The Eternal World

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

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Rosy and family


I was standing in front of a door, that was just a few meters from mine. Since I haven’t approached even once till now, the noh-maid’s eyes were no longer following my every move, so I had no problem coming here.

I knocked on my little brother’s door and from inside the nostalgic voice of the wet nurse could be heard. I wonder when the last time I spoke with her was?

When I turned the door knob and opened the door, on top of the bed I could see my now grown up little brother.

His eyes, I could finally see, were the color of amber.

While I was absorbed in this new founding, shocking words came from my little brother.


“Who, how can you ask that?”

When I was about to enter the room slightly staggering, the sad expression of the wet nurse came into my sight again.

No No No No! Like hell I’ll give up here!

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“Oscar, it’s me, your older sister Rosemary.”

“Older sister?”

“You may not remember but I’ve known you since you were very little.”



“Do you understand what brother and sister are?”

Oscar nodded his head slightly. Oh, if he understands that the this will be easier. I came near Oscar and sat at the edge of the bed.

“Oscar, what do you play with usually?”

“Building blocks”

When I looked towards where he was pointing…whoa! What’s that? It’s a castle!

Can a three-year-old kid build something like this?

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“Oscar! You’re a genius! A genius!”

Oscar opened his eyes wide in surprise when I grabbed his shoulders tightly and stared hard at his face.

“It…it hurts…older sister.”

“O…oh…sorry Oscar.”

This time when I patted him on the head he turned slightly troubled eyes at me. But it’s not the time for that. When I tried to call the wet nurse, I once again realized that I don’t know her name.

“Uhm, I don’t think I know your name, right?”

The wet nurse answered me with a gentle smile.

“I am called Rita, young miss.”

“Rita. Has my father seen these building blocks?”


Seriously…what are both of my parents doing! He is the important heir, you know!

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Eeiii, what the hell. I got up and left the room. My destination-of course, my father’s study. I entered without even knocking. Both father and Sebasu, that was there, were surprised but that’s not important.

“Father, hurry and come!”

I gripped the hem of my father’s coat and pulled strongly. While his eyes were round with surprise he stood up from his chair. In that way I dragged him out of the study. Sebasu also followed after us after a moment.

After we climbed to the second floor, the direction we headed was Oscar’s room, so my father and Sebasu’s expression showed discomfort but I will not give up here!

Opening the door to Oscar’s room without permission, I pushed my father in with all my strength. I didn’t think it would be that easy to push a grown man inside the room, but it looks like my father went in out of his own will, even if reluctantly. Oscar and Rita were also surprised.

It can’t be! Does Oscar not know father’s face too?

“Father, please look at this! Oscar made it!”

Like I care about such circumstances, so I yelled, without reading the atmosphere. It’s alright. It’s at these time that playing the child comes in handy.

As I thought, even father and Sebasu were staring at the direction of the castle with eyes, opened wide in surprise.

“It’s amazing, right? Oscar is a genius, right? Father!”

An amazingly promising heir, isn’t he?

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“Yes, it is amazing, young miss, isn’t it?”

Instead of my father, Sebasu answered me with a smile. Maybe father is bad at showing his love. Thinking that this is the moment, where the father praises his son, I once again pushed father with all my might. Though staggering, father approached Oscar.

Showing him how to praise Oscar by patting his head, father’s hand rose and he finally patted him on the head.

Oscar was staring blankly but father’s expression was…

“What is the matter, young miss?”

Before I noticed it tears were gently falling…

It’s the first time I’ve seen it… my father’s smiling face.

The strain that had built finally burst into tears, that wouldn’t stop.

Finally, …I finally get to see a scene resembling a family.

During the three years since I remembered my previous life, this family always gave me this uncomfortable strange feeling. The father, to whom I had never spoken to. The queer environment where I could not see my little brother freely. The mother, with whom I could not see eye to eye. The parents, who didn’t talk to each other at all.

“…Ehh…I don’t know why I am crying…”

I pretended not to know.

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