The Escort

Chapter extra 2

Min Yu looked up at him, not very happy, and deliberately said with indifference, “You and I have a five-generation gap. Then we’re not suitable either.” 

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Shao Mingwei froze for a moment when he heard what he said, and then clenched his right hand into a fist and put it to his mouth, then gave out a low cough.

He turned his head and looked at Min Yu intently, then asked seriously, “How old are you this year?”



Min Yu didn’t know why he suddenly asked this. A little confused, he asked, “45, what’s wrong?”

“Impossible!” Shao Mingwei said decisively. His eyes widening in shock. 

Min Yu: “…?” He didn’t believe that Shao Mingwei didn’t know how old he was.

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Sure enough, Shao Mingwei hugged him and looked at him from the right and left, and said to him with sincerity and doubt, “This is obviously the face of a 20-year-old. How could you be 45 years old? Also, I always remember that you’re younger than me. Have you forgotten?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Llr ilofilxf jmalcu rxliir jcv ufcelcf vbeyar wjvf Zlc Te revvfcis mtbxf.

Zlc Te jcv Vtjb Zlcukfl tjnf yffc abufatfg obg wjcs sfjgr, jcv atfs tjv ibcu rlcmf rabqqfv ufaalcu fzmlafv jybea aglnlji wjaafgr ilxf atfrf, yea bcf mjc’a afii ktfatfg la kjr yfmjerf bo Vtjb Zlcukfl’r gfwjgxr atja mjc wjxf qfbqif yiert, bg atf ufcaif rwlif lc tlr fsfr kjr abb abifgjca jcv rlcmfgf, atja wjvf Zlc Te revvfcis offi jrtjwfv. Lf uijgfv ja Vtjb Zlcukfl, jcv joafg j ibcu alwf tf rqja bea atf kbgvr, “…rwbbat ajixfg.”


Shao Mingwei let out a chuckle. Receiving Min Yu’s glare, he hugged him tightly in his arms and buried his head in the other’s neck. “I’m telling the truth. Every time I kiss my wife, he will always look young in my heart… No, no matter what he looks like I love him.”

Because Shao laoshi always likes to call a lot of embarrassing endearments indiscriminately in combination with his movements on certain special occasions, the more shy Min Yu is, the more motivated he is. The word wife was particularly called frequently in bed, causing Min Yu to involuntarily think of the unspeakable scenes as soon as he heard the word, and then became very stiff. He squeezed a strawberry into Shao Mingwei’s mouth to block his mouth, then whispered, “I’m not your wife…”

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Shao Mingwei only smiled, leaned over, and kissed him with stickiness, the sweet and sour strawberry juice mixed with saliva entangled on their lips. They’re not young anymore and were familiar enough with each other, but they still kiss, frolic, and forget what they were just talking about, which dispels a lot of depression in Shao Mingwei’s heart.


Turning off the bedroom lights at night, Min Yu held Shao Mingwei and mentioned Shao Rong’s affairs again. “You don’t have to be so nervous about Rong Rong in the future. This matter speaks volumes. Although she’s wrong about hiding it from you, she has grown up and has her own little life. You’re overprotective of her. She’s so obedient and sensible, she will feel too much pressure.” 

Shao Mingwei was silent as if reflecting, and said after a while, “I understand.”

Min Yu knew that he was really listening to his words, so he didn’t say more. He cupped his face dotingly and kissed his forehead, rubbing his pajamas against the quilt in the dark, sending out subtle sounds.

After a while, Min Yu nestled into Shao Mingwei’s arms, playing with the pajama buttons on his chest with one hand while calming his breathing. “… Today, when Lao Meng came to deliver strawberries, he said that my sister and her husband would be having a vacation the day after tomorrow for a week. I originally wanted to ask for a leave of absence for An An and Ning Ning from the kindergarten with me, but the two children said they wanted to come to our house to play, and they asked me if I’m fine with it. I will not be too busy for the next week, so I agreed.”

In Qi Jingchun’s senior year, Min Nan perhaps felt that her life was a little lonely, her heart longs for something, then unexpectedly she became pregnant. She was already old when she got pregnant, and her family, including her husband, daughter, and younger brother, was opposed to keeping the baby, but Min Nan had a stubborn attitude and wanted to keep the baby, even having a cold war with her husband until she finally got what she wanted. Fortunately, although she was old when she was pregnant with the child, she suffered less than when she was pregnant with Qi Jingchun, and her pregnancy symptoms were almost non-existent, except for her belly, which was bigger, she smoothly went into labor, and delivered twins, both boys through cesarean. 

Min Nan originally thought of having Min Yu and Shao Mingwei adopt the other boy, but Min Yu quickly refused her suggestion. He knew that his sister care about him, and she also loved the baby very much, so he absolutely can’t do such a thing as breaking apart the mother and child, shirking that he and Shao Mingwei only wanted to live a two-person life and wouldn’t raise a kid, Min Nan didn’t force it. With this, Shao Mingwei and Min Yu loved the twins even more, almost treating them as their own children.

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Shao Mingwei was also very fond of the two little guys and had no objection. He suddenly remembered something and said, “Today Liu Yang called me and said that he would invite us to dinner the night after tomorrow. We can bring An An and Ning Ning with us, ba.”

“Why invite us to dinner all of a sudden?”

“He didn’t say why. I guess something good happened, ba. His tone was quite happy.” 

“Okay, let’s go to my sister’s house to pick up An An and Ning Ning the morning after tomorrow…”

The night is getting darker, drowsiness came like a haze, and the conversing voice in whispers gradually died down until it turned into complete silence.


On the day they agreed to pick up An An and Ning Ning, Shao Mingwei and Min Yu had breakfast early and went out. Because it was the weekend, when they arrived at Qi’s house, the two adults and two children had just woken up to wash and prepare for breakfast.

The servant opened the door, and as soon as Shao Mingwei and Min Yu entered, Ning Ning ran over with the remote control of his small plane. “Are the uncles here?” 

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Shao Mingwei replied with a smile, “Yes, we come to pick up An An and Ning Ning to go to our house and look for sister Rong Rong to play.”

“Yey!” Ning Ning cheered, hurriedly put down the remote control, and threw himself on Shao Mingwei.

An An, who was sitting obediently at the dining table, also had his eyes lit up, and finally couldn’t help getting out of the chair. He didn’t ask his mother for help. An An, who was almost four years old, moved forward to the edge of the chair and slowly came down, then walked towards Min Yu and hugged his legs gently. Min Yu bent down and picked up the milk-scented baby, his heart completely turning soft. “Did you miss uncle?”

An An wrapped his small white arms around Min Yu’s neck, smiled quietly at him, and said in a small voice, “I miss uncle a lot.” 

The twins’ names are Qi Jingjia and Qi Jingqiu. An An came out of his mother’s womb before Ning Ning, so he’s the elder brother. The two brothers have very different personalities. Ning Ning is quirky and couldn’t stay put even for a moment. In Min Nan’s words, his personality was carved out from the same mold as Qi Jingchun. He was a little devil, but An An was very well-behaved and quiet. He didn’t like to talk much and was a little sensitive. When he was a baby, he inherited the facial attributes of his parents, but his eyebrows and eyes were similar to Min Yu. If the two of them were together, he’s like the second version of Min Yu.

Min Yu was extremely fond of him and said with a smile, “Me too. I really miss An An.”

An An looked at him with bright eyes, then suddenly pursed his lips and kissed Min Yu’s face gently in silence, then quickly buried his blushing white face in Min Yu’s shoulder.

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