Liang Yan finished taking the photo with the two actors, and she stared at them running away with joy. It was as if she saw herself from three days ago. She took out her mobile phone, checked today’s year, month, and day. Once again, she determined a very dogged fact. 

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She… had amnesia!   

But unlike the complete memory loss in Korean dramas, she had only lost the last three years of her memory. 

According to her assistant, Jiang Mu, the incident was caused by a scene from three days ago when she was accidentally hit on the head by a fallen lighting tube while walking in position. They rushed her to the hospital that time, and all her test data showed that her brain was okay, but she woke up with an unexpected memory loss of three years of her life.    

The doctor mentioned that this kind of post-traumatic amnesia was not unprecedented in medical history and didn’t rule out the possibility of memory recovery in the future. But if you looked for any medical treatment, it would be difficult as modern medicine was unable to help for the time being.   

However, Liang Yan was very open-minded because she woke up to find herself promoted from eighteenth-tier actress to third-tier.  Her current memory was still stuck in the period of three years ago when she just graduated from the film school. She had no godfather and no background to support her, and was only playing small roles in various dramas. Even though she was acting in a web drama, she was still a real heroine! 

What was the difference in winning between this and the lottery? It was simply so exciting!   

The first step Liang Yan did after she found out about her memory loss was to search Baidu for her name. She wanted to know how she had worked hard to rise from an 18-tier to 3rd-tier actress in the past three years. She held her mobile phone in one hand, and the other hand held her leg in excitement. Opening her Baidu profile and encyclopedia, she scrolled through it.   

Name: Liang Yan

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Gender: Female

Birthday: 19xx, x month, x day

Height: 169 cm.

Spouse: Lu Lincheng    

Liang Yan was stuck on the spouse column and couldn’t read any further.     

It took a long time to mentally prepare herself, and she had to take numerous deep breaths before she finally clicked on the word “Lu Lincheng” in the spouse column with a trembling hand.    

Don’t get excited. Maybe it’s just someone with the same name. Liang Yan said to herself, covering her surging chest.

When she saw Lu Lingchen’s picture, Liang Yan stared at the face who had captured the hearts of thousands of girls, and her chest was in stitches. Her phone slipped from her palm, and she was completely taken aback.   

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It seemed to be that Lu… Lin…Cheng…Lu Lincheng!

Lu Lincheng!!!

What…was this situation?!

The world had gone crazy!!! 

Liang Yan was still manic in the ward this time before she picked up her mobile phone and browsed Lu Lincheng’s information happily… and her gossip, too.   

Lu Lincheng debuted as an idol, and in just about a year, he became the top male actor in the industry. There was no difference in the limelight between the two professions. The ultimate destination for all idols in China was acting, so it was only natural for Lu Lincheng, a top singing and dancing idol to go into acting.     

Her memory happened to be stuck around when Lu Lincheng debuted in the acting industry. His first film was “The Youth”. Usually, previous idols who debuted in the acting industry are mocked in the acting circle; both industry insiders and Lu Lincheng’s fans were vaguely worried. 

Liang Yan, as a passerby fan of Lu Lincheng, had a wait-and-see attitude.  Three years later, as a result, it was noted in Lu Lincheng’s profile that his first film “The Youth” was a huge box office success, and his acting skills were highly praised. 

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He won almost all of the newcomer awards in the film industry that year, and after that, Lu Lincheng’s acting career took off to the top of the pyramid. He became a unique existence in the industry where dancing, singing, and acting skills coexist, with equal strength and face value.    

Liang Yan read through Lu Lincheng’s dazzling resume on Baidu and stared at the unbelievable number of followers and likes on his Weibo account. Her brows knitted slightly, and she felt unreal.    

As an industry insider that had first-hand experience with the rules in the entertainment industry, she knew that people like Lu Lincheng, who had an idol fanbase eager to support him, would explode in the film industry.

During his golden period, the scandal of an ordinary romance would cause a huge earthquake in the circle, so what was up with this marriage? It was undoubtedly a suicidal move, and it was about the same as having a brain fart and seeking death.   

But why did Lu Lincheng still occupy the top spot of the pyramid? The fan activity was so active, it wasn’t like he was married at all.  

And as Lu Lincheng’s wife, how did she manage to stay safe and not be chased by his fans? She should have died on the streets after she got married.   

Jiang Mu, the only person who knew that Liang Yan lost her memory, came in carrying fruit and saw that the amnesiac Liang Yan was reading Weibo on her phone.    

Jiang Mu put down the fruit, sighed and took out his phone.  

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Liang Yan, who was searching for the hot CP section, suddenly received two WeChat messages, both from her assistant.    

The first one was a screenshot from wikipedia.  

“The CP name of actors Lu Lincheng and Liang Yan, Mountain Fire Couple, was taken from ‘Lin’ and ‘Smoke’ in their names, since smoke came from the forest, there must have been a fire, so it was called ‘Mountain Fire Couple’. The fans of the CP were regarded as a cult standing among the majority of CP fans because they stand on opposite sides of the world. The cult, due to its minimal number of  members, was negligible. The posting and chatting interface was average—once a week. It’s currently on the verge of dissolution.”

The second message was an article. 

#Did Lu Lincheng get divorced today?# With an overwhelming number of fans and posts, it topped the trending section, and it was even more lively than other big celebrities every day. 

Fans and large crowds were waiting for Lu Lincheng to dump his third-tier actress of a wife. They were even thinking of having a lucky lottery draw on the day the two announced their divorce. 

With a stiff expression, Liang Yan finished reading the content sent by Jiang Mu, and without hesitation, she threw her phone and leapt onto the bed, her head buried in the pillow.    

She didn’t want to read anymore.  

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