The Entertainment Industry Waits For Our Divorce Chapter 38

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The Twentieth Day of Separation (1)

The next day, an unknown marketing account called “Orange Entertainment” uploaded a new post on Weibo.

“Lu Lincheng’s ex-wife, Liang Yan, refused to support her biological mother. Is this the loss of affection or degradation of morality?”

In the news field, this type of family support scenario attracted bitter and bloodthirsty attention. To add to it, the protagonist of this situation was a well-known star in the industry. The person was the most important ex-wife of Lu Lincheng. The report grabbed attention immediately.

A woman named Chen Xueyun complained tearfully on the news video. She claimed to be Liang Yan’s mother.

“My own daughter, I worked hard to raise her. I’m aware that she couldn’t let go when I divorced her father, but her father drinks every day, so what am I to do? I know I made a mistake, so I tried to make up for everything in the past years, and I even thought that blood is always thicker than water. But I never imagined that she could be so cruel as to push her mother and brother to their deaths!”

The news reported according to Chen Xueyun’s statements. According to her, after Liang Yan became famous, she had become ungrateful and indifferent to her family for several years. Now that something happened, her mother was desperate enough to ask for her help for basic expenses. Liang Yan obviously had money but didn’t want to give even a dime. She even threatened to cut-off her relationship with her mother.

When everyone watched the news, they were surprised as they didn’t expect Liang Yan to be that kind of person in private, she didn’t even give alimony to her mother. The people paid attention to filial piety, and the comment area was full of righteous indignation.

[Oh my God, a star that earns so much money doesn’t even support her own mother? Is she still a human being?]

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[No wonder Lu Lincheng divorced her. This woman is vicious!]

[I also came from a single-parent family. It wasn’t easy when my parents divorced, but I let it go a long time ago. How can Liang Yan do this?]

[Am I the only one curious about what happened to her family?]

[She can’t afford to support her mother because she doesn’t have money.]

[How can a star have no money?]

[Alas, this aunt is pitiful.]

[Luckily, Lu Lincheng had already cut–off her relationship with this kind of woman.]


Soon, “Liang Yan, The Unfilial Daughter,” topped the hot search.

Liang Yan’s face was numb as she watched Chen Xueyun’s tearful accusations on the video. She also read the abusive and offensive accusations in the comment section.

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Her Weibo inbox had exploded full of private messages. Being unfilial seemed much worse than marrying Lu Lincheng, she received all kinds of curses. It was overwhelming.

Oh, this is my real mother, ah.

Expletives spilled from Jiang Mu’s mouth, he was so angry. He paced around, his arms crossed on his chest. Then, he took out his phone and exclaimed, “I’ll call the news outlet to clarify!”

“What is this Orange Entertainment? Only hearing one side of the story, aren’t they afraid that we will sue?!”

“Wait a minute!” Liang Yan said out loud, stopping Jiang Mu.

Jiang Mu became more furious and said, “Wait for what? You’re still tolerating this? Liang Yan, not all people who have given birth deserve to be called parents!”

“I don’t mean that.” Liang Yan stared at Jiang Mu and added, “This situation has gone out of control, it has become so big. The public has already formed their own impressions of me. If I issue a direct statement to explain my side, the result will be… “ Liang Yan exhaled, “I’m deliberately whitewashing.”

An actress and her own mother had a fight in the media, tit-for-tat, for money. The scene would be so ugly to watch.

Jiang Mu was stupefied. “What should we do?”

Liang Yan scrolled on her phone, and opened Weibo. The “Langya Gathering Place,” was so quiet. The fans didn’t do anything, only a few fans couldn’t help themselves and asked warily:

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“Liang Yan, what’s going on?”

“Liang Yan, is Chen Xueyun really your mother?”

“She wronged you, right, Liang Yan? Are you in trouble? You have a reason, right?”

“Don’t be sad, we believe in you, Yan Yan.”

Liang Yan was silent, logged out of Weibo, and scrolled on the caller log, searching for the unfamiliar number that her mother used yesterday. A mocking smile appeared on her face as she dialed the number.

It seemed that the person on the other side had been waiting for her call, immediately picking up the phone.

Chen Xueyun: “Liang Yan.”

Liang Yan: “Yes.”

Chen Xueyun sighed on the phone. “I was really desperate when I asked for the money, Liang Yan. Why did we have to get into this mess? If you give me the eight million now, I’ll call those reporters immediately to explain.”

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“I know you have money. Eight million isn’t that difficult for you. Even if I haven’t raised you, I still gave birth to you. Isn’t eight million worth it for bringing you into this world?”

“Your brother is in the police station right now, and his enemies said that they’re going to sue if your brother doesn’t pay up.”

Liang Yan’s voice was frosty as she said, “I don’t have any money to give you. I can’t come up with it. I’m hoping you won’t live like this anymore.”

She paused, her voice choking as she called out, “Mom.”

Originally, Chen Xueyun thought that Liang Yan was scared so she called her to hand over the money. She hadn’t expected her to say this, so she roared on the phone, “Haha, this is the kind daughter I gave birth to! Believe it or not, I can ruin your reputation! There’s no daughter in the entire world who won’t give money to her parents.”

“Let’s see whether the public will believe me or you? I’m telling you, if you come to me to solve this problem next time, eight million isn’t enough! You’ll have to give me eighty million.”

“I want you to never be able to raise your head for the rest of your life!”

Liang Yan hung up the phone directly.

She turned to Jiang Mu and said, “Let’s go to the police station right now.”


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