[Authors note: I changed the last paragraph of last chapter... Sorry for the confusion]

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"I have another book on alchemy for you…" Duncan tossed a book called the golden alchemist path onto the table causing Enna's eyes to dilate with shock, and tears to well up in her eyes…

"Really… really little ugly… FOR ME!" Enna wanted to reach over and squeeze Duncan, but his ugly face sort of stopped her from moving… To make up for it, she threw ten boxes of devil's widow onto the wood table, and a loud noise placated the anxious atmosphere of Enna and Duncan…

"What… what was that?" Duncan walked out of the sect as the earth shook, and Wormy appeared to be shot with an arrow in his back…

Enna sighed before leaning down to check Wormy's condition, and… a few characters walked out of the various sect buildings… did they get new members for his sect?

Across from the new members, the cause of that noise, there appeared to be orcs running past the sects entranceway as they cried seeing Phoenix kill their friends...


Of course, Enna probably didn't tell the orcs her new pill creation method might result in a poison so powerful they'd die a slow, miserable death...

However, Phoenix kept killing them anyway, and... Duncan stepped on one by accident as he exited the building....

Indeed, the pills definitely brought new meaning to the blessing pill Enna had promised them by ending their lives and… Duncan watched those three recruits run in front of him….

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They really could run, and… one of them had a skeleton on his back…

The one with the skeleton on his back, he'd later find out, had been named Bertram by a father who killed his mother in cold blood, and destroyed his sect under blood curdling screams…

This happened a lot in this world, but… what exactly was that next to him?

Duncan squinted his eyes, and indeed… he swore he saw a running baby…

Indeed, she seemed like a shrunken version of a goblin, and it was like he was seeing a running baby wielding a gigantic blade… It screamed with a high voice... As for the third one, it was fat, and the fat one tossed the baby into the air....

"System… is that a baby… or a goblin…?"


[System is unable to scan for data in such close proximity of Enna…. Hence, system suggests host focus on battle currently going on…]

"What level does that restriction end at?"


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[Hosts power level must be in the 100,000 range of Enna's power level in order to fully ensure proper masking of systems exterior scanning capabilities, and… host has been surrounded by 10 orcs…]

"100,000… that shouldn't take more than 300 years…" Duncan dodged to the side as Mona kicked one of the orcs in the face…

Luckily, these orcs were all between level 25 – 30, and… Duncan felt himself struggling against their superior strength…


He punched one right in the middle of the forehead, and.. swallowed a few of Enna's low grade berserker pills… Suddenly, according to the system, his power level had increased by 10%, and… Phoenix cut off a few orc heads as Wormy grabbed some of the archers…


He wanted revenge for the travesty that had just occurred, and Mona had been looking at him as he was shot…

He took some time to ask her about sharing a room with him, and… she fluttered her eye lashes as an arrow went into his back!

[Ding! Host has found one dungeon entry key on the body of an orc, and Wormy has acquired 15,000 experience using corpse explosion…]

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[Host has cast reanimate corpse on the 10 dead orcs, and… reanimate corpse has leveled up to reanimate corpse II]

[Reanimate corpse II grants host the ability to store one reanimated corpse, and… this skill is one of the requirements for flesh creation…]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]


Three hours passed after the intense battle ended…

Duncan actually found ten dungeon keys, five secret treasure keys, and… two battlefield passes, which he didn't quite understand…

As for Enna, she brought him up into the sky and gave him a tour of the area….

"Little ugly… This area has treasure chests, dungeons, and... battlefields…"

"If you want to do well here, please spend lots of time in the sect and give me a few months!"

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"I think I'm figuring out how to make experience pills, and… am I being too overprotective?"

Enna just wanted Duncan to be safe and sound…

For some reason, she really liked Wormy, Mona and Phoenix….

If he died, how would she get these great assistants for her lab, and Duncan laughed…

"Hah… you're joking… I'll be fine Enna… I'll just start with the lowest level battlefield…" Duncan stretched his arms, and Enna sighed before the round disk skirted into one of those battlefields…

"Alright… well… little ugly… I actually realize you're a good fighter, so… come back home with lots of treasure…"

"Good Luck!" Enna disappeared into the sky as Duncan dropped down seeing an amber light shining in the distance…

He didn't know what that amber light happened to be, but Wormy and Phoenix appeared next to him as he took out his card…

[Ding! Host has used 1 credit to enter the level 25 Mo Lariat Sins Battlefield…]

[Three extremes rare, and one epic items are located in the battlefield, and… please take extreme caution around the other 356 participants…]

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