The dwarven king’s anger

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 We got to talk to Jay, the king of the dwarves. First, Eph gave him a brief description of us.
 ”Hmm. So you’re saying you’re from the Carcel Kingdom.” (Jay)
 Jay glanced at him. The look in his eyes feels as though he’s appraising me.
 ”… However, I never thought someone from that country would come to this island.” (Jay)
 ”Do you know the Carcel Kingdom?” (Wirk)
 ”My father was originally a blacksmith in the Carcel Kingdom.” (Jay)
 Jay replied so. That’s surprising. I certainly did think it was possible after hearing that the dwarves had disappeared from the kingdom, but they actually were the descendents of the dwarves that came from the continent where I was.
 ”That’s some great coincidence. So then Papa’d get along well with them.” (Eph)
 ”Huh? What a joke! Why’d someone like me be friends with a Carcel human, don’t be stupid.” (Jay)
 Eph said so with a smile on her face, but Jay replied with a discontented expression. Seems he apparently hates the Carcel Kingdom itself.
 ”Uhm, did something happen in the kingdom?” (Wirk)

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 ”I don’t have any reason to bother tellin ya such a thing.” (Jay)
 Oi, oi, you’re being a real lone island, huh. I feel he’s become more obstinate after I gave my home country’s name.
 ”Urgh. Don’t say stuff like that. I don’t know exactly what happened, but it’s just that they’re from that same country.” (Eph)
 Eph crossed both arms, the corners of her mouth slightly turned down. As for Jay, he just goes “hmph”, snorts and turns his back away.
 ”Anyway, if that’s the case, we’ve got nothing to talk about. Get out of here.” (Jay)
 Then he raises his hammer. Apparently he no longer feels like talking.
 ”Get over it! You’ve pretty much always only made nothing but failures, and that pile next to you is proof of that!” (Eph)
 Eph shouted in anger. Next to Jay, the armour, shields, swords and other stuff he was working on was piled up, yet all of them were failed works he planned to discard.
 ”That’s why I brought Wirk! Because he’s amazing! He says he’s a magic architect. He brilliantly made a fortress and a wall in about an instant!” (Eph)
 ”What!? Did you say magic architect!” (Jay)

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 After hearing what Eph said, Jay stopped swinging his hammer, and his head snapped towards me.
 ”So what you’re saying is you’re a magic architect that came from the Carcel Kingdom!” (Jay)
 ”Y-, yes, that’s right, but-” (Wirk)
 Jay glared at him with both eyes wide open and his face a bright red, and hurled the piled up armour at him. It hit the ground and rebounded to the day after tomorrow, but the sudden threatening attitude surprised everyone.
 ”Mogu mogu!”
 ”You, what are you doing so suddenly-noja! That’s dangerous!” (Bamboo Princess)
 Everyone, including the Bamboo Princess, raised their voices in protest. The iron armour didn’t hit anyone. If it had hit, it might’ve caused a serious injury.
 ”That certainly was dangerous just now! What if that hit everyone!” (Wirk)

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 I also complained. However, far from apologising, Jay yelled back, openly angry.
 ”Shut up! Just hearing you’re a magic architect is enough to make me disgusted! Get out of my sacred workshop! Or I’ll blow you away!” (Jay)
 ”Papa, what nonsense are you saying!” (Eph)
 ”Shut up! You should also stop going out with these people right now! Otherwise, get out of this town!” (Jay)
 ”Wha-! Got it. Then I’ll get out of here, you blockhead!” (Eph)
 Then Eph urged us out. Even so, what a threatening attitude. The other dwarves also stop working and look over here because of Jay’s indignation.
 He’s breathing heavily right now, very agitated. I can’t talk with him like this, and there’s also a chance he’ll throw the things around him again.
 ”… I understand. I’ll leave this place. But if you consider yourself even in the least bit a blacksmith, you should stop this embarrassing behaviour of throwing around the things you’ve made.” (Wirk)
 ” Wha-, what did you say! What the h**l do you know!” (Jay)
 I heard Jay’s voice yelling after us, but I ignored it and chased after Eph, leaving this place.
 ”Seriously! That stubborn! Boneheaded! Obstinate dwarf!” (Eph)
 After leaving the workshop, all that left Eph’s mouth were complaints about Jay. She was extremely mad.

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 ”Muu, still, what’s that all about? Why’d he get so angry at the mention of Wirk’s job-noja? (Bamboo Princess)
 ”That’s the thing, huh… he didn’t seem to hate me personally, but rather the magic architect profession.” (Wirk)
 ”I don’t know, but it’s a childish reason anyway!” (Eph)
 Ye~ah, seems Eph has become completely distrustful of Jay. Of course, I don’t feel good that he suddenly snapped at me, but now their parent-child relationship is going to get worse.
 ”Ara, what happened, Eph-chan. You seem to be in a terrible mood.”
 ”Ah, Grandma Sten!” (Eph)
 Then Eph responded to her, but, g-, grandma? She really doesn’t appear so. The appearances of other women are also really young.
 ”Is she Eph’s grandmother?” (Bamboo Princess)
 The Bamboo Princess asked Eph. She must’ve been curious too.
 ”Nah. That isn’t the case, but since she’s the oldest of us, everyone endearingly calls her grandma. She looks like this, but she’s much older than Papa.” (Eph)
 I-, I see. You really can’t tell a dwarf’s age, huh…

 [TL: A new character, a new name. Considering the other names up till now, I refuse to believe that there’s no pun in this name, but I can’t figure it out. I thought all the dwarves would have Roman alphabet names…]

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