The Third Day Without Divorce (1)

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The Abandoned Wife

Dawn arrived, and the mischievous sunlight peeked between the gaps of the curtains. Liang Yan wrapped herself up in the sheets like a silkworm baby, rolling in bed a few times before finally waking up with half-closed eyes.

The soreness of her body reminded her of what she had been through last night.  

As she was already awake, Liang Yan huddled under the blanket, not playing with her phone, but her eyes were wide open as she recalled the inappropriate scenes from last night.   

Didn’t Jiang Mu mention that Lu Lincheng rarely stayed here? The fans were waiting for Lu Lincheng to divorce her, weren’t they? The people who were eating melons didn’t know that Lu Lincheng and Liang Yan were an actual couple?

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She lifted the sheets to check on her body, and sure enough, she saw red fingerprints on her chest, on her thighs, and the core in between her legs was sore and swollen.  All of this confirmed what happened last night.

Was this what estranged couples would do? 

There was no f*cking mercy at all.

Due to her lack of experience, Liang Yan couldn’t figure out her relationship with Lu Lincheng and whether it was good or bad from last night’s events as she rolled in the sheets with him. She blushed under the blanket then quickly put on her clothes and walked out of the bedroom. She saw Lu Lincheng sitting at the dining table, elegantly eating his breakfast.

“Aren’t you filming with the drama crew?” Liang Yan asked as she stood far away. 

Lu Lincheng looked up and saw Liang Yan who came out with her hair as messy as a bird’s nest. “The director is in a bad state, so the whole crew is on holiday.”

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Lu Lincheng’s director for his new drama was well-known in the industry as a talented and eccentric person. After shooting a few scenes and losing inspiration, he actually stopped shooting. The director said he needed to rest for two days to find his inspiration, so Lu Lincheng got a temporary vacation and flew  back.


So, that was what happened! Liang Yan nodded. She decided not to be prideful and walked toward the table, pulled out a chair, and sat down in front of Lu Lincheng. Clearing her throat in a serious manner, she said, “Actually, I… have something I want to tell you.”

Lu Lincheng asked lazily while eating his breakfast, “What is it? Tell me.” 

Liang yan: “You may not believe me when I say this, I have amnesia, but I didn’t lose all my memory. I only forgot the last three years of  my life.” 

Lu Lincheng: “………………”

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Liang Yan: “I lost my memory two days ago when the lighting technician’s lamp fell on my head. Afterwards, I suddenly couldn’t remember anything.” 

Lu Lincheng slowly put down the cutleries in his hands and stared intently at the woman across him. Hearing her speech, his originally good mood disappeared and impatience appeared in his eyes. “Liang Yan, can you stop this nonsense?”

As soon as she heard this, she knew that Lu Lincheng didn’t believe her, so she argued from across the table, “I’m telling you the truth! I really can’t remember a lot of things!” 

“So what?” Lu Lincheng clasped his hands and stared at her Liang Yan whose face flushed with anxiety. “You lost your memory and then you want me to help you remember your lost memories together?” 

His brows scrunched together as he said, “It’s been two years, Liang Yan, aren’t you tired? I really don’t feel anything for you.”

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His first sentence didn’t elicit any reaction from her, but his last sentence set her on fire. He didn’t have feelings for her, why toss her over and over last night? Liang Yan’s dignity as a woman was challenged. She stood from the chair. “No feelings, no feelings… Why did you toss and turn with me on the bed last night?”

Lu Lincheng didn’t expect Liang Yan to react this way, and he looked at her incredulously and said, “Who taught you that?”

“No one taught me.” Liang Yan was so angry that she gasped for air. She faced Lu Lincheng with a tit-for-tat attitude, propping her hands on the table, her eyes were stern like a little wolf. “I’ll tell you again, I don’t remember anything from before. Do you believe it or not?”

She turned around to leave as she finished speaking, but then she suddenly thought of something. Liang Yan faced him again and sneered, “No feelings, right? Sorry, last night, I actually didn’t feel anything at all.” 

After hearing this, Lu Lincheng’s face was as black as the bottom of a kettle, and it took a long time before he managed to squeeze a word through his teeth, “Fuck!” 


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