However, the wolves’ attention shifted.

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For these hungry monsters with low intelligence, the death of one of their kind became like bait as it turned into a lump of meat for them to devour, and it became more attractive than the enemy in front of them.

Radis jumped into the pack, too.

The hand with mana wrapped around it was like a heavy blunt weapon, or it could also be a sharp sword.

Like a hungry beast herself, Radis knocked down the wolves.

She crushed the wolves’ heads, twisted their necks, and stabbed them in the chest.

At the same time, her expression was calm.

As though she was just cleaning her small room—dusting off the surfaces, scraping off candle wax, making her bed and sweeping the floor.

Rather, these familiar movements even felt boring to her, and she destroyed the wolf pack one after another.


In an instant, the whole clearing was covered with dead bodies of the wolves.

Those left that survived were unfaithful.

Either scared or injured, they ran away while limping and whining.

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Radis stopped there and didn’t chase them.

She wasn’t here to hunt.

Amidst the corpses, Radis pulled the magic stones from each wolf’s third eye, where she could feel their strong miasma.

She didn’t forget to cover her hands with her sleeves while doing this.

Most of the magic stones that she got from the three-eyed wolves were as small as a wheat grain.

It would be difficult to get a high price for these since three-eyed wolves were considered as low-rank monsters.

However, it wouldn’t be strange if she’d be kicked out from the Russell Marquisate tomorrow, so even this much was something she appreciated.

“Well then, first…”

Radis sighed, looking down at her body that was covered with the wolves’ black blood.

“I have to wash up… and then go back.”


* * *

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As she washed away the black blood in a stream, Radis decided to meet Marquis Russell as soon as the sun rose so that she could talk to him about what she wasn’t able to say yesterday.

But she couldn’t do as she planned.

She caught a terrible cold that day.

Looking back, this was a plausible outcome.

She had pushed her body too hard when it wasn’t used to mana yet, and at the same time she used too much mana, sweated a lot and then washed herself in a cold stream.

And to top it off, she returned on horseback, riding through the cold wind without having dried herself first.

It would be more odd if she hadn’t caught a cold.

But something strange happened then.

Allen, who visited Radis for breakfast, found out that she had a cold and suddenly had an expression as though he was about to collapse.

“Call the doctor!”

“I’m fine. It’s just a cold.”

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“Bring him in right now!”

Radis rarely ever had a doctor visit her.

And even more so, it was impossible to have a doctor visit her for something as insignificant as a cold.

The doctor who Allen called was House Russell’s family doctor.

In the midst of her fever and all that commotion, Radis was feeling so grateful that she didn’t know what to do.

Even so, the doctor didn’t get angry at Radis. He didn’t scoff at her for being called just because of a cold, and neither did he make her feel intimidated by all the medical fees.

The doctor kindly said that he would diagnose Radis and prescribe some medicine for her.

Drinking the brewed herbal concoction, Radis’s stomach felt warm as she lay back down on the soft bed.

She was feeling a little out of sorts because of her fever and she was hurting all over as though she was beaten, but even after all that, she felt a little… no, she felt really good.

While she was in the Tilrod household, no one looked after her even if she was sick.

Whenever Radis was sick, Margaret would only say, ‘Rest well and just get better.’

Radis always had to endure everything alone, whether it was when she had a stomachache after eating spoiled food, when she had a terribly high fever, or even when her finger broke while using a wooden sword.

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‘It’s the first time someone’s worried about me.’

After her cold got better, Radis decided that she should thank Allen.

But the strange things continued after that.

“I’ll help you change your clothes!”

“Would you like some lemon water?”

“How about warm milk with honey?”

“I’ll change the wet towel on your forehead!”

Two maids at a time came to Radis’ room alternately.

She fell asleep because of the medicine. Then when she opened her eyes, the maids were there, but she fell asleep again. And when she opened her eyes again, there were different maids.

This was a Marquisate, so it must be natural for the maids to take special care of their guests like this, but…

There’s too many of them.

It’s like almost every maid in the household had come to visit Radis.

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