The dwarf’s attitude worries Wirk

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 ”After that, Dingus and the dwarves ultimately left the kingdom for overseas, drifting to this island.” (Sten)
 ”So that’s how it was…” (Wirk)
 Sten finishes her talk, and I also nodded along. However, there’s something I’m a bit curious about.
 ”H~mm, but that means they, in the end, couldn’t accept their defeat and left. The magic architects also didn’t do anything wrong.” (Wirk)
 ”That’s why it’s a foolish story. Except in those days, Dingus looked like he was extremely tormented by it. I also went along and left with everyone. Then we found this island, which had a treasure trove of mines. Since Dingus found it, he’s been absorbed in blacksmithing ever since.” (Sten)
 ”So he took over his wish?” (Wirk)
 ”Yes. Especially after Dingus died in an accident, he’s become even more devoted to blacksmithing.” (Sten)
 ”Huh? Grandpa died in an accident?” (Eph)
 Eph’s eyes went round when she heard what Sten said. Apparently, EPh didn’t know the cause of her grandfather’s death.
 ”You didn’t know?” (Bamboo Princess)
 ”Dingus passed away around when Eph-chan was still little…” (Sten)
 When the Bamboo Princess asked, Sten murmured so with a distant look in her eye. Then after Eph took a thinking pose, she answered the Bamboo Princess.
 ”Papa didn’t tell me much about Grandpa either… maybe it’s got something to do with what we were talking about just now?” (Eph)

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 Eph’s muttered voice was mixed with doubt. That talk was about losing to the magic architects… yea~h, but that’s the part that bothers me.
 ”Was there a reason why the dwarven king made such a fuss about unfairness?” (Wirk) [TL: This sentence is making me confused. The previous chapter said it was a magic architect that was fussing about unfairness…]
 ”Huh? No, wasn’t that just because they didn’t like losing?” (Eph)
 Eph might not trust her grandfather because of what happened to her father.
 However, although my master never met dwarves, I’ve never heard him badmouth them. He said they were a race who took pride in their work, and whose pride was high.
 The fact that such dwarves made a disgraceful racket about unfairness is something that really bothers me. Did they not have some sort of reason?
 After that, the story was that he passed away in an accident, and then wholeheartedly kept blacksmithing…
 ”Maybe we could see if we could talk a bit again.” (Wirk)
 ”Hm? You mean talk with Jay? But I don’t know if he’d listen to you.” (Sten)
 ”That’s right… Actually, I’m curious to see the failed products Eph spoke about. Maybe we could poke around there, or…” (Wirk)
 ”I don’t know about you, but I’m also disgusted after hearing that story from Grandma Sten! I cant believe he said that stuff for such a reason!” (Eph)
 ”U, unii….”
 ”Umu. I’m somehow fired up-noja!”
 ”””””Mogu-! Mo~gu~!”””””

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 Eph’s anger rose up again, and everyone got worried for her. The Bamboo Princess kindad got a bit excited.
 ”Well, if you’re going to do this, you might as well do so thoroughly. Besides, sometimes people don’t understand unless someone tells them.” (Sten)
 Sten nodded “yeah, yeah” with a smile. She’s a senior, but she’s really calm. I can feel the dignity. But she looks like a little girl.
 ”By the way, there’s something important we need to talk about before that…” (Sten)
 ”Huh? Wh-, what could that be?” (Wirk)
 Sten faced us with a serious gaze and started talking. What on earth is she going to say…
 ”Those cute children, could I pet them for a bit?” (Sten)
 …is what I was thinking when she said she wanted to stroke the others. Naturally, there’s no problem, so do so to your heart’s content.
 ”Fufu, when I first saw them, and this coat, and this nice and cool body—” (Sten)

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 ”Mogu mogu♪”
 When Sten got to stroke everyone, they were all happy. Before long, Eph and the Bamboo Princess couldn’t resist stroking them either. Kobelco was also in a good mood as he was complimented for his fine body.
 Then, after having let her enjoy everyone’s fluffiness as thanks, we once again headed to Jay’s workshop.
 ”It’s the human from earlier, huh. If you’re looking for boss, he’s not her.”
 … but Jay was no longer in the workshop. Apparently the other dwarves call the king “boss”.
 ”In the first place, why’s a human aimlessly here being a hindrance. This is dwarven sacred grounds!”
 ”Hey, you can’t talk to him like that! Wirk is a precious human that expressly came to this island!” (Eph)
 ”Sorry, missy, but if we didn’t ask for it, then that’s unrelated to us.”
 Eph pursed her lips with a huff. However, somehow or other, I got the feeling that we’re not welcome here.
 ”You’ve been diligently blacksmithing all this time, but what exactly are you making?” (Wirk)

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 — is what I said, as I was also interested in the dwarves’ work, so I asked. Jay was in a bad mood earlier, so I couldn’t really do so then.
 ”I told you, I don’t need to answer a human.”
 — but the other dwarves were the same. They stubbornly refused us. Well, then we just need to change our approach.
 ”Is that so. Well, if that’s so, it’s fine, but I think it’s impossible to make anything in this environment. You guys are stepping into some fundamental mistakes. If you continued like this, whether you spend a hundred years or a thousand years, you’d never be able to build the equipment you aim for. It’s definitely a waste of time.” (Wirk)
 When I said this, the dwarves’ working hands stopped. They all stood up together and came here with a fierce look.
 ”B*****d, the likes of a human thinks he can find fault with our work!”
 ”If you keep that up, we’ll make sure to deal with you!”
 ”Don’t think you can provoke us and go home in one piece!”
 ”H-, hey, was it fine to say that?” (Bamboo Princess)
 ”U-, unii~”
 Seeing the dwarven craftsmen drawing nearer, everyone seemed to panic. Sure, they seem quite mad, but I wonder if we’ll have a chance to talk now…

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