Chapter 74

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Translator: Yonnee



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The man who looked to be the auctioneer shook his head and spoke.

“Gorz, the night market is already over! If you want to sell some items, please come back during the next scheduled auction!”

“Then when’s the next auction scheduled?”

“How many times do I have to tell you for you to remember? The next auction schedule for the night market will only be set after there are enough items available that the customers would be interested in!”

The auctioneer touched his beard and gestured to the man named Gorz.

“And, Gorz, it’s obvious what kind of item you’ve brought. Is that another egg? Don’t even try to sell something so ugly here. One or two of those things had been sold before just because of short-lived fascination, but have you seen any getting sold recently? It’s just trash that you know will rot!”

“It’s different this time!”

Gorz, a bald mercenary wearing a dirty outfit, approached the auctioneer and whispered with a low voice.

“This one is quite different. You’ll know it when you see it. This is a very, very special item!”

After heaving out a sigh, the auctioneer responded.

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“Well, fine, take it out then. I’ll take a look first.”

“Huh? Oh, uh… I don’t have it on me right now.”

The auctioneer glared at Gorz with an annoyed expression on his face.

“What nonsense are you talking about now?”

“It’s not here. I hid it at our headquarters.”

“Gorz, are we playing a game now? You said that I’ll know it when I see it. But you aren’t even going to show me here? Do I look so gullible to you?”

“Hehe, it’s too dangerous to bring it all the way here. If you just give me an advance on the payment…”

“This bas—”

The auctioneer pushed Gorz hard on the chest with a loud accompanying sound.

“Get out! You don’t even have anything to sell here but you’re asking me to pay you in advance?! Tough luck! Don’t ever seek me out again! Ugh!”

Staggering back after being pushed by the auctioneer, Gorz replied back in an angry voice.

“You’re going to regret this!”

With an eyepatch on, a smaller man beside Gorz tried to calm him down.

“Look, I told you so. It’s impossible to get an advance.”

“Sh*t! Luke, I told you we should have brought it!”

“Gorz, that thing is so ominous. If we move it, we’ll be in danger!”

It was right then.

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Someone grabbed the man by the back of his neck and whispered grimly.

“Caught you.”

Gorz and Luke looked behind them.

There stood Radis, wearing a cute dress and a fancy hat.

As she glared at Gorz, Radis said,

“You detestable punk.”

Then, someone else placed their hand on Radis’ shoulder and said,

“Caught you.”

Radis didn’t have to look back to see who it was.

Yves sighed as he glanced at Radis.

“You troublemaking young lady.”

Yves took Radis’ hand off the man’s neck.

Then, he said to Gorz,

“Sorry about that. Our young lady here is a bit of a troublemaker.”


Luke immediately shut Gorz’ mouth.

“Hehe, old man! We’re the ones who were rude here!”

“Shut up!”

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“Shh, come on.”

Luke whispered into Gorz’ ear.

“I’ve seen that guy’s ring! He’s Marquis Russell!”


As Gorz and Luke fell silent, Yves quickly dragged Radis away.



“I know it’s a bit surprising to see some ugly faces, but it’s too much to say that someone’s detestable just because they’re ugly!”

“That’s not what I mean at all. That jerk…!”

Radis couldn’t bring herself to speak.

She recalled this mercenary named Gorz.

He was a criminal lowlife who played a decisive role in the reason why Radis had such a negative perception of all mercenaries.

The leader of the Kingsnake Mercenary Guild, Gorz!

Gorz was a horrible villain who would lure small monsters to attack villages just so that he could get commissioned to save them. After his method was discovered, he became a wanted criminal.

But it would take years before Gorz would become incriminated.

Right now, no one knew the evildoings of Gorz.

While he patted Radis’ shoulder as if soothing her, Yves handed something over to Radis.

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“Here you go.”

It was the rusty, 110 thousand rupen sword that was wrapped in cloth.

Finally holding this sword, Radis exclaimed,


“Heavy, isn’t it? It’s filthily heavy.”

“It’s fine.”

Radis patted the rusty iron blade.

Seeing this, Yves looked at her with a puzzled expression.

“If you’re going to bring it to the mansion, put a note on it that says it’s not trash. If anyone sees it, they might try to throw it away.”

Radis glanced at Yves and said,

“What do you mean, trash?”

From where she was, patting the rusty sword, she could see the backs of Gorz and Luke as they were about to leave.

It would be several years later until Gorz would become a wanted criminal.

Perhaps Gorz was just an ordinary mercenary now.


‘What ominous thing were they talking about?’

Those words made her think about something peculiarly unpleasant.


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