“What’s this?”

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“It’s a theater play ticket.”

“A play?”


Yves Russell, who was wearing a black frock coat, faced Radis.

In the marquis’ hand was a pretty envelope with gold trimmings, and as he was showing this, there was a rare playful smile on his lips.

“Have you ever seen a play?”


“I heard this is a very popular play these days. It was pretty hard to get tickets.”

Radis tried to look at the envelope with an aloof expression, but her eyes couldn’t hide her indescribable curiosity.

Yves Russell spoke in a tempting tone.

“Would you like to go?”

Seeing the starlight basically shooting out from Radis’ eyes, Berry was like, “Oh my gosh…!” and she had to cover her mouth with both hands tightly so she wouldn’t shout.

“But! There’s a condition.”

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Yves Russell pointed towards Radis’ tattered pants.

“Not like that! You have to wear a proper dress!”

Radis gulped.

She had never done anything related to cultural arts.

A theater play for someone like her who never got to own even a single book she wanted to read!

‘I don’t think I need to wear that pink sponge again, it’ll be just a dress.’

Radis nodded.

“I understand.”

Yves Russell smiled satisfactorily as he tucked the tickets back into his coat’s inner pocket.

At this, Radis’ eyes shook.

“The… ticket?”

“What? Did you think you’re going alone? We’re going together, of course.”

“Ah, is that so?”

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Excited by the mention of a theater play, Radis seemed to harbor no doubt.

The smile on her face was like a white daisy blooming on a grass field.

‘Lady Radis, your smile! Please, smile at me, too!’

Berry rushed in with the tray.

“Lady Radis, here’s another pie.”

Radis smiled brightly with that smile at Berry.

“Thank you, Berry.”

It was a truly heavenly smile.

Setting down the pie, Berry smiled and took a step back.

‘Oh, I think all the impurities of my heart are being washed away. I’m so happy…’

Berry stepped back with a happy smile, but then she suddenly came into sight of a black devil who was looking down at Radis.

Berry hurriedly rubbed her eyes.

‘W-What? A devil?’

But as she looked again, it was Berry’s employer, Yves Russell.

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With the collars of his black frock cloak raised, his head tilted to the side while the corners of his lips secretly raised into a devious smile… Yves Russell literally looked like a devilish duke.



* * *



‘A theater…!’

Radis felt like her heart was fluttering as it did when she was a child.

She recalled the occasional stories she heard from her younger brother, David.

Whenever Radis left for the subjugation in David’s stead, David had to hide away from prying eyes.

However, it seemed like David often disguised himself and went outside anyway because he hated being trapped in the mansion.

In particular, he seemed to like going to plays because he was immersed in them.

One day, Radis heard David talking about a play at the dinner table.

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Radis was so curious about his words as she glanced at him.

‘Everyone was so surprised that it’s as if everything turned upside down. But suddenly when she looked over everyone became excited. Madam Luvinec came with her lover and she was so surprised that she fainted. It was crazy.’

And this was what Jurich asked.

‘Madam Luvinec’s lover, you mean that violinist?’

‘I think so, yeah.’

Radis asked, too.

‘How did the fairy come down from the sky?’

When she asked, David only crumpled his expression the same way he did when he was younger. It was exactly the same face whenever he said, ‘I’m going to tell Mom!’

‘If you’re curious, why don’t you go see it yourself?’

But Radis couldn’t go see the play.

She didn’t have any money or time to hang around leisurely like David. And she didn’t have any clothes to wear to such a place.

More than that, after her skin had gotten so discolored that it looked purple, Margaret became even more harsh on her, so it was more difficult for Radis to go outside the mansion.

But now, that was all in the past—no. It was never going to happen again.

‘I’ve really… broken away from them. I’m far away from House Tilrod.’

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