheng was extremely fearful of this old Xuanwu that had lived for 20,000 years.

The old man had said before that the old Xuanwu wanted to participate in the battle for the Pure Land. It did not want to undergo the tribulation, but the things in the Pure Land could allow it to ascend without undergoing the tribulation.

The old black tortoise that had waited for 20,000 years absolutely wouldn’t give up. Even if it was a divine beast with a long lifespan, its 20,000 years of time would come to an end.

“Ye Sheng, this old black tortoise’s accumulation is so deep. It must have broken through the 12th level of the Void Martial stage and reached a terrifying level. Once you meet it, you’re absolutely not its match,”the Void Demon King said solemnly.

Ye Sheng nodded. He naturally knew this.

Ye Sheng had a clear understanding of his own strength. Within the 12th level of the Void Realm, he was invincible, but he definitely could not beat those above the Void Realm.

Speaking up to this point, Ye Sheng asked the void demon king in surprise, “What realm is above the Void Realm?”

Ye Sheng had always wanted to ask this question, but the void demon king had refused to answer because ye Sheng’s cultivation was low.

The Void Demon King came from the void, so he naturally knew about this. And in this world, the next person to know would most likely be Liu Ru.

He had inherited the Void Almighty’s inheritance, so he naturally had some understanding of the realm after ascending.

The Void Demon King stood on Ye Sheng’s shoulder and straightened his body. His feathers were constantly fluttering in the wind. This time, he didn’t refuse Ye Sheng.

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“Ye Sheng, your combat strength has also reached the 12th level of the Void Realm. It’s fine to tell you,”the Void Demon King said.

Ye Sheng placed his hands behind his back. His clothes fluttered and his hair danced in the wind. However, his expression was calm as he looked at the vast sea and listened to the Void Demon King’s words.

“Void is a collective name. It is extremely huge. Your World is just a tiny speck of dust within the void. When the mighty figures of the void fight, they can destroy tens of thousands of people. Therefore, the first step for you to ascend into the Void is to absorb the power of the void. It is called the fourth transformation of the Void,”the void demon king said slowly.

“Fourth rotation of the Void?”Ye Sheng raised his eyebrows.

“Yes, this is the first step to enter the void from a small world. If you don’t experience this fourth rotation, you are in the void, and you can only be enslaved. You Can’t even cross the void far away,”the Void Demon King said seriously.

“Which fourth rotation?”Ye Sheng asked.

“Rise, inherit, turn, and unite,”the Void Demon King said.

“Fourth rotation of the Void, Rise, inherit, turn, and unite,”Ye Sheng muttered.

“What you absorb in the Small World is spirit qi, but in the void, it is not spirit qi, but the energy in the endless void. You can treat the void as a vast sea of stars, and the energy you absorb is the origin energy of this void universe,”the Void Demon King explained to Ye Sheng.

“Void, endless starry sky, is it very vast?”Ye Sheng asked.

“Of course, the Void universe, humans are the most worthless thing. Every moment, countless worlds fall, countless new worlds are born, and the number of people who ascend every day is so great that even your world can not hold it. From here, you can calculate how huge it is.”The Void Demon King nodded.

Ye Sheng understood. Flying from this world meant entering the universe. and the universe was so vast that it was hard to imagine, so it was called the void.

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“Then what happens after the fourth transition of the Void?”Ye Sheng asked.

“You’ll know the realm after the fourth transition when you ascend. You Don’t need to understand it now. I’m telling you all this because I want to say that the old Xuanwu is very likely to have reached the fourth transition of the void. It’s just that it hasn’t entered the void, so it’s unable to absorb the origin energy in the universe to break through. But in essence, it’s no longer at the 12th level of the Void Realm,”the Void Demon King warned Ye Sheng sternly.

Ye Sheng’s expression became solemn. This old Xuanwu could not be his enemy.

Perhaps after he had broken through a few more times, the old Xuanwu would no longer be a threat. But now, Ye Sheng still could not provoke it.

Because of the Void Demon King’s warning and explanation, Ye Sheng’s originally happy heart became heavy.

He looked at the vast sea. It was bottomless. The old Xuanwu would definitely appear.

If the old Xuanwu wanted to enter the Pure Land, it would definitely find them. Only when the nine keys were gathered together could it enter.

Therefore, Ye Sheng would be able to meet the old Xuanwu very soon.

The most powerful existence in this world, the Divine Beast Xuanwu.


For three days in a row, the Great Qin royal family’s ships sped across the sea and headed to the Black Sea region with all their might. Everyone received a sea map and studied it carefully. At the same time, they also asked about the situation in the Black Sea region.

Because there were so many empty spaces, they did not encounter any sea demons along the way. It was possible that Ye Sheng had intentionally or unintentionally released a trace of his aura to intimidate the sea demons.

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During the three-day journey, the sea had gone from being stunning and beautiful at the beginning to being cold now. Everyone had experienced a process of visual fatigue.

Even if they liked the sea, they would still see the same scenery after staring at it for three days. They would also calm down and not get excited about it.

Every day, everyone would gather on the deck in twos and threes. They would drink, eat, or cultivate.

Ye Sheng’s side and Liu Ru’s side restrained themselves from quarreling. They were safe and sound.

Before they opened the Pure Land, they could not have a conflict.

And just when everyone thought that they would continue to be calm until they reached the Black Sea, on the morning of the fourth day, the sea suddenly surged, raising huge waves that were hundreds of meters high. Violent winds swept over, and lightning flashed, it was a scene of the end of the world.


Rumbling sounds continuously sounded, causing people to frown as they watched.

On their way forward, a huge mountain emerged from the sea.

When Ye Sheng saw this scene, he sucked in a breath of cold air. “Old Xuanwu, it’s here.”

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