Forty-ninth day (2)

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Why? It was clearly the same song! Why did some people’s voices sound like the caress of an angel, and some people sounded like the devil pinched them?

Part of the reason why she always ran out of tune because she didn’t know what the correct tune sounded like, so it became even more outrageous when she opened her mouth and sang. Now, when Lu Lincheng sang the song, she realized that the theme song for the special episode was perfect.

The producer gave her such a beautiful song to sing. Only one word could describe it: wasteful.

Lu Lincheng: “From now on, I’ll sing a sentence and you sing along. Let’s do it.” Although this method seemed so stupid, this was also the most effective.

Lu Lincheng sang acapella.

Liang Yan’s heart was so sour. She pouted, feeling reluctant to sing along, but she still did it. She sat up and sang.

Still out of tune, but really cute.

Lu Lincheng couldn’t help it, the corners of his lips stretched and he didn’t say anything as he continued teaching her patiently.

Time flew really fast.

Liang Yan had to admit that Lu Lincheng was a qualified teacher. Compared with her previous unguided practice, Lu Lincheng wrote down the parts that she mostly went out of tune. Also, Lu Lincheng nodded his head if she sang correctly even just a bit to show encouragement.

At the end of the lesson, Liang Yan sang the first half of the song, following Lu Lincheng’s annotations on the music sheet. Then, she put it down after singing, looking at Lu Lincheng with some expectation.

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He smiled, nodding at her. “Very good.”

Although she was still out of tune, the degree had been reduced from the North Pole to the Northeast. Also, after the improvement, the advantage of her unique timber was brought into play.

Liang Yan was affirmed, and the little vanity in her heart immediately swelled into infinity, but, outwardly, she still looked very calm. “Hmm, it’s just singing. What’s so difficult about it?”

“It’s not difficult,” Lu Lincheng replied.

Liang Yan checked her watch and realized it was time for dinner.

She squirmed on the sofa. “Ah, I’ll have Jiang Mu call you for the lesson fee.” It means class is over and you can go.

Lu Lincheng stood up after hearing this. “Then, when is the next session?”

“The next session?” Liang Yan sighed again. “Lu Lincheng, you really have a lot of free time.” He was even more relaxed than her.

Lu Lincheng smiled. “Because I’m free, I can earn extra tuition fees.”

The corners of Liang Yan’s mouth twitched. She sent Lu Lincheng away.

As soon as the door closed, Liang Yan couldn’t wait and took out her phone. She called Jiang Mu, and sang a verse of the song. She excitedly asked, “How is it?”

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Jiang Mu: applause.jpg x3

Liang Yan arrogantly said, “Not like this, I want you to praise me verbally.”

Jiang Mu: “………………”

Jiang Mu: “Is this the result of Lu Lincheng’s lesson?”

Although she didn’t want to acknowledge it, she reluctantly agreed. “Hmmm.”

Jiang Mu turned serious. “When you got sick, and then this… have you noticed anything?”

Liang Yan was puzzled. “What do you mean?”

Jiang Mu replied. “Lu Lincheng… he seems to be chasing you.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me. Lu Lincheng finally got rid of me. How can he chase…” Liang Yan recalled what Lu Lincheng did, and her voice became smaller as she spoke. She was horrified.


She was so stupid!

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In the underground garage, Lu Lincheng sat in the driver’s seat for a while. Then, he took out his phone and opened Weibo.

He reposted several videos of Liang Yan singing, and put one of them at the top of the list.

The fan group’s president finally passed his Weibo, and let the account who he initially thought was fake to join the Langya Gathering Place Fan Group.

As soon as he joined, he was instantly notified that “Group treasure Liang Yan” was online.

Before Lu Lincheng could do anything, the chat interface went crazy. He hadn’t interacted with fans for a long time.

[Ah, ah, ah! Yan Yan is online!]

[Catch handsome Liang Yan here!]

[Liang Yan, Liang Yan! I love you! I want to be with you!]

[This is the first time I met Liang Yan online. Should I confess my love now?]

[Please line up. Don’t make trouble.]

Group treasure Liang Yan: [I haven’t been very active online recently. Thank you for all the encouragement you sent me these days. Bow.jpg.]

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[I have received all the confessions. Be nice to each other and behave. If you don’t listen, I’ll sing to you.]

Fans: [Hahahahahahahaha…]

Liang Yan only went online for only a few minutes. After expressing gratitude and exchanging a few more words with the fans, she went offline.

But the few minutes made the fans really happy and excited. After Liang Yan disappeared, everyone was moved. How can there be such a nice and lovable idol as Liang Yan?

Everyone was busy chatting, and after a while, the topic turned to the fact that Liang Yan was so good, what kind of man would be worthy of her?

Lu Lincheng changed his sitting position and focused on the chat interface.

The fans discussed the height and weight, all the way to the bank account. They even included single and double eyelids, on the grounds that it would affect the genes of the next generation.

Lu Lincheng read the detailed discussion of the fans, feeling nervous. He couldn’t help but compare himself to the requirements of the fans.

He was slightly relieved when he realized that the requirements of the fans fit him.

However, before he could fully relax,   the fans overturned all the requirements. Then, arrived at a unified conclusion —

Liang Yan was a fairy, and vulgar humans weren’t worthy of her.

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