Suddenly feeling that there was something quite wrong with her body, Radis felt anxious. However, she tried to smile through it and curtsy lightly to greet Olivier.

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Olivier walked closer to her and opened his lips to speak.

“Thank you for granting me your precious time today.”

Precious time, he said.

Radis almost shook her head to say no.

She wasn’t such a busy person.

Just earlier today she thought, ‘After eating so much that my stomach’s this full, should I just go explore the mansion since I’m bored?”

Then Olivier reached forward and, like the brush of a soft feather, kissed the back of Radis’ hand.

Even though it was just a customary greeting, Radis’ heart started beating twice as fast.

“Oh my, my…”

Lina could be heard letting out a small exclamation behind Radis.

And the resounding, ‘oh my my’ continued to echo in her mind.

If it was someone else’s business, she would have admired the scene just as much.

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There weren’t many men who’d look so picturesque while they’re bowing down to kiss the back of a woman’s hand.

However, it was being done to her, and she was the one who’d be spending time with this picturesque man.

‘If it’s a date, then what am I supposed to do? Do I have to make His Highness laugh? Are we going to dance?”

A burden began to weigh down on her shoulders.

With such unconfident steps, Radis followed after Olivier, a couple of steps behind him.

And when she was faced with a brilliant imperial carriage, which was accompanied by five escort knights, Radis looked helpless.

Lina was there on the porch of the mansion, waving a hand with a big smile on her face.

Yves’ bedroom was on the second floor, but he was nowhere to be seen in any of the windows.

When Radis sat down inside the carriage, Olivier asked her.

“Are you alright?”

Radis looked at Olivier, surprised.

Today, Olivier was wearing a reddish-brown hat, and his long hair was braided to the side.

His perfect, beautiful face expressed his concerns.

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“Did I call you out too suddenly?”

Baffled, Radis jumped a little in her seat as she waved her hands at once.

“No, no! Not at all!”

“I don’t think I thought about it enough. I should have accounted for your rest after the banquet. You must be tired since it’s only been a day…”

Radis’ eyes widened.

During monster hunts, the expeditions usually went for as short as three to four days, or as long as fifteen days straight.

It’s impossible that she’d be tired after just a banquet.

“Your Highness, I am fine! It’s no trouble at all, sir!”

Radis was so flustered that she unintentionally started talking like a knight.

“No, sir, it really isn’t… I mean, Lord Olivier, I truly am fine. You don’t have to worry about me.”

Olivier blinked.

He gazed at her with his amethyst-like eyes.

It seemed like there was something he had to say.

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However, instead of saying that, he turned his head and looked out the window. It was then that he opened his lips to speak.

“Have you eaten yet?”


Now that she thought about it, since this morning, she had ingested only the tea that Yves made for her.

Pausing, Radis touched her stomach.

She thought that maybe the reason her body kept feeling strange was because she’s hungry.

After she gave her response, Olivier looked at her and smiled affectionately.

“I’ve made a reservation at a restaurant. If you don’t mind, would you like to eat first?”

“I… Yes, I would like that.”

Radis nodded.

She surmised that maybe she could feel a little better after filling her stomach.

Giving her a gentle look, Olivier then turned his head once more and looked out the window in a relaxed manner.

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After confirming that his eyes weren’t on her, Radis lowered her head slightly and let out a small sigh.

‘Your Highness the Third Prince… Why are you being this way to me?’

Still with her head down, Radis raised only her eyes slightly at Olivier.

She hadn’t noticed until now because she’d been so frazzled, but while Olivier was wearing a white coat, inside, he was wearing a suit jacket that was as red as poppies.

The same color as Radis’ hair.

Radis’ face burned even redder than the garment she had just caught a glimpse of.

It’s fortunate that she wore a green dress today.

If she had worn one of the silver and purple dresses that Yves had ordered for her, Olivier and Radis would have looked like newlyweds who were still in their honeymoon phase.

‘I-It has got to be a coincidence…’

In an attempt to calm down her red face, Radis pressed her cold hands over her cheeks.

She couldn’t believe the situation right now.

It felt like a dream.

‘Maybe, after the Marquis lost that game of chess, he got so angry that he hit me on the head with the chessboard? Maybe I fainted and I’m just dreaming right now?’

Using one hand that was already on her face, Radis pinched her own cheek.

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