Fifth Day Without Divorce — The Number You’ve Dialed Is Incorrect (2)

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The filming time for “The Brave Man’s Challenge” was set for 9am, and the first segment was set in the lobby of a five-star hotel. She got up early that morning and applied a sheet mask before applying her makeup.   

For the male artists, the variety show team artists usually styled them while most female artists had their own team to do their looks because they were more demanding. Some of them would bring their own makeup artists to retouch their makeup throughout the show. They wanted their makeup to last long, and not be worn out during the show. 

Liang Yan woke up early, and because she was confident in her makeup skills, she arranged her hair into a bun and applied light makeup, then they drove to the recording venue with Jiang Mu. When Liang Yan arrived at the site, the staff members who were used to seeing big and small celebrities in the industry couldn’t help but stare at her direction.    

After all, the biggest reason why Liang Yan was invited on the show was because she was Lu Lincheng’s wife, and she wasn’t seen on variety shows before. Almost everyone there was wondering what was different about the woman who married Lu Lincheng despite the rumors that they were just a couple on the surface. But they were still in a legal relationship, and they had gone to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a marriage license.     

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Liang Yan greeted the staff members, saying hello to everyone. Then she went to the dressing room where the guests and regular MC’s were staying. There were five permanent male MC’s of “The Brave Man’s Challenge.” 

The oldest was the veteran actor Liu Hongliang who was the head MC, and the youngest was the idol Yan Jun who had recently become popular via a youth school drama. Together with Liang Yan, the other  female guest was the online flower Qin Yueshi, who had only just become popular but had a lot of momentum and good resources.     

Probably because she is also a female guest, Liang Yan was greeted by the staff and was led to sit next to Qin Yueshi, who was chatting with someone on her mobile phone while the makeup artist was fixing various details of her make-up on her already delicate and flawless face.  

The makeup artist of the show saw that Liang Yan had finished her makeup, so she politely asked if she needed a retouch.    

“No thanks.” Liang Yan rubbed her hair as she checked at the mirror to make  her  bun look fluffier. She felt that she looked pretty nice today, so she smiled and refused. The show soon began with the five MC’s taking the stage, talking and laughing for a while with Liu Hongliang leading the show before announcing the official entrance of the female guests for today’s show.  

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Qin Yueshi went first and greeted the audience with a smile amidst the slightly exaggerated praise from the MC, “Hello, everyone, I’m Qin Yueshi.”    

“Wow, Yueshi is so pretty today.”

“I told you, she looks better in person.”

“Hey, hey… old Lee, calm down, calm down. Please be normal, you’re scaring our Yueshi.”    

A few of the MC’s were used to variety shows; even though some of them were working together for the first time, they had a good sense of variety. Knowing what the program wanted most, they started warming up at the beginning, making Qin Yueshi cover her mouth as she laughed.     

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The second person to walk on stage was Liang Yan. She turned around and found Jiang Mu standing behind the programme’s director, cheering her on. She took a deep breath and continued walking.     

“Wow, let’s welcome Liang Yan!”   

“Thank you, thank you…” Liang Yan shook hands with several MC’s who didn’t say anything when she entered as they didn’t know her much and didn’t have any idea what to say. There was already a Qin Yueshi in front of her if they boasted about beauty. Also, if she spoke up, she knew that the editing team would only focus on her being Lu Lincheng’s wife later.   

The first game soon began, and the director announced that today’s guests would have to experience the careers of a white-collar worker, a primary school teacher, a contractor, a construction site worker, a cleaner, a fitness instructor, and a domineering president. He also said that whoever completed their careers first would receive a mystery gift at the end.  

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When the director said that the career choice was “Overbearing CEO,” several male MC’s fought for it, and their eyes glowed. “No one is going to steal it from me!”  

“Isn’t this bossy president tailor-made for me?”

“F**k you, is there a bossy president like you? ”  

Yan Jun was at a loss for words as he talked with the few veteran variety MC’s as he was the youngest.    

They had a contest; whoever guessed the name of the songs first would get the career, but you couldn’t just guess randomly as there would be penalties for wrong answers.  

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