The Eternal World

Chapter 12

„Mother, here is?“

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„Leo, here is a place where children without any relatives live.“


„There are various reasons.“

„Is that so.“

„When you grow up, you shouldn’t make a country where the people starve. Here are children with unavoidable circumstances. It is your duty to protect this country so that such children do not increase.“

„I understand. Mother.“



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„I’m pleased that you’ve come Queen. And with the prince at the same time too?“

„Good morning, director. I would like to show my son around for future reference.“

„Is that so? Please, in here.“

„““Welcome. We have been expecting you.“““

„Oh. What lively children they are. Good morning.“

(This is quite a lot. It seems like the children are the same (age?) as me …  As usual, they are looking at me like they’re seeing a rare animal. ..)

„Mother, i am leaving my seat for a while.“

(You should discuss adult things with other adults.)

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(It is slightly narrower than Silvai’s residence. Oh?)


(What? This girl … Which reminds me, that daughter was also like a Celeste. The girl with the soft, blue hair and the gold and silver-)


Pitter-patter the little child with the blonde hair ran away.

„Eh, … ah.“

„Oh, Leo. Here you were. Is something wrong?“

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„Ah, nothing mother.“

„Really. We should return shortly.“




„Fuhhh. Sob … sob“


„It hurts! A? Ah? What? This tree? Me – mor – y? Eh? What do you mean. Heh? Japanese?! Eh why do i understand it? I?“ ¹

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„Lillie?? Where are you Lillie?“


„Geez, Lillie. What happened to your head, what’s that injury?“

„Tree. Crash. Hurt??“

„Anyhow, let’s go treat it, okay?“



¹ In these sentences she is mumbling Japanese word written in Katakana(the writing system used for foreign words), which is probably suggesting that she is speaking another language (Japanese). I tried my best to make some sense out of the mumbling.

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