Ninth Day Without Divorce —  The Worst CP Of All Time (2)

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Liang Yan glanced at the screen while biting her index finger, denying that she was almost moved to tears by a group of fans.

Despite suffering, indifference, discrimination, bullying from other fandoms, and being slaughtered every now and then, this group of fans kept themselves united in the midst of difficult situations, waiting for their CP to send candy to them.

Liang Yan was so moved that if she had Lu Lincheng’s number, she wouldn’t hesitate to give them a bit of sweetness to this group of fans. She smiled mockingly as she stared at the incorrect number of Lu Lincheng in her phone.

The abandoned woman persona wasn’t for her.


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The first episode of The Brave Man’s Challenge became a hit, and the collision of Yan Jun and Liang Yan was even hotter. “The Collision of Hearts” ranked at the top of the super talk CP section. And the moving brick girl x domineering president comics became available. But there was still nothing even after the heat as evidenced by Liang Yan’s empty schedule in Jiang Mu’s hands.

Jiang Mu received only two jobs after the first episode aired and became a hit. He placed it in front of Liang Yan like a treasure. “Your schedule isn’t completely empty, look at this… YaYa’s live platform anniversary is coming and they invited you to do a livestream.”

Liang Yan slumped on the sofa and scrunched her nose in bewilderment. “Livestream?’

Was it possible that she had only become a livestream host in the eyes of the people in the circle?

Speaking of the live broadcast, she imagined her future self wearing a low-cut skirt, sitting in front of the computer to please the otakus in order to survive. “Thank you for your gift, Gege” she would say. Liang Yan’s head went numb and her hair seemed to stand on ends.

“I’m not going! I’m not going!” Liang Yan sat up straight, goosebumps appearing all over her body.

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“It’s not what you think…” Jiang Mu hurriedly explained in a panic when he realized that Liang Yan thought wrong. “It’s a live game platform — a livestream of playing games. It’s not, uh, the kind of livestream you thought of.”

“Game livestream?” Liang Yan forgot three years of her life, making her more or less unfamiliar with some things in the current world. Her lips pursed and she asked dejectedly, “Is there no drama?”

Jiang Mu hesitated for a moment, then opened the second document. “… There’s also this.”

When Liang Yan heard there was a drama, immediately, she stretched her neck and moved over. “What drama?”

Jiang Mu said, “Tian Sheng Company is producing a new costume drama, the first female role is set, but recently, they’re auditioning for the second lead actress.”

Liang Yan was immediately elated. “Then, why didn’t you say so?” She squeezed to Jiang Mu’s side and found that the document had audition locations and contact numbers.

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However, Jiang Mu wasn’t as happy as Liang Yan. After some consideration, he covered his mouth and coughed lightly, “This drama has a good crew… it’s just… “

He stared at Liang Yan who was excitedly reading through the information. One of his hands curled into a fist. Suddenly, he regretted telling her about the drama. “Forget it, don’t hurry. I will look for other connections, and certainly, next time, you’ll have a drama to shoot.”

Liang Yan, who had a chance to audition for the drama, was puzzled because of his words. “What’s wrong? Why not?”

She grabbed the document containing the crew information from Jiang Mu’s hands and realized that the crew were all big names in the industry. The female and male leads were all stars and flowers. This looked like a star-studded drama and being able to play the second female lead was the best resource she could get at this present moment.

Liang Yan added, “This is obviously something good.”

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Jiang Mu locked gazes with Liang Yan. Her eyes after her amnesia looked pure and clear with a vague spirit of not giving up, so he turned silent.

His fists tightened as he slightly closed his eyes. He felt like he was back to that year that night when he returned home and received a phone call. There was a lot of noise in the background. She cried and said that she was drunk and couldn’t drink anymore, wanting to go home.

There was a deep sense of powerlessness that came from being separated from each other.

Jiang Mu organized his words for a long time before he explained, “You used to have a problem with some people from the film crew of this drama.”

Liang Yan was startled. It was taboo to offend people from the circle, and she hurriedly asked, “What is the problem? I offended people before? Why don’t you go directly to the point?”

But no matter how Liang Yan asked Jiang Mu, he wasn’t willing to talk. He closed the document and only mentioned that he would find another drama for her.

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