The Eternal Supreme

Chapter 2245: 2245

Chapter 2245: Chapter 2245 -heavenly secrets not yet here

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Translator: 549690339

During this period, he also met the three Dragon sons, blaze, Jing, and mang. The three of them were also awakening their sleeping true spirits and wanted to make them their subordinates.

But, as soon as he came into contact with Yunxiao, a conflict immediately broke out. With Xuanyuan Yao, a half-step world monarch, and the other experts, the three Dragon sons were quickly defeated and fled.

The true spirits they had gathered were either dead or surrendered, giving Yunxiao an advantage.

“Husband, why don’t you chase after them and kill those three crawlers to prevent any future trouble!” Feini said.

although these three people have a grudge against me, they are not as unreasonable as luanyu, ” Yunxiao said. there is no need to kill them. After all, the heavenly martial arts realm’s powerhouses are few and far in between.

Every creation realm existence is a priceless treasure.”

“Feiyang wants to subdue these three people?” qu Hongyan asked.

I don’t have to subdue them, ” Yunxiao said. as long as they can exert some positive energy in the demonic war, I have a reason to let them live. If it was any other time, they would have wanted to kill me and would have never let them live.”

A murderous look flashed in Yunxiao’s eyes, but it disappeared in an instant.

“Feiyang, I don’t know if I should say something,” qu Hongyan said after a moment of silence.

Yunxiao was taken aback. Hongyan, ” he said with a smile, ” why are we so distant? ”

“‘Then I’ll get straight to the point,” qu Hongyan nodded. In tact, what Lord nine abyss said was also reasonable. The rise and fall of all things had their own destiny. Why did her husband have to put all the matters of the heavenly martial realm on himself? instead, he had lost his previous free and uninhibited character. The realm of heavenly martial arts would be protected as much as possible, and it would be fine if it couldn’t be protected. With our strength, even if the demons take over the entire Jie, they can’t do anything to us. The realm of heaven martial arts belongs to the people of the world, not to you alone. Don’t take all the blame on yourself.”

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Yunxiao pondered for a moment, then said, ” “You’re right. The realm of heavenly martial arts belongs to the people of the world. “But in your eyes, there’s only me who’s working hard and risking my life. There are also thousands of people who are working hard and risking their lives. Some have even already lost their lives. Tian Xingzi, Chen duantian, Yan zhihan, Qian Sheng, star abyss, Ben tingfeng, and the rest, as well as Lord li mang Shan who had just been sacrificed. Compared to them, what face do I have to be pretentious?

Qu Hongyan was stunned for a moment and then said, ” “There are many people who work hard, but there are even more people who do not care.” do you want me to be that kind of lecherous person? ” Yunxiao asked.

This time, qu Hongyan was completely stunned and speechless. If Yunxiao was really the kind of person he said he was, he would not have been able to follow him all the way until now.

She laughed at herself in her heart, “what a complicated feeling.”

Yunxiao patted her head with a smile and said, ” “Don’t think too much, I’ll do my best until I die.”


Qu Hongyan responded softly and showed a knowing smile. She said, ” ‘ No matter what you do, I will support you.”

“Let’s go,” Yunxiao said with a smile.

Everyone continued to circle around the land of ten thousand spirits a few times, taking almost everything that could be taken away. They even dug out some true spirit remains that could not be recovered. These things were the best raw materials and it was the best to use them to refine into medicinal pills or profound armaments.

After digging nothing in the Dragon field, they returned to Yanwu. Luo Qingyun was the only one who stayed to comprehend the power of the Dragon Realm.

For him, although Yanwu’s conditions were good, they could not be compared to Long Yu, who had once dominated the world. Even though it was extremely damaged, the power contained within was indeed the law domain that Yuri had formed when he was at his peak, allowing him to benefit greatly.

‘In that case, you can stay,’ Yunxiao said. I still remember that I owe you a battle, something you’ve always yearned for. However, with your current strength, do you have the qualifications to fight me?” His eyes flickered with a

teasing look.

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Luo Qingyun’s face turned green, and her nails dug into her flesh. She gritted her teeth.

all the best, ” Yunxiao said with a smile. you are a descendant of the dragon clan, which means you are a descendant of the realm power. You represent the strongest creature in this world. With your talent, you’ll definitely be able to continuously temper your bloodline and even break through the limits of your bloodline. You’ll be able to comprehend even higher laws and become an existence as powerful as the true dragons of the past.”

“I will!” Luo Qingyun replied coldly. I will remember this battle in my heart, and I hope you won’t forget it. When the time comes, just wait to be beaten down by me!”

“Hahaha. ”

Yunxiao laughed and gave him a thumbs up. “I’ll wait for you!”

The two of them looked at each other, and their hearts moved when their eyes met. Yunxiao smiled faintly, then drove the divine realm tablet into the sky, leaving Luo Qingyun’s determined figure behind.

“I’ve always been chasing after you, watching your back. One day, I will walk in front of you and defeat you.”

Luo Qingyun’s eyes shone with determination. He turned into a beam of light and disappeared from the Dragon field.

A few days later, they finally returned to Yanwu.

Everyone’s expression was not very good, and most of them were carrying their injured bodies. As soon as they entered the city, they immediately went into seclusion.

After Yunxiao and Ling mudi had a detailed discussion, Yunxiao summoned all the core members of Yanwu for a meeting, and everyone’s face turned grave.

After Yunxiao had told him everything, he said, ” “I’ve gathered everyone here to discuss how to deal with the Holy demon. No one knows when the demoness will return to the heavenly martial arts realm, but I don’t think it will be too long. We don’t have much time left.”

Yunxiao’s trip to the North Sea had brought back too much shocking news. However, the birth of a Holy demon was undoubtedly the most important and shocking event.

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The news of the Holy demon’s appearance was like a huge rock that pressed down on everyone’s hearts. The atmosphere in the entire venue was abnormally heavy, and no one made a sound.

Although the demons were also shocked by the Holy demon’s appearance, what left them even more dumbfounded was the news of the demon ancestor, six-winged.

The great demons all looked at the referee. After receiving the referee’s confirmation, all of them turned pale with fright.

“Did Jiu Yuan say where ancestor six-winged could be?” Al ning asked.

no, ” mo shook his head and said, ” what li Yunxiao said just now is all he has to say. it’s my fault for being too careless, ” he said, a little upset. I was stunned when I heard the news. I forgot to ask such an important question!

A great demon said, ” Your Majesty, you don’t have to worry. Isn’t Jiu Yuan still in the realm pit? he said that you can find him if you need anything. We’ll just send someone to ask.”

MO frowned. Lord Jiu Yuan is an expert in the world King realm. How can you disturb him? ”

it’s about the ancestor, Lord six-winged, ” the great demon said, embarrassed.

I don’t think I’m disturbing you on a whim, right? ‘

Al shook his head slightly and said, “I guess Jiu Yuan doesn’t know either. Otherwise, he would have told us directly.” In fact, if he knew, he would have gone to find his ancestor and would not have to stay in the world pit for hundreds of thousands of years. In addition, what the Emperor said does make sense. Ancestor six-winged’s matter is a big deal to our clan, but it’s only a small matter to Lord nine abyss. I’m afraid it’ll make Lord nine abyss unhappy if we disturb him rashly.”

The big demon was a little depressed and said,”then what should we do?” Now that he knew about his ancestor, he couldn’t just sit back and do nothing. I have to do something.”

Al Hui and Yuan looked at each other. They knew what to do, but they didn’t know how to do it. After all, too much time had passed.

Yunxiao looked at the demons and said, ” “Everyone, there’s no need to worry too much. It had been a million years. If the six-winged Lord was still alive, he would definitely be in seclusion somewhere. He was not in a hurry. Even Lord Jiu Yuan doesn’t know much about the inside story of the fall of ten thousand spirits back then, so we have to start with luanyu.”

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“Right! It’s luanyu!”

As soon as he woke them up, Yi, Al, and the others suddenly came to their senses, and their eyes lit up.

luanyu is extremely cunning, ” Yunxiao said. it’s not easy to capture him alive. The place where the true dragon is born is a very good catalyst. As long as the next generation of true dragons is born, luanyu will definitely not be able to sit still and will definitely stop it. ‘

“Then, when and where will the next generation of true dragons be born?” Al hurriedly asked. Everyone’s eyes gathered on him. They were also very curious about this.

Yunxiao remained silent, as if he was hesitating.

I’m sorry, ” Al said apologetically. I was too rude. I shouldn’t have asked such a confidential question.

No. Yunxiao shook his head and said, ”, you’ve misunderstood. I don’t know the exact time and place. Back then, the coordinates of the hundred wheel binding seal in my mind had always been vague, and I couldn’t clearly read it. But I have a feeling that we’ll know when the heavenly secrets arrive.” “I see, I misunderstood you, young master Yun,” Al said.

Yunxiao smiled and said, ” it’s fine. I’m also very interested in the matters of the monster race ancestors. It wasn’t just because of the six-winged Lord’s strength, which could penetrate a realm and create a realm pit. It’s also because the two realms are at war now. If the six-winged Lord is still alive and can make a move, then the heavenly martial realm will have no worries.”

Everyone nodded slightly, but they all knew that the possibility of this was very low.

A super powerful being who had disappeared for millions of years, even if he was still alive, he would most likely not participate in The War of the Two Worlds for various reasons. Otherwise, he would have made a move a hundred thousand years ago.

“Then I’ll have to trouble young master Yun to pay more attention to the birth of the true dragon. The monster race will definitely do our best to capture luanyu,” Al said.

Yunxiao nodded. Capturing luanyu had almost become a top priority, as the soul of the true dragon was needed to suppress the master of the world. But no matter how anxious he was, there was no other way. He could only wait patiently for an opportunity.

“Everyone, don’t let the birth of the Holy demon affect your temperament too much,” said beifeng Nan. We have experts like Lord nine abyss and Lord

Xuanyuan on our side, and we might even find the ancestor of the demon race. We might have a way to fight against the Holy demon. However, in the following days, all of your energy will be focused on training and strengthening the city’s defenses.”

1/1 couldn’t win this chapter at first, but the plane was late, so I had to rush out to have a run. The next seven-hour flight was over, and there were no more updates today..

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