The 44th day — Divorced (3)

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There were only three things that couldn’t remain hidden in the world: cold, love, and poverty.

Liang Yan couldn’t bear it and caught a  cold even though she drank hot brown sugar ginger tea.

It came quickly like a tornado.

Liang Yan didn’t want to inconvenience the shooting of “Benevolence,” so she filmed it even though she was sick.

It was just that the cold wind blew, making her heart feel cold and her head dizzy.

Zhong Ze noticed that something was wrong with Liang Yan while they were shooting together, so he asked worriedly, “Sister Yan, are you okay?”

Liang Yan shook her head. “I’m fine. I’m fine…”

In the next shot, it was her turn to deliver her lines.

But before she could say the words, Liang Yan sneezed with “Ah —  che!”.

She couldn’t hide her cold.

Zhong Ze frowned and said to the director, “Director, Sister Yan has a cold. Let her go and rest.”

Originally, Liang Yan wanted to wave her hand to say it was nothing, but her hand refused to move as if paralyzed. She couldn’t hold it up.

She gave up in resignation and listened to the director when he asked the doctor to take her temperature.

To prevent accidents, a doctor was on standy in the set.

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Liang Yan sat aside to rest and watched as the director filmed Tong Lei and Wang Yili.

The two big names had sparks in their eyes when they faced each other.

Zhong Ze followed after her, chattering, “Sister Yan, you can’t ignore your body for the sake of work! Look at the senior artists in the circle, a lot of them have various health problems as they get older.”

“Zhong Ze…” Liang Yan looked at him intently and seriously said, “If you know too much, you’ll be silenced.”

Zhong Ze: “……”

The doctor arrived. First, he gave Liang Yan the clip-on thermometer to use.

Liang Yan handed the thermometer back to the doctor a few minutes later.

The doctor, a young man, frowned while looking at the thermometer. “You’re burning — 39 degrees.”

Tong Lei happened to finish his scene this time and overheard the doctor’s words.  He looked at Liang Yan with surprise.

Liang Yan touched her forehead and reacted feebly, “Hmm.”

Zhong Ze was taken aback. “My God, you’re burning up.”

Liang Yan looked good, so the director didn’t expect her to be sick.

Fortunately, Liang Yan’s scenes were almost done, so he let her rest first.

With heavy steps, she walked away.

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Tong Lei stared at Liang Yan’s feeble steps and her face. His face was complicated.

His mood was like: you thought of something as a wolf but it was just a mutated sheep. It wasn’t lethal, but only a bit rigid.

Because of this, Tong Lei called Lu Lincheng. Even though Lu Lincheng didn’t even talk to her, he sent the whole crew brown sugar ginger tea upon leaving, and it was obvious that he was being duplicitous.

“Hey, your ex-wife has a high fever — 39 degrees.”

“I’m just telling you, that’s all.”


Liang Yan’s fever this time was severe. She went home alone and laid in bed.As soon as she was on the bed, she felt dizzy and her eyelids were heavy.

She slept for a while, but the doorbell ringing woke her up.

Liang Yan didn’t want to open the door, so she turned over and went back to sleep, covering her head  with the blanket. But the doorbell rang non-stop, and as a result, she couldn’t go back to sleep. So, she had no choice but to get up to open the door.

“Who is it?” She opened the door angrily.


Liang Yan continued her sleep.

Lu Lincheng sat on the sofa for a bit,  observed Liang Yan’s apartment, then he went inside her bedroom.

Liang Yan was asleep, but her mouth was moving as if she was muttering something.

He bent down subconsciously.

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“I’m so tired… too heavy…”

Lu Lincheng didn’t understand what she meant.

“What’s so tiring?” he whispered.

His voice softened even more, facing the weak Liang Yan with a sick face.

“The barbell is so heavy.” Suddenly, Liang Yan whimpered twice. “I can’t lift it, and it’s too heavy.”

He realized that she was having a dream when she was a child and practiced weightlifting in the sports gym.

He had never heard her talk about her childhood life before, and he thought she came from an ordinary family. He didn’t know about her life until he saw her childhood photos while practicing weightlifting in the hot search.

The faded undershirt, her chubby face with dumpling cheeks, and the serious eyes when lifting the barbell.

And Chen Xueyun.

She never mentioned that Chen Xueyun appeared and approached her at that time.

Why didn’t she  say it? He really wanted to ask her now, but unfortunately, she had lost her memory and had forgotten him.

He stayed silent, his eyes landed on her forehead and chapped lips.

Lu Lincheng went out to grab a glass of water and returned with a few white pills in his hand.

This was his first time taking care of someone, so he was careless when he made her drink water. He poured the water fast, and some went onto Liang Yan’s jaw and flowed to her collar.

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Her skin was white, and her collarbone came into view. Its shape was beautiful.

They have been married for more than two years.

His Adam’s apple moved up and down, in his heart, he tried to hold  back. But his body was a different story, and it seemed to have recognized Liang Yan, making him embarrassed.

Lu Lincheng buried the distracting thoughts, and put the antipyretic tablets in front of Liang Yan’s eyes. “Liang Yan, drink the medicine.”

Because of her clothes getting wet, she was a bit uncomfortable. Her voice was a bit vague, she grabbed his hand with her eyes closed and said, “No.”

Lu Lincheng placed the medicine over her lips. “Liang Yan, drink the medicine first before you go to sleep.”

She ignored him.

Lu Lincheng was a bit annoyed, so he lifted Liang Yan’s body. “Liang Yan, hurry up and eat your medicine.”

Liang Yan opened her dazed eyes. The person in front of her looked like her ex-husband, very familiar.

How could her ex-husband know  she  was sick? It definitely wasn’t him.

Immediately, she  excluded her ex-husband and thought that this person was Zhong Ze, also known as “Little Lu Lincheng.”

Tsk~ this kid. He kept calling her sister Yan on the set.

She stretched out her hands —

With a snap, Liang Yan’s  feverish hand landed on “Zhong Ze’s” head like she was slapping a mosquito to death.

“Why did you stop calling me sister Yan?”

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