Chapter 2: The Evil Lich System

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Posted on 2016-07-16by StarveCleric

Legend has it that every transcender who broke the boundaries of space and time will receive a gift from the world… Yeah, it is commonly known as the Golden Ring(1) that each transcender must have
The Evil Lich System… that is my damned Golden Ring.

A long time ago, it didn’t go by this name. It had the beautiful name of ‘The Training System of a Holy Knight’, but as soon as I gave up the identity of a Holy Knight and started on the path of Dark Magic, it ended up with its current name.
A long time ago, the daily missions it gave were to help old grannies across the road, help little girls find their lost kittens and such, very different from the accursed missions I have been getting recently.
“Looking at the daily quests… It is the damned two-choose-one option again. Destroy any town with a population of 30,000 people of above, reward: 10,000 evil points. Steal lollipop from 3 children, reward: 1 evil point. If neither of the quests are completed, 2 points are deducted.”
“Tsk! You think that I would be so foolish? If I really destroyed a town, a crusade of epic class Holy Knights would definitely come hunting me down. Then, even if I did earn my points, there wouldn’t be any life left in me to spend them.
Casually taking away the lollipop from a Tauren loli walking by, I watched as the crying girl got pulled away by her mother. As I put the lollipop into my mouth, I heard the clashing sound between the lollipop and the bones and only then did I remember that I had lost my sense of taste.
“Sigh, when can I start to once again experience the joy of eating delicious food. Although mana can make me feel full, it isn’t tasty at all.”
Despite the mother’s attempt to pull the girl away, the little girl didn’t seem to be willing to give up. Looking at me with her large watery eyes, her expectations seem to rise after noticing that I was unable to consume food.
Did you that this uncle Lich was only pulling a prank? Did you think that I would return the lollipop to you?
Alright, so as to not betray the other party’s expectations, kacha kacha, I bit the lollipop in many pieces before spitting them one by one onto the ground.
“Boohoo!! Mum, that weird uncle stole my candy.”
“Don’t look, let’s go.”
Just as expected, I hear a resounding cry in the air. In that instant, my mood lifted as I thought about a certain fearless kid.
“Are undeads unworthy of human rights?  Ancient magic scrolls were treated as rough paper and vandalised, dragon blood ink was used color paint, an alchemy medicine that took me so much trouble to make was drank as soda, even my bones were secretly disassembled to reassembled as though playing puzzle. I only slept for two hours and yet my entire laboratory became a rubble, the destructive power of kids are too scary…”
“Sigh, when can I have my revenge.” Thinking about those fearless kids, especially a certain untamed kid, I grind my teeth in anger.
Suddenly, I heard a notice from the system
“Ding, congratulations in succeeding to drive the 100th young kid to tears. Reward: 10 Evil Points. ——A loli that looks like she is 6 years old but whom is actually 20 years old is a legal loli? Not in calculation range, an expired pseudo-loli is evil!”
Looking at my sudden accomplishment, I felt a surge of joy. The first accomplishment unlocked always gives 10 points, which is equivalent to the points I get from 10 days of my daily quests.
“Following the norm, if making a 100 of them cry unlocks an accomplishment, making a 1000 of them cry should have one as well, and the reward would at least be multiplied several folds…”
Thus, I turned my eyes to the lolis and shotas on the street…

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“Bah, even if I didn’t receive the daily quest for it, making those disobedient kids learn how to follow rules to prevent others from suffering from the same fate as me is also the duty of a good person.”
“What should I play? Right, Granting Life, I shall turn the toys of those rascals into disgusting monsters that run about and paint the color of their lollipops to the color of feces. feces  with my magic paint!”
As a frequent victim of those rascals, just simply thinking about my destroyed magic scrolls and my precious classical books, the evil ideas come popping up.
“No, no, that isn’t enough, how about turning the pillow cover into a magical beast that eats human, making them shiver whenever they see a pillow in the future. Right, there is also Evard’s Black Tentacles, I could make them enjoy tickling hell.”
“Oh, aren’t those rascals afraid of monsters and ghosts? Hee hee, it is time to start rebuilding my undead army. Awaken, my undead catastrophe!!”
That day, I finally realized that there is less than 200 kids living in that area…
Bringing about a few thousand skeletons, butchers and skeletons on the street seem to be an overkill…
That day, before the army of Town Security arrived on the scene and captured me, I have already walked every crook and nanny of the street and only managed to drive 160 of them to tears…
After the Town Security members realized that the reason for me summoning an undead army was to exact vengeance on disobedient kids, their dumbfounded and looks of despise became my new dark history.
“Congratulations in receiving looks of despise from a hundred females simultaneously, you have received a special accomplishment ‘Did this kid’s brain get soaked in water or paste’, and you have been awarded the noble title ‘Mentally Disabled Kid’. After equipping this title, there is a fixed probability of receiving sympathy from females, but the females’ impression of the wearer as a male will be lowered by 100 point.”
…Anyway I am already used to being scammed by the system and my reputation is already at its worst. Given the system’s affirmation of my charm evidenced by my -88 charm, even if my luck with the opposite sex is reduced by 100 points, that doesn’t make much of a difference… The ending is still the same anyway, being unable to find a girlfriend.
Why, even though it was just rational analysis, but as I say these words, I feel as though my eyes were bleeding tears… Alright, I am a great wizard who have been single for 300 years old but at least for now(4), I have exacted my vengeance against those rascals!
Remembering the wailing of the children, I laughed satisfactorily. I have already thought about what to write on my diary today.
AD1896, on the summer on the year of dragon, 6th March, destined to be carved on the memories of the rascals of Liu Huang City, the legend known as ‘The Lollipop Hunter Incident’ and ‘The Man-Eating Pillow Incident’.
“That day, kids will remember the terror of that man’s dominance… The shame of having one’s beloved items taken away, the despair of being eaten by one’s toys and the fear of being surrounded by undeads…
As I thought about what to write on my diary, the system’s notice sounded out again.
“Ding! You have unlocked the accomplishment of making a hundred kids cry within a day! Reward: 10 Evil Points. Congratulations, you have awarded the noble title ‘The Bane of Kids’. After equipping this title, lolis and shotas that are 12 years old and below will feel a natural threat from you. A kind reminder, if you make 500 children cry in one go, you will be awarded with the noble title ‘Kids Killer’ and if you make 1000 children cry…”
The system notice, at this point, suddenly stopped. I can’t help but start feeling some anticipation. Although it is a spiteful title, but if I am able to chase those rascals away from me, it can be considered an unexpected blessing as well.
“…at one go, you will be awarded with the noble title ‘To Argue With Kids At Your Age, Can’t You Be More Mature’. Oh, you should thank me, actually this should be the title most befitting of you now.”
“Shit, I can’t tolerate this anyone. Darn system, this is all your fault! This good man is going to go all out against you!!”

“Master, this time you got locked up in jail this time for stealing lollipops… Next time would it be because of stealing girl’s underwear. I don’t really want to come fetch a pervert.”
The one currently speaking is my loyal servant, the half-demon of my mansion, the silver-haired Elisa.
Gold-black framed spectacles, silver ponytails, tiger teeth(5), a purple tail with a butterfly knot at the end and a baroque style maid costume(6), it showcased the little demon’s character perfectly and at the same, exposed a certain Lich’s interest…

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All along, I have been satisfied with Elisa’s outer appearance. If only she could change her personality, cold-faced and venomous tongue, it would be perfect.
“It is not like you aren’t aware of my darned system, to get points just by making a few little girls cry, this is what a good person should be doing.”
She passed a thick photo album to me.
“This… oh, well done Elisa! As expected of my loyal servant!”
“I can roughly guess what happened. This is the contact details for children going to Liu Huang Mountain City’s largest kindergarten, I have carefully picked out the names in the list, it should be convenient for you to finish your quest now.”
“Well done! To think that I thought that you were looking forward to my death so that you can regain your freedom, I guess it is all a misunderstanding on my part. Good job, you are a good person as well.”
“Let me see!” Opening the list of contact details, my face turned bitter.
“Liu Huang City’s Holy Church Archbishop’s 3 children’s contact details, the daughter of Dragon Slayer Amro who just started going to kindergarten, War God Xynso’s precious son… Are you sure you are trying to help me, and not trying to send me back to Hades!”
My anger, as usual, was disregarded by the other party. The half-demon young lady pushed her spectacle frame as a cold gleam reflected off the lenses.
“The great reputation of the “Lollipop Hunter” has already permeated the entirety of Liu Huang City. I get criticized the moment I leave the mansion. For the sake of this lady’s reputation, I would really like to change my job. Or rather, master you should start paying the salary you owed me for 10 years already.”
“Ha ha ha, let’s not talk about money, it sours relationship you know. Let’s go, I can’t wait to return to our warm home.”
“Escapism isn’t what a gentleman should engage in and please don’t change the topic… Why are you pulling me to run with you, what are you planning this time?”
“As expected of my little Elisa who have been beside me for so long, today’s daily quest is a splendid explosion, you know…”
“I get it, please hold on tight, I will now use my mana to escape!”
“A silver dokodemo door(7) opens and both master and servant hurriedly enters. As the short distance instantaneous movement magic disperses, there is no longer anyone in our surroundings and in the background, a large explosion resounds followed by the ringing of fire alarms.
“Delayed bomb? I thought the Town Security seals the magic of their prisoners?”
“No, it only looks like a bomb but it is actually flour coupled with chilli powder and completed with a bit of dust, a dust bomb. It doesn’t have much power, and definitely insufficient to kill anyone, and I doubt they would be able to find concrete evidence.”
“As expected of the ‘wise’ Lich, even after having your magic sealed, to think you would be able to create a bomb simply made of ingredients.”
“Thank you, your praises embarrass me.”
“No one is praising you. Alright, as a Lich, I guess this could be considered a praise.”
What is a Lich?

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“Not a good person, the most fearsome undead.” This is probably what most people would feel when hearing this word.
“The lump of bones gives people goosebumps, the ghost fire in their eyes frighten people, giving a feeling as though they are engaging in some malicious act.” This is the view of normal citizens.
“The ultimate incarnation of evil, the villainous schemer!” This is what the Church’s Holy Knights view them as.
As an undead, the ultimate form of Black Magicians, the Liches who only have bones left often do not have a good reputation, but…
“Slander, it is all just discrimination! How can one be judged based on my race! I have always thought that race, skin color, social stratification and discrimination are all traits of human foolishness. The world only has lowly people who despise and discriminate but no lowly race, skin color or birth. I really am a good person.”
“If a person such as you can be considered a good person, then the bloodthirsty undeads living in the east of the city could be considered saints then?”
“I wouldn’t say saints, but everyone are just cold-faced but warm-hearted pacifists. Just look, undeads are so thrifty with their food and do not take up much space. A single grave could fit in an entire family. They do not eat or drink and work passionately in their job, they serve and don’t demand for luxury, they are all good people.”
The half-demon maid laughed. The restricted zone which was said that no living person ever walked out of alive was actually viewed as a gathering place of good people by her master.
“Hoho, master, you really know how to joke. Bloodthirsty undeads are good people? Then what about the Priests of the Holy Church which are well-received by the people? They treat the citizens for free and even give out free meal every Sunday to feed those in poverty.”
“A bunch of hypocrites and pedophiles. You see, Elisa, humans have desires and needs. If one suppresses their desires too much, even if they aren’t pedophiles now, they will turn into one when their desires rebound. Although they say that desires are a sin, they are definitely perverted pedophiles underneath. I mean, just look at how those old man act so chummy to those shotas, it would be weird if there is nothing wrong with them. Also, the single-celled organisms known as Holy Knights, they are a bunch of barbarians who threatens to kill me whenever they see me!”
“Fine, I get that master your illness is acting up again. I guess that ancient red dragon who lives in the sulfur mountains who is known as the Disaster of Veron(8) and destroyed a country by herself, I guess that in master’s eyes she is a docile cutie huh.”
“No no, Xiao Hong(9) didn’t pay much notice to her diet nowadays and is getting a little bit overweight. If she were to lose 20 or 30 tons and lose those extra fats to bring out the curves, she would be even more cute.”
“Then what about those awe-inspiring and helpful Dark Elves Town Security troop protect the peace of the city? You should be quite close with them right? Just these 2 months I have already went to the prison 5 times to fetch you.”
“…You can try asking those unlucky store owners who have been tyrannized by them. My views are the same as time. Tsk, a bunch of crazy bitches, our Freedom Gentleman Alliance are natural enemies with them.”
Shaking her head in frustration, she ignored the suspicious organisation that her master spoke of and continued questioning.
“…Then what about the our city lord who saved the world and whose name spread far and beyond? He raised the flag of equality and established this city in the chaotic underground world, creating a land of peace for different races to live in within a land where war constantly ravages on.”
“A severe chuunibyou patient who have been sick for a few hundred years. What kind of age is it already, to still play hero and slaying the demon king to saving the world. Such an old-fashioned story, serves him right to be single his entire life.”
“… You really dare to say huh, you messed with two of his weddings and now everyone’s saying he is destined to be alone. On birth, he brings curse to his family. Going on an adventure, he brings curse to his brothers. Marrying a wife, he brings curse to his wife. He has such great qualifications coupled with good looks, but yet not a single lady in Liu Huang City is willing to accept his proposal now.”
“…It is not as though I did it intentionally, does he have to remember the grudge for so long…”
“Not as though you did it intentionally? You did it purposely, didn’t you. Let’s not talk about how you made me spread the rumors about how he was cursed by heavens to be single, at other people’s wedding you created an undead catastrophe, bringing ghosts to wander in the night. You know how many girls you frightened at that time?”
“Aren’t I simply celebrating his wedding for him? Seeing how that old bachelor is finally getting married, I was just simply too happy and brought a few hundred ghosts to do the robot dance. Who knew that his wife would be so frightened that she peed on the spot.”
Although I said that I didn’t do it intentionally, I was secretly satisfied with my work. “Bah, since I haven’t resurrected to have a body yet, how can I let you enjoy a blissful sex life.”
“Old Master, you know that every time you get over excited, you would put your hands on your hips and stomp your feet. Look, even your evil intentions are spilling out now. Fine, let’s not talk about your ‘great results’. You know your Lich kin in the Kingdom of Undeads Xiluo? Those guys are on the wanted in many countries and if any single one of them get out into the world, the world would be plunged in chaos.”

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“… Actually, it is just a misunderstanding that everyone have against us. The reason why we study the profound intricacies in the cycle of life and death, isn’t it just so that everyone can better longer lives? Actually, we specialize in treatment as well. If it is talking about the effectiveness of the treatment and the possible side effects, our treatments are much better than that of the Holy Priests. Don’t just look at how convenient their Holy Light is, but actually they consume life force and shorten lifespan. Our art of biological re-engineering is free of toxic, free of harm and free of pollution, and we solve the root of the problem at one go.
“…Then why are you depending on the system to revive yourself, why don’t you just make a body for yourself.”
“I don’t want to be a deformed monster with 3 hands and 6 legs. Even if it is a perfect humanoid shape, there will be problems sooner of later…”
Seeing how the Lich himself isn’t confident in his skills in biological re-engineering, what else can Elisa say.
“Fine fine, then in my eyes, what do I count as.”
“…A cold faced demonic old granny? An A-cup young lady?” Of course, I wouldn’t be so dumb to say these out loud.
“Oh, Elisa, of course you are my most trusted subordinate? We once made a promise to fulfill our dream of conquering the sea of stars.”
“Before you realize your dreams in the stars, shouldn’t you first pay this poor lonely girl her salary which you have already owed for over 10 years?”
Knowing that her master’s illness is acting up once again, the silver-haired half-demon propped up her spectacles, a cold gleam shining on the surface of the spectacles as cold words spat out from between her teeth.
“If you still continue to be so flippant, I guess your treasured collections is going to…”
“Fine, Elisa, I apologize.” Thinking about his own darlings, a certain Lich immediately surrendered.
“Hmph.” After succeeding in subduing her superior, the fallen angel hummed a tune as she walked out of the door.
As the housekeeper of the mansion, she have no time to waste time on her chuunibyou master.
But seeing how her dejected back looks, my mood took a dive.
Awhile after she walked out of the door, I started recalling some memories and started mumbling to myself.
“…I guess, grudgingly, she could be considered a family. I still remember the girl who, how even under the worst conditions, floating in the River Styx, she persevered on and refused to simply die and the girl who hunted in the night of blizzard just to stay alive. Bringing you back with me was probably the best thing this world has given me and the most correct decision I have made in my life.”
Suddenly, a face popped out from behind the door.
The normally cold face was flushed with a color of bright red, which spread to her trembling long ears.
Then, she once again disappeared behind the door.
“Hee hee, although you know me well, but do you think I wouldn’t understand you as well? You foolish evil granny. Even if you are sly, but you still must obediently repay back the debt you owe me until your death.”
I spoke out these harsh words loud and I laughed maniacally. But, I panicked in my heart.
“… She heard it! She definitely heard it!!!”

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