The Empress Returns

Chapter 43: The Empress Returns Chapter 43

Chapter 43 – No Rest (1) | 19

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Translator: Lunarise

Editor: Larkspur

The surprise lacing her mien was very stimulating. But the innocent girl was oblivious to it all … how her slightest reactions were laced with seduction … driving the man to a frenzy.

He had known women before but none like her. Never was a time that he wasn’t able to rein in his carnal desire … rising like it was now non-stop. Never had he such a compelling urge to monopolize a woman. Her little movements invigorated him while her tenderness provoked. Her befuddled gaze set his heart racing .. her rebuff roused him. She was clearly a woman who stimulated him in many ways. It was strange that he desired a woman’s body so much when he had always thought about the last hurdle with distaste.

We’ll see if this is some kind of test by god…

He gritted his teeth. Was this a trick to get him moving now that he was tired of him not watching him control himself? It was suspicious. He was sure that it was a divine trick that made him get so aroused by her body.

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Okay …. fine. Try me!

Lustian pulled her into an embrace, in a swift motion lifted her up and briskly strode to the bed. Viola’s eyes opened to the limit.

“Are you scared,” he asked, looking at the stunned, blue irises staring at him.

“No! It’s not like that.” she wouldn’t admit that her heart skipped a beat, momentarily.

“If you’re embarrassed about getting naked in the morning I’ll cover the light.”

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As he spoke, he drew the curtains on the window to a close. The room was moderately darkened with the dark blue curtain obscuring the light. Just like that, the room was pushed into a dim silence.

When he turned around, the first thing he noticed was the girl’s quivering lips. It was only slightly but didn’t escape his hawkish gaze. She gradually stood up, having realized there was no way out of this. Then, she slowly started undressing … probably wanting to do it herself rather than have him do it.

“I’ll take it off myself.”

Stockstill, he stood there, gazing at the beauty before him … like she were a treasure. Standing in a corner away from the bed, the girl was unhurriedly undressing. Whether she was aware of the lustful orbs on her, one couldn’t say.

But those very gentle motions were stoking the fire within him, his heart throbbed and breathing grew rougher and rougher. One by one her clothing fell to the ground until finally, only a corset remained. He had reached his limit, his whole body was afire … all he wanted was to embrace the river of desire before him. With quick strides, he reached her, put his arms around her, and pulled her into his embrace. Her blue eyes shook, she was enveloped in his warmth … she could hear the pounding of the heart. As to whose it was … she knew not.

Head buried in her neck, his pants brushed her ears until a raspy voice broke the silence … “Leave the rest to me. Let’s enjoy this time together.”

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Lustian kissed as he groped at her mounds. He then brought his lips down to the peaks, his glittering eyes suffused with nearly dangerous levels of desire.


He smashed his lips onto hers and when her little tongue escaped he grabbed it with his and sucked on it. The tangling of their tongues was so intense and hot that it was driving him crazy. He felt like he was going to melt away when the tip of his tongue touched the soft insides of her mouth.

He frantically lapped at the insides of her mouth and gently rubbed it with his tongue. The heat spreading throughout his body drew up his desire to vanquish. The barbaric blood, that used to run around in the vast lands conquering villages, boiled inside him. He thirsted for her like a beast would. His sturdy forearm hugged her tighter every time her body shook as he inserted his tongue even deeper.


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“Haaa… haaaa… .”

Lifting her up, he wrapped her legs around his waist and strode towards the bed. They fell backwards onto the soft bed, the kiss never once breaking through it all. Rather, it deepened.

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She scratched at his arm, perhaps running out of breath. There was a long nail mark on his arm but it didn’t matter to him. He could forgive her no matter how much she scratched and hurt his body. He felt like his head was going to burst if he didn’t satisfy his desire right now.

“Hoo, Haaa….”

He pinned her arms up to the sky and hurriedly took off her underwear as he kissed her. His tongue moved incessantly inside her wet lips as he took off her clothes without once stopping.

“Haaa… Haak!”

It was hot. Her underwear fell onto the floor with a wet thud from her fluids. She couldn’t hide that her whole body was wet.

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