Let’s use the bamboo

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 The Bamboo Princess has also come to live with us, and we can also handle the thinning of bamboo.
 With everyone’s cooperation, we’ve smoothly gotten our hands on the materials, and we can finally get into making the magic reverberatory furnace.
 ”Hmm. What on earth are you doing, Wirk?” (Bamboo Princess)
 As we continued our work, a question came from the Bamboo Princess. What we are doing now is making blocks of Mancrete in the workshop and transporting them to the construction site.
 Incidentally, the bamboo was immediately useful for transporting the blocks. The bamboo we got around the Bamboo Princess is tougher than ordinary bamboo. And by laying this bamboo out as rollers to the installation site, it made it much easier to carry the blocks. Thanks to this, it was easy even for Uni and the moles.
 But I guess the Bamboo Princess is asking “what are you going to do with these blocks in the first place?”.
 ”We’re going to build a magic reverberatory furnace. According to this blueprint.”
 Even though it’s a blueprint, it’s in a form in which the diagram is projected directly as the wall.
 ”Hmm. This is the first time I have seen something like this. I can’t stop My excitement!”

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 The Bamboo Princess was in high spirits as she held Marbo in her arms. The Bamboo Princess is a complete slave to fluffy things. She’s always holding one of them in her arms, otherwise she can’t seem to calm down.
 Though I understand, since it feels really good.
 Well then, I moved to the construction site with the magic excavator and piled up the blocks of Mancrete.
 Kobelco is also helping with this work. Thanks to him, the work efficiency was quite good.
 Incidentally, when using magic concrete, the mana contained in the Mancrete naturally bonds with each other after a while of being piled up. This makes it possible to expect a stronger construction than with conventional concrete.
 The work took till nearly dusk, but the magic reverberatory furnace was finally completed.
 ”We did it, everyone!” (Wirk)
 Kani and Keon were both on my shoulders, delighted at its completion. Kobelco was also pumping his fists, with an air of being satisfied. Kobelco really did his best at the manual labour.

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 ”””””Mogu mogu mogu mo-gu~”””””
 The moles were also happy, taking a cheering pose. That’s something you’re supposed to do before you start working, but it’s ok since they’re so cute.
 ”You’ve done well.” (Bamboo Princess)
 Uni is happy to be held by the Bamboo Princess and have his head patted.
 ”So, what are you going to do with this?” (Bamboo Princess)
 ”I’m using it to make Mancrete.”
 With this, I can make clinkers faster. Alright, we’ve got a mass-production set-up ready to some extent. Well, we took the day off and got started on it the next morning. Now, let’s go from here in one go!
 The moles will check on the clinker. Keon is making iron oxide, and since Kani wanted to help with something, I’ll have her check on the furnace.
 I also got the Bamboo Princess to help make the mold. She said she was good at handling bamboo. However, in reality, the Bamboo Princess actually had the ability to manipulate the bamboo at will, and the mold-making was going along smoothly.

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 I also got Uni to help me with the scaffolding. Then, now that the construction work has begun in earnest, we also made helmets from resin collected from the Vinyl Trees.
 ”You should all wear these helmets. So there’s no danger.” (Wirk)
 ”Mogu mogu~”
 The moles were actually delighted when I handed over the helmets. Far from bothering them, it seems they’ve taken a liking to it.
 ”Hm! It suits everyone!” (Bamboo Princess)

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 Uni, Keon and Kani have also properly put on helmets. The Bamboo Princess also likes the sight of everyone in helmets. As the on ewho made it, I’m also happy.
 ”Right. This one is for the Bamboo Princess.”
 ”What! Is it fine for me to have one too?”
 ”Of course? Bamboo Princess is also helping, and we’re friends working together.”
 ”Oh! Oh! A helmet~, I’m so happy~”
 The Bamboo Princess is even happier than everyone else… she’s jumping around happily. I really didn’t think she’d get this happy about one helmet. I’m glad I made it.
 Now, the work is done to some extent, so let’s rest for today.
 ”Hm hm, this Tyrannosaurus meat is the best!” (Bamboo Princess)
 ”””””Mogu mogu~♪”””””
 Dinner was Tyrannosaurus steak, which has recently become a regular dish. “Does the Bamboo Princess eat meat?” is what I was thinking, but she ate it like it was normally delicious.
 She also ate an apple I took out after dinner, so for now it seems she doesn’t have any likes or dislikes.
 Now then, at any rate, we’ll finally build the wall tomorrow…

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