"What… what happened?" Duncan dusted off his body, and… Enna sighed in disbelief that he hadn't heard the news about the sect…

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"You… little ugly… you really haven't heard?" Mirada squinted her eyes at Duncan in disbelief, and he had no idea what happened at the surface…

The vast ocean told no secrets…

He'd been taking care of humans in an underwater palace, and… spent twenty days in a hole after an assassination mission…

In these forty days he spent under the ocean, the very universe could've changed, and he shook his head as Enna laughed and hugged him…

"Heh… I don't want to tell you then ugly… You'll see when we arrive at the Sect…" Enna waved Duncan over to a new floating tool, and he felt eyes on the back of his head as he got on the strange, round shaped disk…

Wait… Levana!

He had to get Levana before going back to the sect, and… he looked around seeing nothing but the vast, dark ocean as Wormy and his entire team had already boarded the disk with him staying exactly where he was…

Enna stared back at him wondering what kept him from boarding the disk…

In terms of the secret, it would mesmerize him that she created him a high-grade poison after failing at this one pill over 200 times! She painstakingly killed over 300 orcs in the process of making that poison, and… she stared at Duncan as he pointed over towards a rock…

"I… I forgot to loot the warzone… I'll be right back…" Duncan whistled and walked towards that battlefield as Enna pouted and started playing with Wormy…

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She hadn't seen this little guy in ages, and… he said "beautiful" causing Enna to blush as he stared at someone in the distance…

Wormy had looked over at Mona over Enna's shoulder, and Mona threateningly shook her fist as Duncan walked towards that rock…

"System… please tell me where Levana went…"

[Ding! According to her energy reading, Levana appears to have entered into the underwater town known as Liven Baraco… Distance from host is 450 miles or 724 kms…]

[Levana appears to be in a famous charm district of the ocean in that town, and… host must remember she is a flesh puppet… Hence, she may be looking for a charm, or something to improve hosts power by allowing herself to be bound…]

"So, you think she wants to be a summon?" Duncan looked down at the loot by the orcs, and picked up a sword, a few bones, and their armor…

One of the disheveled arms had a few strong-arm bones sticking out of it, and after pulling that bone arm out… he started thinking if it would be a good idea for him to charm Levana…

If he did, wouldn't she lose her independence?

Didn't she already say she felt like 'trash' compared to her former self and… he walked over to that floating disk after putting the bones in his system's inventory…


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[Chances are 57% she'd want host to use a charm on her, and… hosts chances of getting a flesh puppet stronger than Levana are nil… Flesh puppets of high quality are highly sought after because of the intense list of required materials, so… does that answer hosts question?]

"Yes…" Duncan sighed and withdrew his summons as he yawned on the disk…

It would come down to Levana if she wanted to be his summon, and… he suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart…


He held his heart and felt the air enter into his lungs as they soared into the sky…

The feeling that spread over him spread fear into his heart, and… thank god he was out of the ocean


Everton Mega Loren, Main meeting hall of the Royal Government

Five men and five women sat down at a round, elliptical table, and… they looked at Duncan's file that had gotten mixed with other important information…

"The chances of Duncan surviving and reaching the demon god are less than 2%..."

"Yes, but… do we have any choice?"

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"We… we always have a choice, Marina… However, a galactic king has been spotted in the 1.6 billion km range… We've got less than 500 years until he finds us…" The head general, Xeric, pulled up a map and pointed at that map…

"He's… doing a fairly predictable Quadrant unilateral search, and… does anyone have any ideas?"

The ten people in the room were all gods, and… it got deadly silent…

The sound of the birds chirping below their floating office could be heard, and… one of the men smashed the table causing debris to burst into the walls…

"Hmph… I do… sacrifice one of the other strong holds… We have the biggest population, and damn it! My family is here guys!"

The rest of the debris fell onto the floor, and… the other nine looked shocked and appalled at his decision…

"No… I disagree Mali…" Marina wiped the splinters off her shirt, and… she hated what she had to suggest…

"We… know that someone from Alpha Imperia Berta ratted out the drop point, so… that put the demons in the 100 billion mile range…"

"Do you guys know what I'm about to say…? We must use a diversion planet, and… 1 / 2 of our population should suffice…"

Xeric held out his hand and with a twinge of his power the table reformed… He sat down at that table, and… he agreed with Marina…

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She had always been smart…

Quick witted, and… after all, she had a very striking point…

"It's worked before, and… its time for a lottery… dismissed!"

"Wait… but boss!" Mali slammed his foot bursting a hole in their floating office…

"No! We'll not sacrifice another stronghold for our survival… I SAID DISMISSED!" Xeric disappeared in a flash, as did the other nine…

Mali, on the other hand, looked down at Duncan and squashed the picture of his face…

"If it wasn't for you, I'd think we'd have no hope…" He dropped the paper on the table, and… was it wrong that he wanted to betray them?

He laughed to himself and shrugged off the idea as he teleported in front of his pregnant wife…

"Honey… are we going to be okay?" She dropped the plate off food on the table, and the night sky hovered over him with no stars in sight…

"Yes honey… half of us will be…" He picked up the food, and… a knock came at his door a minute later."

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