Sixth Day Without Divorce — Devilish Woman (3)

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Liang Yan touched  her face. “Is there something on my face?…..” 

“No, no, no…” The staff members shook their heads unanimously.    

“Then, why do you look so weird…” Liang Yan muttered a couple of words, but didn’t ask too many questions. After the break, she feverishly devoted herself to her brick moving endeavor. 

The crowd could only see the pile of red bricks getting smaller and smaller, and before long, the bricks had officially disappeared completely from the crowd’s sight.   

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When the pile of bricks was done, Liang Yan sat down on the ground and rested for a while, then stood up again. Patting her bottom, she looked around for something. 

“Liang Yan, what are you searching for?” the director asked.  

Liang Yan asked, “Where are the other bricks? No more?” 

The choreographer’s forehead had a few black lines. Laughing dryly, he said, “No, you already moved all of them…” 

This was the task of the program group, and they thought that Liang Yan would be moving bricks until dark as they filmed. But it turned out that the task was already completed midway.   

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“No more?” Disbelief was written all over Liang Yan’s face. 

“No more, really.” The choreographer stared at Liang Yan who didn’t have enough meat on her body. He dryly smiled and praised, “Liang Yan, you’re really, really great!”   

“Hehehe… thanks…” Liang Yan sat down on the steps with a glass of water in her hand to  rest. Although it was tiring to carry the bricks, it didn’t reach the limit of her physical strength. 

Liang Yan had been stronger than her peers since she was a child. When she was in primary school, she went to the sports gym to lift weights for a long time. The only pictures of her when she was a child was when she went training. She was a chubby child with short, soft hair stuck to her scalp, and her cheeks were like two full, red balls as she stood with the other students practicing gymnastics.  

Liang Yan practiced weightlifting until her junior year. Unfortunately, after puberty, she grew taller and her weight became lighter and lighter, turning her from a lean, solid body into a thin one, which made her unsuitable for weightlifting.   

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Many artists in the circle shared their childhood photos to the public and their fans, even Lu Lincheng had a photo of him at the age of five in a small suit smiling at the camera. For Liang Yan, she didn’t have a single childhood photo which made Lu Lingchen’s fans believe that she had plastic surgery.    

Liang Yan was actually embarrassed to share her childhood photos because the photos of others were always in amusement parks, some in front of their family’s colored TV with children wearing new  clothes and holding toys with lively smiles while she had no such photos. The background was full of training equipment that had been used throughout the years.

Liang Yan’s first memories of her childhood was of her drunken father and mother at the mahjong table, their family’s pots rusted long ago, and the few bowls that were usable were broken one by one when her parents had heated arguments.     

Had it not been for the fact that the two always quarrelled and disliked her, refusing to take her after their divorce, she wouldn’t have been sent to a sports school.    

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The competition in sports school was brutal with everyone’s training results over the top and biting off more than they could chew. Everyone’s eyes were on the places available when the provincial team came to select members each year.

It was the same in the entertainment industry where young and beautiful women were like carps in the river, their red eyes staring at the limited number of resources in the circle.   

Liang Yan stared at a photo of Lu Lincheng when he was five-years-old. He was a boy who already knew how to pose. His white and tender face could bring a calamity to the country, attracting countless fans, wailing, “How could my husband be so cute as a child?” 

Liang Yan snorted. 

Lu Lincheng looked like a weak chicken in the photo. She could have beaten him with one hand if they were the same age.  

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