Fluffiness woke up

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 Komatsu came to call me, so I went to check on the small animal with Uni and the moles. As I entered the room and neared the bed, blue fur leapt towards me.
 I immediately caught it, and held it before me. The red stone fitted into its forehead glittered, and its sparkling eyes turned to me as it mewed.

 Then it rubbed its fluffy, furry head against my chest. This, does it mean she knows I saved her?
 ”Anyways, I’m glad you’re feeling better.”
 ”Koo~ koo~♪”
 Her ears twitched, and her fluffy cotton tail also shook. Her fur was generally fluffy and nice and comfortable. I unintentionally began stroking it.
 She apparently likes being stroked. She squinted her eyes pleasantly and licked my face.

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 ”Mogu mogu-”
 Then Uni and the moles cried out pleadingly.
 I thought “maybe…?”, so I stroked them each one after the other, and they all showed happy expressions. Somehow, just looking at their faces made me feel happy too.
 ”Huh? Form a contract with this pup too? We~ll. This pup has her own feelings too.”
 After a short break, Uni suggested a contract. But a contract isn’t something I can do selfishly.
 Then Uni and the moles began trying to communicate with the child who just woke.
 It seemed like they were talking for a bit, but then Uni trotted over and bent his hand in denial.
 ”Uh, does that mean it’s fine to make a contract?”
 Hmm. She nodded her head to confirm it. If that’s so, then…
 ”Alright, then will you make a contract with me to be my familiar?”

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 Then I made a contract with this pup and she became a familiar too. Nevertheless, what kind of animal is she? Monster? Magic beast? I’m a bit confused, but I suppose she’ll need a name. Alright, in that case…
 ”I’ve thought of a name I’d like to give you, but how’d you think of Kani?” [TL: Based on the moles’ names, I’ve found a stock company with the same name, “キャニ”. It doesn’t fit our theme though, so please give any thoughts you’ve got on possibilities.]
 ”Koo~! Koo~♪”
 Oh, apparently she likes it.
 ”Ok, then from here on, you’re Kani!”
 Thus, our fluffy friends increased again by one.
 ”By the way, are you hungry?”
 When I asked her, her face dropped and her ears hung as though she recalled. Based on that, it seems she really is hungry after all.
 ”I wonder what you like? Do you eat meat?”
 Ah, she seems troubled. I guess meat isn’t to her liking. Probably a herbivore.
 ”And fruit?”
 ”Koo~! Koo~!”
 Her tail swung happily at the mention of fruit. I knew it. Then let’s go pick some.

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 ”I’ll check the pipes while also looking for some fruit for Kani to eat.”
 Uni says he’ll come with me. Kani was sick, so I think it’s best for her to stay here. The moles Yambo and Marbo will come with me, while the other three will house sit with Kani.
 Now then, I’ll first check on the pipes we buried yesterday. There were footsteps of what seemed to be yesterday’s monsters and dragon, but the pipes were unscathed. The coating’s effect is working.
 ”Good. I think there won’t be any problems with the water.”
 Uni, Yambo and Marbo were also relieved. They’d be disappointed if yesterday’s work was wasted.
 Then we went into the forest looking for something that Kani could eat.
 ”Gabu gabu~!”
 An apple-like monster then appeared in our path. According to Marbo, it was called a Gabble, and had a mouth with fangs.
 ”But that’s perfect!”
 From the bracelet, I took a magic pressurised nail gun, and shot at the Gabble. This is also a construction tool, but with increased pressure, it becomes a weapon!

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 Nails successively scored direct hits, defeating the Gabble.
 Hmm, apparently this guy’s edible. And it also seems to taste like an apple. This guy also looks like an apple.
 Alright, let’s take this guy back home!
 Then we took the Gabble back home.
 We gave it to Kani and she happily bit into it with a crunch.
 ”Good, looks like you like it.”
 ”Koo~ koo~♪”
 She jumped onto my shoulder and rubbed her cheek against mine. It feels really pleasant.
 Well then, I went outside with everyone, then after looking around the surroundings again, I told them my decision.
 ”Let’s make a wall here.”
 Everyone tilted their heads. But, this is an important thing.
 Just yesterday, that many monsters and dragons attacked us. We dealt with all of them, but because we only have the prefab, they’ll just approach on their own. As expected, we couldn’t bring a barrier tower with us, but if we surround ourselves with a wall, it would act as a deterrent.
 The problem is materials. Ideally, I’d like to make it using Mancrete, but will I be able to get the materials for it so easily? But there’s a good variety of monsters. With high hopes, we once again set out to search the island.

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