There were mountains of potatoes at the front of the potato test field.

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Each potato was bigger than a goose egg.

Emperor Jing Li and Empress Dowager looked at Liao Qing Qing in amazement.

Liao Qing Qing had worked very hard to make changes to the “umbrella flowers”. She did not miss out on any stage of their growth in order to maximise the yield of the potatoes.

She knew she would succeed. But she was still astonished when she saw it with her own eyes.

She looked towards the Empress Dowager and then at Emperor Jing Li. Her face was filled with joy. She said, “Empress Dowager and Your Majesty, the potatoes have really grown.”

Empress Dowager finally revealed a faint smile, different from his usual cold and distant self.

Emperor Jing Li nodded. “Let’s go and have a look.”

Liao Qing Qing supported Empress Dowager as she entered.

The Minister of Revenue and the Bureau Chief of the Department of Agricultural Products, who were personally raking the potatoes, turned their heads to look at Emperor Jing Li, Liao Qing Qing and Empress Dowager.

Without waiting for Fu Sheng to announce their arrival, they hurriedly dropped the potatoes and patted away the soil on their hands. Then, they pushed down their sleeves and quickly approached the three of them and paid their respects.

“You may rise.” Emperor Jing Li said.

“Yes.” The two of them stood up.

Emperor Jing Li looked out over the vast potato test field. It was once a tender green field, but now it had a faded pale green and beneath it lay an abundance of fruit and infinite hope.

Emperor Jing Li asked, “How is the harvest?”

The Minister of Revenue said excitedly, “Thanks to Your Majesty’s and the Empress Dowager’s blessing, the harvest was extremely pleasing under Lady Xi of Bright Countenance’s guidance!”

“What is the yield?”

“The yield is about one thousand catties (500 kg/1102 pounds) per mu.”[1]

One thousand catties! (500 kg/1102 pounds)

It’s really one thousand catties! (500 kg/1102 pounds)

Ever since the founding of the Great Wei Dynasty, great importance has been placed on agriculture. Both Emperor Jing Li and Empress Dowager were very knowledgeable about agriculture.

What did one thousand catties signify?

One had to know that the Great Wei planted rice, wheat, grain, soybeans, etc. When the year was good, the yield per mu was only about three hundred catties.

The yields of potatoes actually reached a thousand catties per mu.

It was more than three times that of other grains!

Both Emperor Jing Li and Empress Dowager gasped inwardly as their hearts were in turmoil. Their ancestors and the late Emperor had always wanted the people to be well fed and clothed, which may soon come true.

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This was all thanks to Liao Qing Qing.

Emperor Jing Li and Empress Dowager looked at Liao Qing Qing simultaneously.

Liao Qing Qing smiled and said, “Your Majesty and Empress Dowager, one mu of land can yield a thousand catties of potatoes. Previously, this imperial concubine[2] and the Bureau Chief of the Department of Agricultural Products had done many experiments on potatoes. Other than mouldy and sprouted potatoes, which are inedible, potatoes can be steamed, boiled, fried, baked, etc. It can be used as the main food source and can also be fried, made into soup or all kinds of food. This can solve the problem of eating and drinking for many people at once.”

“Lady Xi of Bright Countenance is right,” The Minister of Revenue hastily responded in agreement. “When the potatoes were growing, this humble subject[3] assisted Lady Xi of Bright Countenance in hundreds of experiments and consulted various imperial physicians on the toxicity of the plants. Our bodies remained healthy and unharmed.”

Emperor Jing Li suddenly asked, “Have you eaten all the potatoes grown by Lady Xi of Bright Countenance?”

The Minister of Revenue was stunned by this question.

He had served as the Minister of Revenue for four years.

He had been working very hard, but he had not achieved anything.

This year, the Department of Agricultural Products found a new type called “potatoes”, and he had to grasp the opportunity.

After repeated tests and research, he found no harm in potatoes except when they were moulding or sprouting.

However, as the Minister of Revenue, he was still a bit uneasy.

With Lady Xi of Bright Countenance’s consent, he brought home the potatoes that Lady Xi of Bright Countenance had planted and steamed, boiled, fried, baked and stir-fried them in various ways based on what Lady Xi of Bright Countenance had said. His family ate them to their heart’s content.

Not only did they not get sick, but their health also improved.

He tried it on himself, and the potatoes were edible.

This thing could definitely change the history of the Wei Dynasty. He was so excited, but he never imagined that Emperor Jing Li’s attention would be focused on the potatoes grown by Lady Xi of Bright Countenance, which he had eaten.

He was at a loss as to what should be done presently.

The Empress Dowager cleared her throat.

Liao Qing Qing also looked at Emperor Jing Li.

Emperor Jing Li coughed, changed his tone and asked, “How does it taste?”

The Minister of Revenue responded, “Very good. This humble subject’s whole family liked it. This humble subject’s seventy-year-old mother had lost all her teeth and had difficulty eating. But eating potatoes wasn’t bothersome to her. Recently, she has gained weight, and her body is getting better.”

“Is that true?”

“Replying to Your Majesty,” the Minister of Revenue prostrated himself onto the ground, placed his left hand over his right hand placed in front of his knees on the ground and placed his forehead on them.[4] He continued, “Eating is a matter of life and death, so this humble subject will never dare to take it lightly.”

“Good.” Emperor Jing Li looked at the mountains of potatoes around him and joyfully raised his voice. He said, “Reward! Reward all of them! Reward all of them generously!”

When Emperor Jing Li said this, it was equivalent to affirming their efforts.

Instantly, the test field was filled with joy, and they all knelt in unison and shouted ’long live’.

Emperor Jing Li laughed heartily and turned to look at Liao Qing Qing.

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Liao Qing Qing also laughed happily.

Then, Emperor Jing Li instructed the Department of Agricultural Products to continue raking potatoes and asked Liao Qing Qing to accompany Empress Dowager back to rest. After that, he immediately summoned the imperial subjects to discuss the potatoes.

The rumours about potatoes had spread around for months, both inside and outside the palace. Everyone knew that Lady Xi of Bright Countenance had discovered a new crop that was being grown and was said to yield more than other grains.

The imperial officials had only heard of it, but no one had seen it.

Now, after seeing it with their own eyes, they were all extremely curious.

When they heard Emperor Jing Li say that the yield was one thousand catties per mu, all of them had a disbelief expression. Then, they listened to the Minister of Revenue telling them all about the growth of the potatoes.

The imperial officials were dumbfounded.

Emperor Jing Li ordered potatoes to be steamed for the imperial officials. The aroma of potatoes pervaded the whole courtroom.

After eating them, the imperial officials were completely convinced by Emperor Jing Li’s words.

They officially began to study how to introduce the cultivation of potatoes to the people.

This deliberation began at noon and continued into the evening.

When they were hungry, they nibbled on potatoes.

Emperor Jing Li let the imperial officials leave only when the sun had set.

However, each imperial subject left the palace with a basket of potatoes in their hands. This scene entered many eunuchs’ and palace maids’ eyes and soon reached Liao Qing Qing’s ears.

Liao Qing Qing smiled and asked, “Everyone is carrying a basket of potatoes?”

He Xiang nodded. “Yes.”

“Then what kind of expressions did the imperial officials have?”

“This maidservant[5] has heard that there are all kinds of expressions.”

Liao Qing Qing’s lips curved into a smile.

This is something Emperor Jing Li could have done.

As she was thinking about Emperor Jing Li, the sound of Fu Sheng’s announcement sounded from outside the room, “His Majesty has arrived—”

Liao Qing Qing immediately got up and went to greet him.

Just as she stood at the door, Emperor Jing Li walked up to her and placed his arms around Liao Qing Qing’s shoulders, not giving her the chance to pay her respects at all.

Liao Qing Qing still said, “Wishing Your Majesty to be in great health.”

Emperor Jing Li said with a smile, “Mm. Qing Qing and I[6] would be in great health together.”

Liao Qing Qing averted her gaze to look at Emperor Jing Li’s handsome face and said, “You look very happy, Your Majesty.”

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“Of course, I am happy.” Emperor Jing Li placed his arms around Liao Qing Qing and sat down on the soft couch in the bedroom. He also poured water for himself and Liao Qing Qing.

Liao Qing Qing extended her hands to receive it. She asked, “Because of the potatoes?”

Emperor Jing Li sipped his tea and gave a light “mm” sound.

Liao Qing Qing asked again, “I heard that when the imperial subjects left, they had a basket of potatoes in their hands?”

“Mm. That’s my reward for them.”

“… You’re just rewarding this?” Liao Qing Qing couldn’t help but feel that Emperor Jing Li was being a bit stingy.

Emperor Jing Li justifiably said, “They didn’t put in as much effort as the Minister of Revenue and the Bureau Chief of the Department of Agricultural Products. A basket of potatoes is enough.”

“The Minister of Revenue and the Bureau Chief of the Department of Agricultural Products were both rewarded?”

“Of course.” Emperor Jing Li put down the teacup and added, “I rewarded them partially first and then ordered the rewards to be given after the potato cultivation has been implemented.”

“Your Majesty, how are you going to implement it?” Liao Qing Qing was very concerned about the cultivation of potatoes.

“In the same way as Beloved Concubine.”

“The same way as this imperial concubine?”

“That’s right, just picking a test area out.”

Liao Qing Qing listened attentively.

Emperor Jing Li said, “The common people are pragmatic. There is always doubt, and resistance to new things and types, which is understandable, and I don’t want to force them.”

Liao Qing Qing nodded.

“So I want to do it like how Beloved Concubine did. I will pick a test area to plant. When it has yielded positive results, the other common people will naturally accept it easily.”

Liao Qing Qing nodded once more and replied, “Your Majesty has a point.”

Emperor Jing Li asked, “I have decided that Zhu prefecture that your father, Liao Shi Wen, once governed should be used as a test area to start growing potatoes on a large scale as an example for the other regions. What does Qing Qing think of this?”

“Your Majesty, have you gone to check the situation of the fields over there in Zhu prefecture?”

“There are records over at the Department of Agricultural Products stating that they are indeed suitable for cultivation.”

“This imperial concubine also feels the same.” Liao Qing Qing had previously read the Great Wei Domain Records several times and still had a basic understanding of some parts of the Great Wei Dynasty.

“Then you are still asking?” Emperor Jing Li asked with his eyebrows slightly raised.

Liao Qing Qing answered, “This imperial concubine just wants to make sure, just in case.”

Emperor Jing Li gazed at Liao Qing Qing with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

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Liao Qing Qing asked in confusion, “Your Majesty, what are you looking at this imperial concubine for?”

Emperor Jing Li warmly replied, “Qing Qing, you’re my meritorious subject!”


“You have made significant contributions!”

“This imperial concubine is not that amazing,” Liao Qing Qing said softly. She truly didn’t think she possessed that ability. She just knew potato flowers from her previous life and happened to know how to grow and primp them.

“You do. You don’t even know how many Great Wei people you have saved with this move.” Emperor Jing Li held Liao Qing Qing’s hand and said, “I have already rewarded other people, but only you… don’t know what to give you. Qing Qing, what do you want?”

After much contemplation, Liao Qing Qing said, “Give this imperial concubine silver.”

“??? You just want this?” Emperor Jing Li asked in disbelief.

“Mm.” Liao Qing Qing nodded.

“Why do you need so much silver?”

“This imperial concubine wants to buy new clothes, rouge, powder, and reward the palace maids.”

“Have you finished spending the thousands of taels of gold gave you?”

“No. Who would dislike having so much money?”

“….I am not giving you any silver,” Emperor Jing Li said seriously.

“???” What breed of Emperor is this? It was him asking her what she wanted. In the end, she said it, but he wouldn’t give it. What does he mean?

Emperor Jing Li said, “I want to give myself to you.”

Liao Qing Qing, “???”


The author has something to say: ——

Liao Qing Qing: A man’s thoughts are impossible to fathom. I’m unable to guess it. I’m unable to guess it.


[1] 亩(mǔ)- Classifier for fields. Unit of area equal to one fifteenth of a hectare. 1 mu= 0.0667 hectare/666.67 sqm

[2] 嫔妾(pín qiè)- This imperial concubine. It is a self-appellation that can only be used by Lady of Talents (才人), Noble Lady (贵人), etc to the Emperor and Empress Dowager.

[3] 微臣(wēichén)-This humble subject/this small official. It’s a self-humbling term used by government officials and officials in feudal courts.

[4] 大礼(dà lǐ)- Grand salutations should be the same as palace salutations. This is where one prostrated himself onto the ground, placed his left hand over his right hand placed in front of his knees on the ground and placed his forehead on them.

[5] 奴婢[núbì]- I; your humble servant (term of self-address used by servants, maid-servants and eunuchs when addressing the emperor, minister, concubines, etc.)

[6] 朕(zhèn)- I (imperial) or we (imperial use).

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