The Earth is Online

Chapter 78

Chapter 78 - Tang Mo deeply feel that they are simply like a girlfriend who is showing cosmetics to her boyfriend.

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The weather is warming up after the start of spring, when there has been extensive spring rain in the southern part of the country. Tang Mo rolls down his car window and looks at the signs of the buildings lining the road. His eyes linger on the billboards of each building to get an idea of where he is now.


"Turn left at that junction ahead."


Fu Wenduo steers to the left, and they continue west.


Having found a clear road sign, Tang Mo no longer needs to use buildings to find his place on the map. Although he grew up in Suzhou and is a native of Jiangsu, he has never been to Nanjing. So he is not a roadie, but he is not afraid to keep his eyes on the map and road signs in this unfamiliar city.


Fu Wenduo's car drove very slowly, as he had only been to Nanjing once.


The black Land Cruiser drove slowly along the spacious road, which was lined with crashed together, congested cars, around which they stepped into the busy part of the city. As the buildings on either side of the road became more dense, so did the number of people on the roadside. Tang Mo gradually put the map down and he turned his head to look out of the window at the people walking along the roadside.


It was now one o'clock in the afternoon, and once in the city they were moving slower than on the highway. Fu Wenduo saw Tang Mo's movement in his eyes and said, "Something's wrong." The tone of his voice was very positive.


Tang Mo withdraws his eyes and looks at Fu Wenduo. After a moment's reflection, he says, "I wouldn't say it's wrong, but the city ...... is a bit strange. I've never seen so many people in Shanghai." After a pause, Tang Mo looks to his left, where three middle-aged men with large bags are emerging from a building, and says: "At night, the streets of Shanghai are never crowded. It's not game time after 6pm, so there's no fear of being pulled into the game suddenly, but players who want to kill and rob can do so with impunity. The danger at night comes from the humans themselves, so I never go out at night either."


It goes without saying that Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo also generally chose to rest up at night and wait until daylight to act.


Fu Wenduo said, "There are not so many people in Beijing during the day either."


"Yes, Shanghai is the same. Everyone hides in the buildings at night, there are people on the streets during the day but not as many. Players in Nanjing ...... seem to be more daring and dare to just go out. They don't look like they're faking it, they're relaxed, to say the least, and they're really not worried about being sneaked up on by stowaways or other players." Tang Mo pointed towards the three middle-aged men. The car flashed by and swept past the three men. Having said that, Tang Mo said, "They're reservists, aren't they?"


Fu Wenduo raised his eyes and looked in the rear view mirror at the backs of the three men. His gaze was different from Tang Mo's, as he was measuring the posture of the three men's walk, their speed, and the state of their back muscles and waist muscles as they walked. After looking at them for a moment, he said, "Haven't seen much combat, and the physical improvements aren't very high, so they should be reserves."


Tang Mo said, "There are three types of players, regular players, reservists and stowaways, with the largest number of people being reservists. Luo Fengcheng has roughly calculated that regular players make up roughly 5% of the survivors, stowaways about 5%, and the remaining 90% are all reserves."


The mall where Atak is located is home to more than eighty players, not including Atak members. According to Luo Fengcheng, only one of the eighty players is an official player, one is a suspected stowaway, and the rest are reservists.


Tang Mo continued: "Four months ago there were 490 million players worldwide, but at the beginning of this year, on January 1st, The black tower was updated to version 2.0 and there were over 100 million players left worldwide. Two months on, it is estimated that there are now less than 100 million players left. Most of those who died would have been reservists, but even so, reservists still make up the majority. They're too big a base."


The car passed a road and Fu Wenduo suddenly slammed on the brakes. Tang Mo fell forward, but luckily he was in the habit of wearing a seatbelt at all times so he did not fall out of the car. Tang Mo looked up ahead and saw two young girls coming out of nowhere. They were obviously not expecting anyone to be driving in downtown Nanjing and they were taken aback.


The two high school girls look warily at Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo in the car, while the ponytailed girl in front of them takes her best friend's hand and quickly runs away.


Tang Mo watched the two young girls run away as Fu Wenduo started the car again.


Fu Wenduo's fingers tapped on the steering wheel, "They're not really unsuspecting, even though they dare to walk casually outside."


Hearing this, Tang Mo fell into a deep thought. His mind replayed every scene he had seen since he had entered the city. There weren't many players they had met, no more than thirty at most. But that number would never be possible in Shanghai. On the streets of Shanghai, even in the daytime, on the busiest road, Nanjing, it was impossible to walk for three hours and meet twenty people.


After much reflection, Tang Mo concludes, "Nanjing's reserves are protected by something."


Fu Wenduo raised an eyebrow at this answer and looked at Tang Mo through the rear-view mirror. Tang Mo's expression was calm, as if he had just made a casual remark, but Fu Wenduo could tell that his tone was more than mere speculation.


"So sure?"


Tang Mo laughed as he leaned back in his seat, "No, it's just that premonition."


Chen Shanshan's psychic super-intelligent mind, when placed in Tang Mo's hands, gives him a 10% accuracy rate for every judgement he makes. Tang Mo didn't say anything about it, after all, it was only his feeling and he didn't dare to guarantee it. He explained, "Proportionally, most of the people we just saw would have been reservists, and for reservists to dare to pave the streets so easily and to defy two of us strangers in a car, obviously coming in from out of town, they had something to fall back on. Perhaps something or someone gave them that security and they dared to be so assured."


Tang Mo himself felt that this was a bit of a stretch. He and Fu Wenduo had guessed that the thirty or so people they had encountered were reservists, but now they had only just entered Nanjing and they thought that someone was protecting the reservists, but there was not enough evidence and they needed more information to prove it.


At this point, Fu Wenduo's low voice rang out, "I think so too."


Tang Mo stares blankly, turning her head to look at the man beside her.


Fu Wenduo drove with one hand and looked up at the road signs in the distance: "Full players and stowaways definitely have powers, and so can reservists. The reserves who pass the first level of The black tower will definitely have powers. If a reservist is so powerful that he dominates Nanjing, he can protect the other reservists. Even if he doesn't, the other reservists will follow his example and stop being timid and scared and dare to enter and leave the city." There was a sudden pause in his voice and Fu Wenduo reached out and touched Tang Mo, "Where is the map?"


Tang Mo was listening to him when, suddenly, it felt hot on his lap. His eyelids fluttered and he looked down. Fu Wenduo continued to drive with his eyes ahead, but his right hand reached up to his leg, his palm pressed against the base of his thigh, his fingertips on the verge of touching the map he had placed on his leg. The hot temperature was transmitted through the thin jeans, and it wasn't the right place to touch, too close to somewhere, maybe even a little. Fu Wenduo touched it so carelessly that Tang Mo squirmed all over.




Tang Mo pulled his leg to the side, pursed his lips and offered to hand the map to Fu Wenduo. He asked, "You want the map?"


Fu Wenduo looked at the detailed map of downtown Nanjing in his map book, he looked at the names of the roads on it and at the next junction made a direct 180° turn and the car turned around. Tang Mo frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"


Fu Wenduo puts the map aside. He turns his head and looks at Tang Mo. His lips curled slightly as he lifted his finger and pointed to a large company logo beside the road. Tang Mo followed his finger and was surprised for a moment when he saw the logo clearly.


Fu Wenduo smiled and said, "Here we are."

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After parking the car in front of the office, Fu Wenduo and Tang Mo enter the long-abandoned high-rise office building.


It is a 43-storey high-rise office building. In front of the building is a dried up fountain, the water in it is cloudy and green without electricity. The office is empty, and Fu Wenduo goes to the reception desk and opens a small book on the desk, looking through the company's information. He looks at it for a moment: "It's on the 42nd floor."


Tang Mo nodded his head. The next moment, he suddenly realised, "...... We're going to climb up the stairs?"


Fu Wenduo looked at him without saying anything, but his expression said: Do you still want to take the lift up?


Tang Mo: "......"


Fortunately, his physical fitness had improved tremendously after coming online on Earth. Tang Mo only felt a little shortness of breath and a little tightness in his calves when he climbed to the 42nd floor. If it was before, he would never have been able to climb this high.


Fu Wenduo: " Fu Wensheng ......" seems to think that this name is too similar to his own to be misheard, so he changes it: "My cousin's grandfather started from nothing in Nanjing. He only had one son and one daughter. I don't know where the family lives, but I do know about their company. Let's look in his uncle's office and maybe we can find his home address."


On the way to Nanjing Fu Wenduo realised a crucial problem: he did not know the address of Fu Wensheng's grandfather's house.


According to his previous speculation, Fu Wensheng was in Nanjing for a holiday at his grandfather's house. He might have come for a couple of days over the weekend, but he didn't expect to come across the Earth online, so he stayed here. In that case, it is most likely that Fu Wensheng's last appearance was at his grandfather's house.


Before Li Wen's mother left home, she thought to leave a note to her son in Nanjing, telling him that she was alive and where to find her. Fu Wensheng was smart enough to have thought of the same thing. He would have thought of the same thing, and with his cousin's reputation spreading all over the world, he would have left a message at home in case Fu Wenduo went looking for him one day.


Tang Mo said, "With a bit of luck, maybe the kid will even guess that you don't know where his grandfather's house is and make a special trip to the office to leave a message at the office."


Fu Wenduo pulls open a drawer and says absently, "He probably doesn't want to see me very much," as he rummages for information.


Tang Mo was stunned: "Why?"


Fu Wenduo slammed the drawer shut. Hearing this, he looked up and smiled at Tang Mo: "I didn't know any better when I was a kid and bullied a lot."


Tang Mo: "......"


Tang Mo can't imagine Fu Wenduo bullying a child, Fu Wensheng, at all.


The more I spend time with Fu Wenduo, the more Tang Mo's opinion of the man becomes ...... skewed. Not as purely strong and reliable as he looks, Fu Wenduo is sometimes quite unreliable and has a knack for making really cold jokes. He is always showing his strong straight man vibe, and often Tang Mo feels like a girlfriend who is showing her boyfriend cosmetics.


There used to be a lot of videos like that online, and a few of Tang Mo's roommates in college suffered from the girlfriend test. What with girlfriends showing their boyfriends their makeup and boyfriends behaving so poorly that it could be a textbook breakup.


Tang Mo feels that Fu Wenduo has this quality and is very good at talking a topic to death.


With that in mind, Tang Mo rummaged through his folder and said, "How do girls get along with you?" How do girls put up with you? Tang Mo stopped moving and turned around to say, "I didn't mean it like that, I was just saying it."


"Why should I get along with girls?" Fu Wenduo asks rhetorically, standing by the window with a straight face.


Tang Mo didn't expect this answer and froze abruptly, "Huh?" Wait, what does that mean?


Fu Wenduo: "There are only two people in my family, Fu Wensheng and I. There were no women in my father's generation either, it was all men. I didn't need to be around girls when I was growing up, it was all men. When I joined the army, there were no women either."


Tang Mo just reacted.


So that's what it was, not what he thought it meant. He thought Fu Wensheng was trying to say that he didn't need to get along with girls at all.


Relieved, Tang Mo explained, "I didn't mean it like that."


Wanting to end this strange conversation, Tang Mo picks up a thick folder and opens it up to check the contents. As his mood calms down, Tang Mo feels a bit strange today, probably because he has been with Fu Wenduo for a long time and is easily infected by his strange straight man vibe.


The two men continued to search for clues, but unfortunately after going through the entire office they could not find any information about the address.


Fu Wenduo: "If it's not on this floor, it's likely that it's not on the other floors either. I'll go outside and look in the deputy general manager's office."


Tang Mo: "I'll go to the secretary's office."


The two men split up.


An hour later, Tang Mo moves quickly and finishes searching the secretary's office first. He waits for a moment before Fu Wenduo walks through the door. The two men look at each other and, without having to speak, they already understand what the other means.


After a half-hearted silence, Tang Mo asked, "What if I can't find it?"


"Look for a few more days," Fu Wenduo said after a pause, his voice calm: "If you can't find it, go back to Beijing."


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Tang Mo said no more. If they couldn't find Fu Wensheng, there was nothing they could do. Nanjing is so big that even if the planet were to come online and the population were to plummet, they would not be able to find a single person in the huge Nanjing. And no one knows if Fu Wensheng is still in Nanjing.


Tang Mo couldn't spend all his time in this place either, he had to go to Beijing to find his best friend.


Despite his words, Fu Wenduo continued to rummage around the office without moving. He tipped the bin upside down and searched its contents for clues. But the bin was just a pile of waste paper, with no information.


Tang Mo looked at him and, after a moment, helped to continue the search. The two of them went through the office again, and before it was completely dark they finished the whole office for the second time. Tang Mo suggested, "There aren't many wealthy neighbourhoods in Nanjing, so we can go back to those tomorrow."


Fu Wenduo stands in front of a huge mahogany table, his head bowed, looking at a photograph on the table. Tang Mo looks over and sees a family portrait of the Fu Wensheng family. The picture of Fu Wensheng is a little different from the one Tang Mo has seen, he seems to be eight or nine years old, and the cute looking boy has a big smile on his face. Beside him stands a man and a woman, apparently his parents. In the middle of the photo is an old man with white hair and on the right is a middle-aged man with a warm smile.


Tang Mo thought that Fu Wenduo had been touched by the situation. After all, he is his own brother, his only family, and it is not incomprehensible that Fu Wenduo's will would be shaken even if he were determined.


Tang Mo asked, "This is his grandfather, and that's ...... his uncle?"


Fu Wenduo did not say anything.


Tang Mo was not very good at comforting people, and he didn't say anything else. At that moment, Fu Wenduo suddenly reached out his hand, picked up the photo and put it in front of Tang Mo, pointed to a skyscraper behind the photo and said, "Have you seen this place anywhere before?"


Tang Mo is frozen. As darkness fell, he took a torch out of his backpack and looked at the photo. I think I've seen it somewhere before." he said, surprised. Tang Mo had never been to Nanjing before and had actually seen the building in the photo, so the only way he could have seen it was ......


Tang Mo had a flash of light: "A map book?"


He quickly took his map book out of his bag and flipped to the map of Nanjing. He flipped back another page, "New Century Square! It's one of the landmarks of Nanjing and it's described on the map." He quickly responded, "This photo was taken by your cousin in front of his family's villa, with the villa and New Century Square behind it. Then their house is near New Century Square, or at least in a place where they can see it."


I never thought I would be able to detect a clue from a photograph. Tang Mo realised that Fu Wenduo was not looking at the photograph at all, he was not looking at Fu Wensheng in the photograph, but at the background behind it.


With a clue, the day's hustle was not in vain.


It was dark outside and the two men had been searching the company all afternoon and now they could finally rest.


Fu Wensheng's uncle's office is very large, and Tang Mo lounges on the sofa, looking at the black ceiling and thinking about every scene he has seen since entering Nanjing today.


The atmosphere in Nanjing is better than in Shanghai. The fact that the weakest preppers in a huge city, under the horrific circumstances of The black tower going up, have the audacity to wander the streets in a dignified manner shows that there is some order in the city. There may not be a real government body or leadership organisation, but there is order.


Tang Mo remembered that the Wang family he met on the highway had come from Nanjing.


The Wang family siblings are preppers and Nanjing's preppers are unique.


"Could there be any connection between the two ......"


"Which two?"


Tang Mo paused for a moment and said, "Nothing, just thought of something strange. When we go looking for someone tomorrow, we'd better not drive. New Century Square is not far from here and the car is a bigger target and very conspicuous."


"Well, it's good to walk there on foot."


Fu Wenduo rests on the sofa next to him. A small coffee table separates him from Tang Mo, and in the quiet of the office the two breathe so steadily and orderly that at times they almost blend together. There is actually a bed in this office, but it is a single bed and not suitable for two people. Tang Mo was not interested in sleeping alone on it, and Fu Wenduo did not mention it, so they each took a sofa and rested on it in a very fair manner.


It's like three days in the car again, Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo often have nothing to say to each other during their breaks. They have a good understanding of each other when they are playing games, and even when they are not playing games, they have a good understanding of each other on a daily basis, and they can understand each other with a look. But they don't know each other, and they don't know what to talk about.


Tang Mo looked quietly at the ceiling and suddenly spoke, "How old is your cousin?"


"Twelve, like in sixth grade."


The age was about what Tang Mo had guessed, but he was more curious about something else: "He's so much younger than you?" How did you manage to bully someone with such a big age difference?


Fu Wenduo sensed the meaning of Tang Mo's words, and in the darkness, he curled his lips and said lightly, "He is fourteen years younger than me. I joined the army when I was eighteen and had four years, that's enough time."


"You joined the army when you were eighteen?" Tang Mo remembered that he seemed to be in his senior year of high school when he was eighteen, preparing for his entrance exams. His parents were still around then, and like any parents, they were worried about his college entrance exams.


Fu Wenduo's voice was low and beautiful in the darkness of the night: "It's quite late. My dad died before I officially joined the army."


Tang Mo falls silent.


Fu Wenduo also said no more.


Tang Mo never told Fu Wenduo about his past, and it was Luo Fengcheng who told him about Fu Wenduo. Tang Mo knew a little about Fu Wenduo and his previous work, but Fu Wenduo knew nothing about Tang Mo.


Having just slept the other day, Tang Mo couldn't sleep. Ten minutes later he stood up and walked to the window, looking at the huge black tower suspended over the Qinhuai River not far away.


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The black tower is identical to the black towers above Shanghai and Suzhou, and it weighs heavily on the ground and on everyone's heads.


Tang Mo heard Fu Wenduo's breathing very steadily, but he knew that the man was not asleep. Tang Mo thought for a moment and said, "I used to be a librarian at the city library in Suzhou. Our city library is in the centre of the city and next to it is a very famous shopping street in Suzhou, called Guanqian Street. It's similar to Nanjing Road in Shanghai."


The voice stopped and there was no response after a long time.


Tang Mo didn't care either, as he looked at the huge, dark tower. After a long time, he heard a male voice from behind him, with a slightly strange tone.


"...... You're the librarian?"


Tang Mo laughed: "Yes, the career establishment, it is also considered an iron rice bowl. It wasn't easy for me to get on, I had to graduate with a 211 degree. After I finished the exam, I thought I was done for life, but only six months later, The black tower appeared. The black tower appears every 10,000 square kilometres, and there are a total of 1,021 The black towers across China. If it is in a city, it is in the busiest part of the city. The black tower in Suzhou is right next to our library, about 200 metres away."


Fu Wenduo is silent for a moment, as if he is thinking about something. He said, "The black tower in Beijing is suspended over Tiananmen Square."


Tang Mo: " The black tower in Shanghai is on the Huangpu River. It's pretty much in the busiest part of the city. For six months, I walked past The black tower every day on the bus to and from work. The black tower is a shadow, not a physical object, but before the Earth went online, I saw something. I told Luo Fengcheng about it, and the night before Earth went live, I saw The black tower seem to become solid for a moment. I thought I was mistaken."


Fu Wenduo: "Perhaps you are not mistaken."


To look or not to look is no longer relevant, the earth comes online as a reality and there are only tens of millions of humans left in the world.


Tang Mo looked at the dark tower in the distance, and after a long time, he turned around and wanted to go back to the sofa to rest. Just as he turned his head, he suddenly saw Fu Wenduo suddenly sitting up straight, his back straight, sitting on the sofa, staring at Tang Mo. The dim moonlight and starlight spilled in from behind Tang Mo, shining a little light on the room. Fu Wenduo's face was hidden in the darkness, but only his dark eyes were fixed on Tang Mo's body.


Tang Mo pauses in his tracks as he stands by the floor-to-ceiling window and stares at Fu Wenduo.


The two men looked at each other for a while and Tang Mo smiled and asked, "What's wrong?"


Fu Wenduo shook his head, "It's nothing. Just didn't think you were the librarian."


"You despise librarians?"


Fu Wenduo looks up at Tang Mo.


Tang Mo curled his lips and his tone was calm: " Do you know who the greatest librarian in China is?"


Fu Wenduo pondered for a long time. Just as Tang Mo was about to say that answer, Fu Wenduo raised an eyebrow and said, "...... Chairman?"


Both laughed at the words.


Tang Mo thought his jokes were so much funnier than Fu Wenduo's, and that his jokes had a lot of substance and weren't cold at all. After a good night's conversation (or so Tang Mo thought), the two seemed to have grown closer and were no longer cold teammates. To be a good teammate, it's not just about having a good understanding, but also about having a close relationship that will facilitate future collaboration.


The next morning, Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo packed up their things and left the office with the photo.


It's about three kilometres from here to New Century Square. Tang Mo Road: "From the angle of the photo, this photo was taken on the south side of New Century Square and we are now on the north side of it, which may take a while to find."


Nanjing is a city with 'many' players on the road, and Fu Wenduo and Tang Mo walk inconspicuously with their bags on. Walking under the dense paulownia trees, Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo are quick on their feet and in fifteen minutes they are downstairs at New Century Plaza.


Tang Mo holds the map and Fu Wenduo holds the photograph. The two of them make a half-circle around New Century Square to find the most similar angle.


Fu Wenduo: "New Century Square is about 8cm high in this photo, and this two-storey villa behind them is also 6cm high. It's still a long way from New Century Square, so it might take a long time to find it."


"Just look for the villa area, it should be fairly easy, it just might be quite a long walk."


Without further delay, the two men found a direction and set off in search of Fu Wensheng's home.


There are many players like Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo in Nanjing, and no one notices them when they walk along the road. Seemingly subconsciously, Fu Wenduo walks on the outside of the road and Tang Mo on the inside. The fallen leaves of the paulownia trees spill onto the ground, spreading a thick carpet of leaves. It made a crunching sound as they stepped on it.


Tang Mo's pace slows as he reaches an abandoned shopping mall, and Fu Wenduo narrows his eyes to the empty one. It was a three-storey mall, a huge space, only slightly smaller than the one occupied by the Shanghai Atak group.


Tang Mo looked closely at the mall, not finding anything unusual, and they continued on their way. Next to the mall was a Sugo supermarket. It was a very large Sugo supermarket, which was so big that it was not set up inside the mall, separate from it.


Tang Mo walked step by step to the entrance of the supermarket, his steps suddenly stopped and he looked at Fu Wenduo: "How long has it been since I saw anyone?"


Fu Wenduo: "Nineteen minutes ago, I met a man and a woman at the junction."


Tang Mo's face changed slightly, "Let's take a detour."


Fu Wenduo also guessed that something was unusual and he turned to go. But they had only taken two steps when they heard a crisp click and Tang Mo lifted his foot to look at the spot where he had just stepped. There were tiny, milky white fragments on the green stone brick path. On closer inspection, he realised that they appeared to be pieces of egg, which had been crushed and only tiny pieces remained. After Tang Mo stepped on it again just now, these egg shell fragments became even smaller and even less noticeable.


Tang Mo's mind had picked up that something was wrong and he looked to Fu Wenduo who also looked to him. Before the two men could speak, an urgent cooing sound rang out from the supermarket behind them, "Coo coo coo coo, my child, where is my child coo!"


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Tang Mo whipped his head around to see a huge white figure swoop out of the supermarket and lunge straight at him. Not daring to be careless, he took the small parasol directly from his backpack and recited a spell to block the terrifying white thing.


The big white turkey hit the small parasol with an ear-splitting thud. Tang Mo was jolted backwards half a step by the force, and his face showed a hint of dismay as he raised his head to look at the turkey. It was not the sudden appearance of the turkey that really shocked him, but the ......


Tang Mo turned his head to Fu Wenduo and quickly said, "I can't use my powers anymore Fu Wenduo, and my physical quality has decreased."


Fu Wenduo was startled as he tried it out, "I can use it."


The big white turkey didn't get angry when Tang Mo blocked it, she cooed and fluttered her wings as she walked over to the eggshells Tang Mo had just stepped on. Tang Mo's heart stuttered. Had he just stepped on these eggshells and stepped on this turkey's baby? But the shells had broken before he stepped on them and there was no chicken inside. And it wasn't a turkey egg, it was just a normal egg.


However, once The black tower decided that it was a turkey egg, it was a turkey egg, and it was crushed by Tang Mo.


Tang Mo: "This is most likely a copy of reality, I stomped on this turkey's egg and crushed its baby. I can't use my powers right now, but you can."


Fu Wenduo twisted his wrist and gazed dangerously at the large turkey in front of him who was looking down at the ground for a broken eggshell.


This large turkey brings its sharp beak to the eggshell and pokes it gently, sniffing hard at the inside again. It's as if it's taking in the scent of its dead child, as if that will bring it back. Watching its movements, Tang Mo gripped the little parasol tightly, ready for the big fight.


The big turkey raises its head, its small black eyes glaring at Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo.


When it looked at itself, Fu Wenduo looked cold and ready to strike. But it looked at Fu Wenduo with surprisingly little reaction, and did not seem to be the turkey that Fu Wenduo had beaten half to death.


The two looked at each other, and the next moment, the big turkey made a sudden move, fluttering its wings and flying towards Tang Mo.


"Coo! My boy!"


Fu Wenduo glared at his feet and in the blink of an eye his right hand turned into a pitch-black sharp weapon. Tang Mo withdrew his umbrella and thrust the tip at the turkey's chest. Fu Wenduo was quicker than he was, as he dodged in front of the turkey and raised his hand to strike down. But his hand was ten centimetres from the turkey's neck when a thud sounded and an invisible barrier appeared in the air, keeping Fu Wenduo out of the turkey's reach.


Fu Wenduo was startled and used his strength to roll backwards a step.


Tang Mo is more alert as he sidesteps the turkey's attack and thrusts back at the turkey at the same time. Just as he was about to hit the turkey, the air barrier reappeared and a clear child's voice rang out in Tang Mo's ears -


"Ding Dong! Player Tang Mo triggered the 'Heartless Matricide' effect and received the punishment Heavenly Strike."




A silver bolt of lightning fell from the sky, a thunderbolt from the sky that struck Tang Mo hard. Tang Mo had no time to react, so he subconsciously raised his parasol above his head. The thunderbolt struck the umbrella and fell down the bones of the umbrella. A violent silvery current passed through Tang Mo's body, and his whole body froze as the current passed through his throat. He swallowed the blood hard.


The big turkey took the opportunity to cuddle up and he swept Tang Mo into his arms with a pair of fat chicken wings.


"Oh my boy, you've finally come out of your shell. Mummy has missed you."


Tang Mo's body was so stiff from the lightning that he had no strength to free himself from the big turkey's embrace, so he could only be held in his arms and rubbed against it with no expression. The turkey held him like a baby chick, pulling Tang Mo by the collar and taking him into the supermarket.


"Cuckoo my sweet boy, your brothers and sisters have been waiting for you for a long time. Of the seven of you brothers, you and your brother were the laziest and didn't come out. Now you've finally come out coo."


Tang Mo has come back to his senses and with his palms braced on the ground, he breaks free of the turkey's shackles with a single push.


The big turkey twisted around and cocked his head to look at him quizzically, "Coochie, my boy?"


Tang Mo looked deep into it, and after a few seconds he finally resigned himself to the fact that he had been pulled into a strange copy of reality. He had not just trampled on the big turkey's baby with that kick, because he was the big turkey's baby. He had stomped on the egg, and he had become the little turkey that broke it. Unable to use his supernatural powers, he could not even move against the Great Turkey, or he would be struck by heaven.


Tang Mo took a deep breath and said, "Let's go. I will walk by myself."


The big turkey cooed and wiggled its buttocks, happily leading the way for Tang Mo.


Suddenly, a crisp click sounded behind Tang Mo. Tang Mo's body froze and she turned her head quickly. At the entrance of the supermarket, a tall, handsome man looked at Tang Mo and smiled slightly. He lifted his foot off the broken eggshell and looked at the big turkey, "Do I count as your boy now?"


The big turkey froze for a second before pouncing on Fu Wenduo again with the same speed and poise with which he had pounced on Tang Mo.


"Coo-coo-coo-coo, my boy!"


"Dingdong! Players Tang Mo, Fu Wenduo have triggered the side quest 'The little turkey that broke the egg' and officially entered the reality copy 'A golden nest is better than your own family's chicken nest'. Please follow the enthusiastic big turkey and enter your chicken nest to officially start the game."




The author has something to say.

Tangtang: ...... I am really touched by Mr. Fu, Mr. Fu, you shouldn't be alone!

Mr. Fu: Why did I take the initiative to enter the game, guess what [grin

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