The Twelfth Day Without Divorce — I’m not deserving (1)

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In the dead of night, a crescent moon hung in the night sky, gentle and alone.

Inside the hotel suite, Liang Yan squinted and moaned while biting her lip. She struggled with difficulty.

She was f*cked again.

Men, whoever they were, at night, you really couldn’t talk to them much.

The both of them were in a face-to-face position. Last time, because it was dark and she was inexperienced, she was just being submissive. This time, there was a bit of light, and the alcohol made her bold. Through the warm light, she could see Lu Lincheng’s firm, wide chest, looking erotic.

His handsome face flushed with desire, making her think of the fans who wanted to have sex with Lu Lincheng. She became angry at those fans who commented on the video clips: “Ah, ah, ah, male God, please f*ck me!”

Liang Yan shamefully turned away.

She would never look at those dirty circles again.

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The next day, Liang Yan rubbed her messy head with a hangover and sat up from the already empty bed. The memories of last night gradually came back to her.

The bar… Zhou Zhibo… discussing the drama… Lu Lincheng… and then… here in the hotel.

She vaguely remembered that when Lu Lincheng left, it was still dark outside, and she was still sleeping.  Lu Lincheng had to go to the production group, rushing every morning for his make-up and shooting.

Liang Yan sorted out her thoughts and was embarrassed to recall herself on the bed last night. She wasn’t only done on the front, but also on the back, and finally, on the side.

Luckily, she did yoga and was extremely flexible. She was tossed and turned by Lu Licheng in different positions, and her waist didn’t break after the whole night.


Liang Yan suddenly cursed, reflecting that her thoughts had become askew. Then she secretly scolded herself. She shook her head to erase the inappropriate ideas and memories in her head. Then, she glanced at the wall clock and realized that the hour hand pointed to 11:00 noon.

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Liang Yan recalled that she had a flight back to B city at 1 pm today. She quickly lifted the covers, got up, washed, dressed up, and rushed to her hotel to pack her things. Then she traveled to the airport with her luggage.

The taxi, on the way to the airport, passed by Lu Lincheng’s advertisement. Liang Yan gazed at Lu Lincheng’s form on the poster and directly lowered her head. She should have said thank you to him this time, but the time wasn’t right.

Liang Yan grabbed her phone, planning to send him a text message, but she remembered that his phone number in her phone was incorrect.

Liang Yan sighed while holding her phone, then she opened Weibo. She scrolled to the #DidLuLinchengGetDivorcedToday# forum. The content of the post wasn’t just for waiting for their divorce but also to release content related to Lu Lincheng like his itinerary, similar to Lu Lincheng’s very own forums.

The first post was sent by Lu Lincheng’s hardcore fan.

“This afternoon, Lu Lincheng’s “Dark Walk” set has a live broadcast scheduled @ 2:00 pm. Be on time, don’t forget.”

[How can we forget our brother’s activity?]

[I’m moving a small bench, waiting for it. Hehehe.]

[Will he wear the costume for the movie during the broadcast? It’s been a long time since I’ve seen him in an ancient man’s costume.]

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[Today is another day that Liang Yan didn’t shoot a drama. Divorce.]

Liang Yan: ".................."

It hurts.

As far as she could remember, three years ago, other drama groups were open to the media for publicity meetings. Now, the internet is very advanced. Many drama groups engaged their fans with direct live interaction to gather momentum but also as a benefit to the fans.

She didn’t know why; she was clearly screwed last night and seeing Lu Lincheng’s picture in the forum made her cheeks grow hot. Immediately, she quit the forum and fanned herself with her hand.

The taxi arrived at the airport, and Liang Yan hurried, arriving just in time to board the plane. She sat on her seat and leaned back to take selfies before the plane took off. She chose the nicest picture and posted it on Weibo.

After the first episode of the Brave Man’s Challenge and due to the explosion of the moving brick girl x domineering president clip, Liang Yan gathered fans, and parts of them were her and Yan Jun’s CP fans.

Every day, under Liang Yan’s weibo, there were some fans that had a pure character. They think that moving bricks was hard and that she was down to earth. Some people sympathize with her and sent her a private message and letter, saying it was too much for so many people on the internet to wait for her divorce with Lu Lincheng and told her not to be sad.

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When Liang Yan received the private message, she simply wanted to hug this fan and cry a storm. Because of her few lovely fans, she was motivated to post on Weibo every day, read every fan's comment, and from time to time, she encountered something funny, making her happy the whole day.

“Caught up with my flight at the last second, so happy… hehe~” Liang Yan wrote on her Weibo and attached the selfie she just captured, posting it.

The plane gradually took off, so she turned her phone off. Then she happily waited until she could read her fan’s comments after the plane landed. She couldn’t wait to interact with them.

The trip from Gudong City to B City took two and half hours in total.

When Liang Yan arrived, it was almost 4 o’clock in the afternoon. She booked a cab in advance to pick her up from the airport to her apartment. As soon as she got in the car, she sat comfortably and took out her phone to read the comments of her fans.

When she opened her Weibo, she was surprised by the number “999+”  on the notifications.

What was going on?

The comments and shares on each of her original posts was usually around a hundred, but this time, there were suddenly so many comments and shares? The flight between the two cities wasn’t that long!

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