Names mentioned in this chapter (which can also be found in the glossary):

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-廖青青(Liào qīngqīng)- Liao Qing Qing, the female lead. 

–曦昭容(xī zhāo róng)- Lady Xi of Bright Countenance, Liao Qing Qing’s current designation.

-景礼帝(jǐng lǐ ​​dì)- Emperor Jing Li, the male lead.

-荷香(Hé ​​xiāng)- He Xiang, the female lead’s maidservant

-福生(fú shēng)- Fu Sheng, the emperor’s chief eunuch. 

Current Ranking: Empress Dowager → Worthy Consort + Virtuous Consort + Consort Liang → Lady Xi of Bright Countenance →  Lady Li of Graceful Ceremony → Ye Liangyi + Wu Liangyi → Noble Lady Liao + Noble Lady Jiang

The next day was the first day of the Lunar New Year, and Emperor Jing Li started to be busy again with worshipping the ancestors, attending imperial court, analysing the six ministries’ events, etc.

It was a busy start to the year compared to the end of the year.

Meanwhile, Liao Qing Qing was also busy.

Ever since she had taken over the affairs of the imperial harem, she was not as free as before, mainly because she was not very proficient in her duties. Hence, she studied hard, and she felt the strain not on her brain but on her body.

She was always sleepy.

It was only then that she suddenly remembered that she had not had her period last month. She hastily asked He Xiang to go to the Imperial Infirmary and call the Imperial Physician to come and have a look.

Liao Qing Qing was Lady Xi of Bright Countenance, Emperor Jing Li’s most favoured person, who might soon be the Empress. Hence, the Imperial Infirmary took this very seriously and sent the most senior Imperial Physician to take Lady Xi of Bright Countenance’s pulse.

The senior Imperial Physician first asked Liao Qing Qing about her daily diet, work, rest, etc.

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Both Liao Qing Qing and He Xiang answered the questions.

He Xiang did not know where her mistress was feeling unwell, so she stood by the side and watched the senior Imperial Physician take her pulse. She felt very anxious and was worried that her mistress might be seriously ill

The senior Imperial Physician took her pulse with a serious expression, taking longer than ever before.

He Xiang held her breath and didn’t dare to say a word.

Liao Qing Qing was also a little worried because of the senior Imperial Physician’s seriousness.

It can’t be that she suffers from some kind of disease, right?

After a long while, the senior Imperial Physician finally withdrew his hand. Then, he bowed to Liao Qing Qing solemnly, “Congratulations to Lady Xi of Bright Countenance. Congratulations to Lady Xi of Bright Countenance. It is an auspicious pulse.”

Liao Qing Qing stared blankly.


He Xiang was so shocked that she covered her mouth.

Liao Qing Qing asked in surprise, “Imperial Physician, are you saying that I am pregnant? I’m pregnant?”

“Yes. It’s been more than two months.” The senior Imperial Physician continued, “And your pulse is calm. Everything is normal.”

“Then why don’t I have any side effects? I mean such as vomiting, feeling uncomfortable and whatnot, there was none.” Liao Qing Qing had a vague feeling before the Lunar New Year. However, she was so busy that she had forgotten about it. She did not expect that she was really already pregnant.

The senior Imperial Physician explained, “Answering Lady Xi of Bright Countenance, everyone’s body is not the same, and that is the same during pregnancy. Lady Xi of Bright Countenance’s drowsiness is also a type of side effect.”

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Liao Qing Qing nodded her head.

He Xiang’s voice trembled with excitement as she grabbed the senior Imperial Physician and asked, “Imperial Physician, then… then… then what should my Mistress pay attention to? Such as eating and sleeping, what should she take note of?”

“He Xiang, don’t get too worked up.” Liao Qing Qing laughed and said.

He Xiang tried her best to calm herself down so that she didn’t latch herself onto the senior Imperial Physician’s body.

The senior Imperial Physician said, “This humble subject[1] has a book with detailed instructions. This humble subject will slowly explain to Lady Xi of Bright Countenance.” It had been many years since any new life had been born in the palace, and Lady Xi of Bright Countenance’s pregnancy had also shaken the senior Imperial Physician’s mind. He took a book out and immediately narrated it to Liao Qing Qing and He Xiang.

He Xiang listened extraordinarily attentively.

After the senior Imperial Physician finished speaking, he said, “You can consult this humble subject again if there is anything you don’t understand.”

Liao Qing Qing nodded her head.

He Xiang took the book.

Liao Qing Qing said, “Imperial Physician, don’t speak a word about the pregnancy. Let me tell His Majesty personally.”

The senior Imperial Physician said, “This humble subject obeys the order.”

“He Xiang, see off the Imperial Physician.”


He Xiang passed a large red envelope to the senior Imperial Physician and returned indoors. She hurriedly placed another layer of soft cushions on Liao Qing Qing’s chair before letting Liao Qing Qing sit down. Then, she asked, “Mistress, why don’t you tell His Majesty and the Empress Dowager about this great, joyous event?”

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“Who said I won’t be telling?” Liao Qing Qing said, “I want to personally inform His Majesty and the Empress Dowager. It’s not good to spread the news everywhere now that it’s less than three months.”

“Yes, yes, yes. This maidservant’s family does the same too. We will only broadcast it after three months.”

Liao Qing Qing nodded and asked, “It’s almost noon, isn’t it?”

He Xiang nodded. “Mm. It’s almost time. Just now, the Imperial Physician asked about lunch. Mistress, what do you want to eat? This maidservant will make another trip to the Imperial Kitchen.”

“No need. His Majesty will be here in a moment.”

“Mm. His Majesty will definitely be thrilled.”

Liao Qing Qing smiled and subconsciously rubbed her currently flat tummy, but it had a magical feeling.


She is actually pregnant!

She is actually really pregnant!

This feeling was really beyond words as if the world was suddenly producing beautiful music, dotted with natural rhythms.

Her mood instantly became extremely good, and the corners of her mouth unconsciously raised. Emperor Jing Li kept talking about children repeatedly. Now that there is a child, he will surely be happy too, right?

That is for sure.

Liao Qing Qing imagined Emperor Jing Li’s appearance when he heard the news. Then, she waited patiently for Emperor Jing Li to come over at noon. However, instead of awaiting Emperor Jing Li’s arrival, Fu Sheng came.

“Lady Xi of Bright Countenance, His Majesty has sent this servant here to tell you that he is in the imperial study with several ministers, so he will not come and have lunch with you at noon.” Fu Sheng said.

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Liao Qing Qing was a little disappointed inwardly. But thinking that Emperor Jing Li was an Emperor and he was already swamped, she asked somewhat curiously, “Fu Sheng, do you know what happened? Causing His Majesty to discuss this at noon?”

Knowing that Lady Xi of Bright Countenance was different from the ordinary woman of the harem, he answered, “I heard it was a snowstorm.”

“A snowstorm?” Liao Qing Qing was startled.

“Mm. It was originally extremely snowy in Dongliao County this year. It snowed before and after spring, more than ever before, which caused some crops to wilt and froze some elderly common people to death. His Majesty is very worried and is thinking of ways to rescue them.”

When Liao Qing Qing heard of this, she immediately became serious and asked, “Have they thought of a solution?”

The author has something to say: —

Gorgeous girls: What is Emperor Jing Li’s name anyway?

Liao Qing Qing: Zhao! Ri! Tian![2]

Emperor Jing Li: ??? I’m angry!

Liao Qing Qing: =口=!

[1] 微臣(wēichén)-This humble subject/this small official. It’s a self-humbling term used by government officials and officials in feudal courts.

[2] 赵日天(zhào rì tiān)- Zhao Ri Tian is a fictitious character on the Internet. The literal translation is “Zhao f*ck the heavens/sky.” This character first appeared in a video sharing website, AcFun, by an anonymous user no. 1738904 posted a synopsis of the novel titled “I’m the Most Awesome in the World” on a thread. With that, Zhao Ri Tian was borned and created a legendary life. The user did not publish the content of the novel in the discussion post. But because the synopsis was humorous, other users created a manhua with Zhao Ri Tian as the main character.


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