It wasn't dawn yet. The chill of the late autumn morning was dense and heavy. The sky was still pitch black.

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In a cellar of Luo Clan, an oil lamp on top of a table was quietly lit. Young Luo Zheng was sitting at the table, hiding most of the light coming from the lamp. He silently took out a shabby thread-bound book.

Luo Zheng just turned 17 this year. Slender, not that handsome, but he had this gentle temperament, especially his pair of bright eyes. Even in the dim light, like fireflies under the oil lamp, his eyes still shone brilliantly.

"This 'Principles of Heaven', took me a month to finish. All principles inside are great. But only these four words, 'Repay cruelty with kindness', I absolutely cannot agree with!" Luo Zheng whispered softly to himself. Staring at the bean-sized flame of the lamp, his face revealed a sad expression: "Had my father not been kind, not believed those words, how could I, the main house's lineal descendant, have fallen into such a situation? And he - he wouldn't have died…"

While Luo Zheng was deep in thought, from the cellar's door suddenly came a burst of unlocking sound. His sad look instantly disappeared, replaced by a face full of determination as he swiftly blew out the oil lamp and covered himself under the worn-out quilts.

The lock was opened. A few footsteps approached. The one leading stepped forward, stomping on Luo Zheng lying on the bed, and shouted: "Still sleeping? Up, up for your father. Frick your mother, you still think you're the young lord of Luo Clan?"

This man was a steward of Luo Clan. He grew up very ugly, a tumor swollen up on his forehead. Just looking at him made people feel disgusted.

Luo Zheng lifted the quilts, deliberately rubbed his eyes, and got up from the bed, all without a word, started wearing socks and shoes and clothing. Although these were all old and torn, he still slipped them on carefully and neatly.

The steward rolled his eyes. An "insolence" jumped out of his mouth before he waved his hand. Several of the servants behind him walked forward and put a thick leather armor and shackles on Luo Zheng.

After finishing all of this, Luo Zheng, under the guiding of the servants, was led out of the cellar, toward Luo Clan's training hall.

Luo Clan was a big clan in Chongyang County. The clan owned ten thousand pieces of fertile land and one hundred mountain mines, having quite a reputation inside Chongyang County.

However, the entire Eastern Region had over a thousand of counties and cities, including countless wealthy houses and clans. Luo Clan wasn't prosperous enough yet to be in the ranking of Eastern Region.

Luo Zheng, being escorted by the servants, climbed out of the gloomy cellar, walked through numerous pavilions and buildings, bridges and corridors, before arriving at the training hall's door.

The training hall's area was wide. It was the training place for members of Luo Clan. The entrance door was made of white marble, shaped in the style of dragon, phoenix and lion. The ground was paved with one-meter-square pieces of black basaltic rock. Standing at the entrance, one could feel the brilliance and grandeur of the hall.

In the middle of the training hall, more than ten minors, dressed in gray robes, were diligently practicing martial arts under the guidance of Luo Clan's instructors.

Gusts of wind blew out from their fists. Shouting rang out from their mouths. Again and again.

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These children were more than 10 years olds. In order to win a high status position in the Luo Clan, they trained hard everyday, tirelessly refining their bodies.

The late autumn wind was bone-piercing cold, but all of them were drenched in sweat. Their head were steaming, white mist floating around…

On one side of the training hall, stood more than ten men whose hands and feet were shackled in the same way as Luo Zheng's, wearing the same leather armors. These men looked withered and wasted, bruises and wounds were all over their bodies.

Luo Zheng was taken inside the training hall, placed at the same place as those men.

Most of the these men were prisoners, bought by Luo Clan from local prisons. They became the clan's slaves. One of the roles of these slaves was to become meat shields for Luo Clan's minors. The minors could beat up those meat shields however they wanted, training and testing their own strengths. Nobody knew how many of those meat shields died or became disabled every year - no one bothered to count.

Luo Zheng, however, wasn't a prisoner. He'd been the eldest son of the main house of Luo Clan, the prominent young lord, standing at the top of the status ladder. Members of the other clans, including those as strong as his own, would've greeted him with respect had they bumped into him. Even the clan elders'd needed to mind their manners towards him.

Just that two years ago, a major event'd taken place in Chongyang County. Luo Zheng's father, the head of Luo Clan, had been assassinated by his own brothers, died without warning.

Immediately the main house's bloodlines had been framed by Luo Clan's three other houses, accused of betraying the clan. Under the brothers' internal strife, the main house'd completely fallen apart.

Luo Zheng, as the former young lord, had also been labeled a traitor, demoted to a slave of Luo Clan. He'd become a meat shield for Luo Clan's children to practice their martial arts. Forever never be free.

This kind of life, getting beaten up at others' pleasure, had been going on for two years. These two years, not anymore could Luo Zheng count how many punches and kicks he'd suffered, how many insults he'd taken.

"Today's martial arts practice stops here. You go select your meat shield! Hitting the human body could help you understand how skills and techniques are used in real combat; help you get familiar with human body's weaknesses and bones' distribution!"

After hearing the instructor's order, those kids each chose a meat shield. Soon enough, miserable cries begging for mercy burst forth inside the training hall, repeatedly. These Luo Clan's minors basically did not treat these slaves as human beings, engraving fists after fists into their flesh without holding back.

Many of them went to Luo Zheng, striking even more energetically, using even more power. The reason? Ravaging the former young lord gave them a better sense of accomplishment!

Luo Zheng calmly responded to the fists of these children, protecting the vital parts of his body, with an expressionless face. These… things, he'd gotten used to them.

Not long after that, at the training hall's entrance suddenly appeared a few people, led by a young boy wearing silk brocade garments, looking all bright and breezy.

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"The young lord has come!"

"Young Lord, you've finally come out. From your refreshing spirit, you must've made good progress in your cultivation!”

"The young lord's talent is exceptional, he's our Luo Clan's genius. I bet he'd already entered Bone Refining!"

All the children here stopped hitting. They fawned over the young boy, flattery started filling the air.

Luo Zheng's eyes fell on the boy wearing brocade clothing. An unnoticeable flame of rage was quietly lit inside of him. That boy, the so-called "young lord" according to those Luo Clan's children, was Luo Peiran. He'd been once the second house's eldest son, and was at the same age as Luo Zheng.

After Luo Zheng'd been downgraded to a slave, Luo Peiran'd replaced Luo Zheng, becoming Luo Clan's young lord.

Some time ago, it'd been heard that Luo Peiran'd begun his secluded cultivation, for a while he didn't show up anywhere. Seeing that he'd come out, it looked like his strength had grown stronger yet again!

Luo Peiran's senses were certainly keen, as he was aware of Luo Zheng staring at him with unfriendly eyes. He turned to look at Luo Zheng with a mocking smirk on his face. Then he walked over to Luo Zheng, "Luo Zheng, I've secluded for quite a long time, didn't think you're still not dead yet?"

"Thanks to your good words, your father's still alive," Luo Zheng replied in an indifferent tone.

"Insolence, what's that attitude? How dare you talk like that to the young lord?"

"You lowly slave, you're still standing? Immediately prostrate yourself and kowtow to the young lord, or I'll make you regret coming to this world."

Several of the children shouted out. From their reaction, it was as if Luo Zheng'd dug out their ancestors' graves or something similar.

Luo Zheng coldly looked around him. These Luo Clan's minors in the past had been no different than dogs in front of him - they wouldn't even dare breathe heavily when he'd been around. Now that he'd lost his position, all of them flipped their masks faster than flipping books, immediately becoming Luo Peiran's dogs.

Luo Peiran waved his hand, stopping those agitated children, and with a satisfied smile, he said: "Luo Zheng, you know why I secluded?"

Luo Zheng didn't speak a word. He just looked at Luo Peiran with a gloomy face.

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"You should know, our Luo Clan had two Nature's Blessing Pills? A while ago, I ate one of them," Luo Peiran licked his lips and said: "This Nature's Blessing Pill was really extraordinary. Its pure energy cleansed my body through and through. It was as if I was reborn, jumping straight from Flesh Refining into Bone Refining. And that was only one-tenth of the full effects! The rest remained inside my body, endlessly cultivating my physique. Viscera Refining's only one thread away, Marrow Refining's also just around the corner!"

Nature's Blessing Pill!

These two pills were Luo Clan's most precious treasures, the sacred medicine their ancestors left behind. It was said to be hidden in the most secret place of the clan. Normal clan members weren't allowed to even take a look.

According to the clan's doctrine, only Luo Clan's descendants reaching Bone Refining before 16 years old were qualified to use Nature Blessing's Pill.

Body refining was divided into five stages: 1st stage Skin Refining, 2nd stage Flesh Refining, 3rd stage Bone Refining, 4th stage Viscera Refining, and 5th stage Marrow Refining. The difference between each stages was tremendous. Most regular people desiring to break through their bottlenecks would have to overcome great hardships - it would take decades of refining and cultivating to go to the next stage.

Normal cultivators reaching the 3rd stage Bone Refining before 30 years old were already considered to have good talent.

But the clan's doctrine clearly stated that, to use Nature's Blessing Pill, only those reaching Bone Refining before 16 years old would be qualified!

To reach Bone Refining at 16 years old, one would undoubtedly need to be a genius of geniuses. Not to mention Luo Clan, even in the entire Chongyang County, this kind of genius had never been seen before. As a result, for three hundred years, those Nature Blessing's Pills hadn't been touched.

Originally, Luo Zheng'd been the most promising individual qualified to use Nature Blessing's Pill.

At the age of 14, he'd entered the peak of the 2nd stage Flesh Refining. He'd been hailed by the ruler of Chongyang County as the hope of rejuvenating Luo Clan, the blessed son of Heaven, the genius of geniuses!

It was just a pity, that in only one year, his clan'd suffered from internal friction, his kind father'd been killed by his siblings, and Luo Zheng'd been relegated to a slave, becoming a meat shield, being no more than a prisoner living in the dark and cold cellar. Since then, his cultivation progress had stayed stagnant and thus, the opportunity to use Nature's Blessing Pill had slipped away from him.

Meanwhile, Luo Peiran's talent was nothing but average. At 16 years old, he'd barely been able to enter the 2nd stage Flesh Refining. He'd basically not had the competence to use Nature's Blessing Pill. But in the end, the pill still fell into his hands.

Hearing that the Nature's Blessing Pill, which was supposed to belong to him, had actually been eaten by this garbage without any talent, even though Luo Zheng's heart had been completely numb in these last two years, he couldn't help but get upset as he angrily said: "Luo Peiran, you dared violate the doctrine, stealing the sacred medicine, you lower than animals!"

"Humph, you in my eyes, are even less than insects in the cracks of stone! I've stepped into the peak of Bone Refining, with one hand I can lift a thousand pounds. You lowly slave, I can easily crush you using merely one fist. Since today I've successfully come out of seclusion, let's find a meat shield to test my power!" Luo Peiran wasn't bothered in the slightest by Luo Zheng's words, seeing that he just casually pointed out one finger and said: "Then… You!"

He didn't choose Luo Zheng, but a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man saw Luo Peiran pointing to himself, and immediately his whole body started trembling . Although the thick leather armor on his chest could resist quite a bit of damage, facing Bone Refining Luo Peiran, he couldn't help but feel the chill running through his entire body, his crotch had already been soaked.

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Luo Peiran then let out a deep breath, his hands gripping into fists, displaying the posture of Luo Clan's ultimate technique, Rosewood Fist. He wanted to show off, concentrating his power to the maximum, his hazy body being shrouded in a glow of light purple.

"Spare… Spare me… Young Lord, please have mercy!" The meat shield could clearly feel Luo Peiran’s aura. His eyes were desperate. This strike would undoubtedly take his life away. He kept begging for forgiveness as he tried to kneel down.


Luo Peiran, of course, didn't hesitate for a single moment. His punch landed right onto the middle of the meat shield's chest. A thud came up. The leather armor used to protect the chest was forcibly disintegrated. The whole chest area was completely crushed. The body flied straight into the training hall's wall, and bounced back to the ground, motionless.

This one hit, sent a fully armed meat shield straight to his death.

"Our mighty young lord is beyond compare in our Luo Clan's young generation!"

"The young lord will definitely revive our Luo Clan, leading our clan to great prosperity never seen before!"

And naturally, those Luo Clan's boys and girls didn't miss the opportunity to start another round of bootlicking their dear young lord.

Luo Peiran also seemed very satisfied with the power of his punch. He then gave Luo Zheng a look full with ill-intention.

Luo Zheng subconsciously took a step back. Although he was a lot stronger than the middle-aged man, he still wouldn't be able to handle this one blow, coming from Luo Peiran at full strength.

Luo Peiran chuckled. He reached out his hand and violently patted Luo Zheng's shoulder twice, "Rest assured, I won't kill you so fast. I want you to see how I, Luo Peiran, have become so much stronger than you trash!"

As Luo Peiran finished talking and was about to leave, he suddenly remembered something. He turned around and said: "Ah, one more thing. I've heard that my genius cousin has encountered some troubles at Bluecloud Sect. She offended some very important people and was sent to Inferno Mountain to reflect on her actions! Wait until I enter Viscera Refining, I'll go to Bluecloud Sect to rescue her, ha ha ha…"

Hearing these words, Luo Zheng's heart instantly tightened!

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