He leaned his head against the armrest of the sofa beside him as he was sitting on the ground, then he continued to murmur with a relaxed voice.

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“So… When I saw you, I could tell right away. You’re like me, you’re in pain… We didn’t know each other then, but I could tell. So… I was overcome with the desire to see you smile.”

Radis couldn’t say anything back.

If her pain could be compared to a wound, then it would have been heavily scabbed and calloused over.

Did he recognize her pain, which she had already hidden so deep within her that she didn’t even know that it still existed?

Radis looked up at him with a strange feeling.

Perhaps the lavender tea was proving to be effective, or perhaps because he was relaxed now, but Olivier looked like he could fall asleep at any given moment.

Radis pulled down the blanket from the sofa and wrapped it around him, over his shoulders.

When her touch reached him, Olivier smiled faintly and closed his eyes, like a cat in a pleasant mood.

When he closed his eyes, Radis thought that it was fortunate.

So many things had transpired during this day.

When she led the subjugation squad and hunted monsters, she had to deal with so many things while constantly moving her body.

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In such cases, her body was tired, but her mind became sharper and sharper.

Now, however, it was the first time that she was struck with such a hurricane of emotions.

Her head felt so overwhelmed.

Everything that happened today felt like a distant dream.

‘Ah, stop. Just stop for today.’

Radis decided to stop thinking.

Instead, she stared dazedly at Olivier, who was slowly dozing off.


Despite feeling like she was going out of her mind from all the turmoil her head was undergoing, it seemed like only foolish thoughts could break through the barrier now.

Radis smirked.

Even so, the dozing Olivier really was cute.

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He was a mature princely figure as his eyes were opened, but now that his eyes were closed, and now that he was asleep, his face looked like a child’s.

Rambling thoughts came into her head.

‘Everyone’s cute when they’re asleep. That thick-skulled Thierry and that silly Laszlo’s faces were unbearable to look at while they’re awake, but when they’re finally snoring away, they looked kinda cute, too… Ah, I miss those rascals…’

Radis also pulled a blanket over her shoulders.

She sat back, leaning against the other armrest of the sofa. She still stared at Olivier’s sleeping face.

‘Right, during that day… I wasn’t the only one who was suffering.’

The night that she had been alone during that fancy banquet, as if she was a plague-spreading clown that no one wanted to be in contact with—the outcast of her own family.

Rather, if she had truly died at the end of her previous life, she would have finally found eternal rest. As if she had been tricked by some transcendent being, forced against her will to return to the same life… It was all just too cruel.

She didn’t want to go through the same pain again. So she decided once and for all to struggle and live a life for herself somehow.

But then she had been put in that ridiculous dress, and she was subjected to the unforgiving stares of all those strangers. There’s no way she would not have been suffering.

When Margaret told Radis that she should know her place, it was as if she was being stabbed by an awl, cutting deep into her flesh. And when Margaret proceeded to leave her behind to that despicable Huber, it’s as if she was rubbing salt into the already terrible wound.

In the meantime, she needed to endure.

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Her knees had buckled, and for some reason or another, she did not have the strength to stand up again.

But then, he reached out to her.

And he made it possible for her to stand up once more.


* * *



Yves Russel opened his eyes. He stared blankly at his side on the bed, and he found that orange rinds were strewn all over him.

“Ah, I fell asleep while eating oranges last night…”

Whenever he came to the capital, he tended to shut himself in his room for days on end, doing nothing but eat and sleep as if he was a hibernating bear.

He simply could not understand anyone who thought that going on a trip, attending a fancy banquet, or gambling the night away was relaxing.

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For him, they’re just an extension of his work.

He was the kind of man who thought that the ultimate break from work was to just roll around bed like this.

However, it’s impossible for him to do that in the Russell Marquisate’s residence at Loire. There was a lot of work to do, and there were many vassals observing his every move. He couldn’t get rid of his restlessness there.

For him, the Dvirath townhouse was an oasis away from all that heavy work.

Rina also understood this, so she also made sure to indulge him because she knew how much rest meant to him.

Yves pulled a hand out of the duvet and tapped an orange peel that was stuck on his pillow.

He’s thirsty.

When he turned to look around, he saw that a new water pitcher had been thoughtfully placed within his reach on the bedside table.

Yves raised only his upper body out the sheets, and he poured himself a glass of water.

Normally, he would have just stayed in bed for days and days. However…


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