Chapter 141

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Translator: Yonnee

Margaret instantly regretted opening the door without checking first to see who it was.

As her shoulders shrank a little, she took a step back.

W-Why have you come here? Who are you that, here

She was showing signs that she didnt want him to enter, but Robert did not care one single bit.

As Margaret stepped back, he marched forward and trampled on the clean foyer with his muddy boots.

Before long, she could not bear it any longer and shouted.

No, just what kind of behavior is this?!

Her outburst urged Roberts gray eyes to turn to her.

And the look behind those eyes was deep loathing.

Where is she?

What? Who?

Radis. Where is she?

The moment its made known that the knights business here was regarding Radis and not David, Margarets patience snapped immediately.

Margaret shouted even louder.

Why is this world so full of people with no common decency? Get out, get out! If you dont, my son and husband wont leave you alone!

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At this, Roberts mouth curled up a little.

It was an ever so miniscule change, but this alone brought an eerily cold smile to his face.

These parasites

As a matter of fact, Robert was still holding himself back at this point. However, Margaret instantly turned red after hearing the mans insult.

What? P-Parasites?

Exactly as she heard it. Parasites.

It was only a few days ago when she was called a human being whos worse than an animal just because she admonished her own daughter a bit. Yet this time, she was treated like a parasite.

Right then, Margaret lost her last thread of rationality. She pulled on Roberts arm, which was as thick as a trunk of a tree, and pushed it wildly.

Shes not here! Not here, I say! Now get lost! Why should I live together with that goddamn wench?! Its been a long time since she was kicked out! Now, get out and search the streets!

The womans shrill cries made Roberts countenance shift.

His jaw began to tremble with rage.

His thick neck bulged with veins, his right hand was already on the handle of his sword

And his eyes.

The glare in his eyes was enough to kill a person.

Then, Zade opened the door of his study and shouted.

What now?! Whats going on this time that its so noisy!

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Though it was the middle of the day, Zade was clearly inebriated and he walked with a hobble.

Staggering down to look at the first floor, he was surprised to see a huge man filling the narrow porch. The sight of the man immediately brought him back to his senses.

He had once been a knight, too. He couldnt just stand still when there was a stranger who had barged into his home with his filthy boots, threatening his wife.

Zade bellowed with a loud voice.

W-Who are you?!

Shouting like that, stutter and all, Zade momentarily went back into his study and pulled out a sword from its wall mount. Then, he began to limp down the stairs.

Burglar! Everyone, come down with weapons!

Roberts face was now painted with indescribable disgust.

His hand remained on his swords hilt, conflicted.

But the next moment, what came face to face with him was a terrible sense of helplessness.

Unfortunately, these people were still her family, whether in the previous life or the current life.

With a heavy sigh, Robert took his hand off the hilt and turned around.

Where! Where the hell are you going!

Margaret screamed as she continued to cling to his arm.

She seemed to have forgotten that she had been shrieking for him to get out of her house.

Robert shook off Margarets arms annoyingly, as if he was swatting away a mere mosquito.

But just how strong was he? Margaret was practically flung away as she fell squarely on her bum.

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The next moment, Margarets eyes rolled up and showed only their whites.

It felt as if lightning had struck from her hipbone and up her spine.

Kyaa aack!


Zade turned deathly pale, and he rushed to the scene while intervening between Margaret and Robert.

What is the meaning of this?! I will never forgive you, I swear on the honor of House Tilrod!


Robert tried to say something else, but he couldnt bring himself to do so.

The sight of these brazen peoples faces was making him feel nauseous.

Robert could not stand it any longer.

He came here to find Radis, but he was approaching the point where he couldnt bear not to cut these people down.

However, thats something that she would never want.

Robert kept silent and turned around.

Aack, huoooh, my, my back!


After Robert had slapped away Margarets hand, he walked away.

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It seemed as if shes not in this residence, so he would have to look elsewhere to find her.

E-Excuse me!

As he was about to mount his horse, a maid with a lump on her cheek called out to him.

Though clearly frightened, the maid came up to him and quickly said,

Y-Youre looking for Lady Radis, arent you?

Robert glanced at Irene with suspicious eyes, but he soon nodded.

Right then, Irene grabbed his cloak and whispered quickly with a very small voice.

P-Please help the Lady!

Roberts pallor changed the moment he heard Irenes words.

But he raised his doubts nonetheless. He towered over Irene and asked,

Help? What do you mean? Is she being imprisoned?

E-Even much w-worse than that!

The area around Irenes eyes reddened.

The M-Madam, she she sold off Lady Radis for m-money!

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