Duncan's eyes glinted with a profound light as he saw the name of the person he had to slaughter, and it seemed to begin raining underwater…

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A high-density black blood pounded against the mountain rocks, and a blackish sea creature swam by as Wormy and Phoenix searched for any straggler hobgoblins…

One strand…

They only needed one hobgoblin strand to help Duncan evolve into a more powerful form, and… Levana tagged along with Wormy teaching him some interesting words…

She felt like her and Wormy could relate more easily than a mother and son, and Phoenix looked over jealously as a few hobgoblins laughed and chatted in the distance…

He wished his master would use summon flesh golem already, and… Wormy said "Wormy…" for the first time…

[Ding! Host has activated the slaughter mission, kill Hoban Aras….]

[Hoban Aras is the son of Bastide Aras, and his father helped create the original blue print for karmic teleportation, so host is recommended to get ride of Levana for the mission…]

[Levana's appearance may be recognizable to some of the Aras clansmen, and would host like to accept the mission?]

"Uhm… I don't think Levana wants to leave, system…"

[Ding! Host may purchase one low-grade entrancement pill to give to Levana, and host is reminded he hasn't yet used the summon flesh golem skill…]

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"Oh… I forgot about that…" Duncan saw an icon in his interface, and… then he saw mining still at level 17…

As for his equipment, there were four panels of equipment, and… usually in video games the interface wouldn't be so complicated…

The first panel showed a skeleton…. Which had a power level of 500 / 2000, so after figuring out he could put equipment on three separate layers, he transformed into a skeleton and put on a few new bones…

"System… I just noticed… Do my evolutions stack?"

[Ding! Hosts evolutions don't stack, but there are up to three layers host can put equipment on dependent on previous evolutions… The lowest layer is the bone layer, and host can extrapolate what the other two layers are based on human anatomy… Hence, hosts power level can reach maximum power level…]

"Oh…" Duncan nodded and noticed he could change the bones on his skeleton, and the equipment on his body…. However, the third layer seemed to be still hidden, and… one blob of flesh appeared in front of him as he held out his hand…

[Ding! Host has summoned flesh golem (level 10)…]

[Ding! Phoenix has entered into a battle with an Aras demon…]

[Ding! Phoenix has acquired 1500 experience for host, and… would you like to name your flesh golem…]

"No… please randomly generate a name… As for Phoenix, where is he?" Duncan only saw Wormy and Levana whispering to each other, and the camp in the distance didn't have any Aras demons…

He could've sworn Phoenix had been with Wormy… and… he began to get experience and stopped worrying…

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[Ding! System has randomly generated three names for host's flesh golem, and it is recommended host not choose one of the names… The bond between a summon and its name given by its master are supremely important… So, just say any name…]

"Ugh… you look like a Mona…." Duncan pat his flesh golem on the head and it didn't seem like the most normal flesh golem as it finished forming…




These were not normal qualities for a flesh golem, but… his flesh golem looked almost exactly like a young demon girl….

"Mona… would you mind giving this pill to Levana?" Duncan patted her on the back and handed her the low-grade entrancement pill… A second later, Levana seemed to think she had acquired two children, and she fell to the ground a second later…

Indeed, Mona appeared to be useful…

As a necromancer, being in espionage was like winning the lottery with summons like these, and… he ran towards the arrow above his head as Phoenix continued fighting…

[Ding! Phoenix has slaughtered one Madan Aras demon, and host has acquired 1500 experience!]

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[Ding! Wormy has dragged Levana to a safe mountain cave dwelling, and… he seems to have discovered a rare mining facility…]

"Wow… I've been wanting to mine for a while, but… why can't I find Phoenix?"

Duncan stood above the ground and then the arrow pointed down into the dirt…

How did Phoenix get below him?

The arrow pointed straight down, and he couldn't even hear the sounds of battle… Usually, if there was an underground battle, you'd at least hear the echoes… Hence, he handed Mona a mining pick and Wormy joined in as he taught the group his new vocabulary…

"Wormy! I HATE WORMY!" Wormy smiled with a satisfied expression as Duncan began digging into the earth…

Every few seconds, he'd get some experience from Phoenix…

He'd also look at Mona and feel bad… He had to remind himself this wasn't a real girl, and he wasn't forcing a little girl to work in a mine like the demons had done for years to children…

The demons were notorious for using humans in the mines, and… he stared at Mona as she smiled back at him with a look of understanding…

"Master… I'm alright… you don't have to worry about me…" Mona hammered hard into the ground, and Duncan for once wished something was ugly!

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"Yes… I know, Mona… However, we're almost to Phoenix… Wormy… stop saying ""Daddy sucks"" please…"

"Heh… I think its funny master…" Mona replied and Wormy sadly shook his head…

It was evident…

Levana and everyone else was teaching him English wrong, and he could only try his best to figure out English on his own…

Even Alberta and Bernie, who dropped into the crevice like bombs, were not much better at teaching him English…

However, he wouldn't give up, and he stared at Phoenix fighting an army by himself in a cave beneath the sea that held what appeared to be a sect…



Alberta and Bernie exploded as they hit the ground, and thousands of soldiers burst into the air as one large, stalwart figure stood in the background…

[Ding! Host has entered into the hidden territory of the Aras sect, and… host has ten minutes to kill Bastide Aras before reinforcements arrive at the sect…]

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