The Entertainment Industry Waits For Our Divorce Chapter 84

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The 43rd day — Divorced (3)

The two-day journey of the inexperienced guests ended, and it was time to choose their favorite participant.

The heartbeat observers discussed and tried to guess the guests' choices before the results came out.

Each guest named a pair. Fan Chuchu guessed that Xiao Ke and Daliang would hit it off. Li Kai guessed another team, and Huang Xiyan made a detailed expert analysis of the actions of the male and female guests over two days. After that, he drew arrows on who he thought the guests would choose. Daliang and Xiao Ke were the only pair with double arrows pointing at each other.

It was Liang Yan’s turn to choose next.

Liang Yan carefully thought about the two-day journey of the six inexperienced guests. The program had edited it thoroughly. Xiao Ke and Daliang had double arrows pointing at each other; the two girls dated the two boys and the girls even bullied the two boys. The boys had to carry luggage together, build a fire together, and fetch water at the same time to cook for the girls.

Liang Yan held her chin as she expressed her opinion, “I really have nothing much to say. I believe that within these two days, Xiao Hui and Justine developed a wonderful bond.”

After the heartbeat observers announced their choices, the program team revealed the guests' choices.

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Xiao Ke and Daliang, as expected, had chosen each other.

Those who guessed correctly clapped their hands in happiness.

One of the other two female guests chose Xiao Hui and the other one chose Justine. When Xiao Hui and Justine’s papers were open, there was nothing on it. The two boys didn’t choose.

So, Xiao Ke and Daliang held hands and happily claimed their romantic trip for two to Bali.

At the end of each episode, the heartbeat observers had to deliver a final speech, and the theme for this episode was “your keyword for love.”

Fan Chuchu chose “happiness,” Li Kai chose “tolerance,” and Huang Xiyan chose “three views.” Pondering about it for a few moments, Liang Yan ended up choosing “brave.”

Liang Yan said, “I believe that most people's love journey isn’t smooth-sailing, and it is only when people are brave enough to overcome the obstacles  and trials will they be able to have a kind of love that is stronger and more precious.”

It was a very ordinary and boring chicken soup.

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Finally, the review and observation of the first phase of the show was over. The program team would edit the two-day video of the six guests in the Xinxin inn, adding the comments and review of the four heartbeat guests to form the finished episode. It was scheduled to air on Goose Video next week.

After finishing the recording of the program, Liang Yan refused to look at the murderous eyes of the director.

She was aware that she was so boring, and had no breakthrough.

A week later, the Goose video aired the show “A hundred heartbeats a day.”

The first episode received a lot of attention. Everyone clutched melons, excitedly waiting for Liang Yan to speak about her failed marriage with her ex-husband, Lu Lincheng. Even if she didn’t mention it to avoid suspicion, there would be details about how they got along.

There was nothing more intriguing than the marriage of these two people. The netizens watched for more than an hour and half.

Liang Yan’s black fans and Lu Lincheng’s fans were overjoyed.

[Did Liang Yan just join  the show to sit and laugh? Hahahaha…]

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[She only spoke a few words, and there was no sense of variety show at all. What good fate, what bravery… it was all messed up.]

[The director probably invited Liang Yan, thinking that he could pry something out of her mouth. But, now, I’m afraid that he’s pissed off, right?”

[Liang Yan never let us down. Dog head.jpg.]

[What generation are we now? Being “brave” is the most important? I don’t even want to bother myself to laugh.]

[Still talking about a fantastic destiny? What are you acting cultured and educated for?]

The netizens mocked until the next day when, suddenly, two Weibo’s were posted.

Xiao Hui of a hundred heartbeats a day posted, “Thank you for the love mentor Liang Yan talking about “bravery,” on last night’s show. We, who had been running away from our feelings, have finally acknowledged that we have a “wonderful fate” in the show — it is called love.” @ahundredheartbeataday Justine.

Justine of a hundred heartbeats a day posted, “Thank you for my love mentor, Liang Yan. She gave me the courage to face up to this amazing destiny. He confessed his love to me yesterday, and I accepted. We’ll be happy in the future. We already bought a ticket for Bali with @ahundredheartbeataday Xiao Hui.”

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The melons almost slipped from the hands of the netizens.

So it was like that!

They shouldn’t just look at Liang Yan’s few words. There were few words but they were very good. Its significance lay in its cryptic and deep meaning.

What it meant to “create wonderful destiny,” was clearly to create love!

But if she had seen through them, she didn’t say anything. She  was  very considerate of the two boys.

In the show, it was evident that the two boys were attracted to each other. In the end, Liang Yan encouraged the two boys to have courage and face their feelings despite the risk of being mocked by black fans.

They relied on their own strength and courage in the face of love.

In the future, who would dare to laugh at love mentor Liang Yan?

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