Chapter 29: Waiting

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Posted on 2016-08-21by StarveCleric

“Hey, brothers, don’t you feel like the gaze of everyone towards us has been a little weird recently?”


Tim is a Knight Captain of the branch of Holy Church stationed at Liu Huang Mountain City. Even though this is an underground city full of ‘evil’ dwellers, he still continues the good habit of patrolling regularly, even if he isn’t responsible for the security of this city.



I must say, no matter how corrupted and depraved the upper echelons of the Holy Church is, those hardworking Holy Knights and Priests at the bottom level who follows the teachings of the Holy Light when dealing with stuff, help the weak and destroy ‘evil’ is the main reason why normal people approve of the teachings of Holy Light. This is also the main reason why the sphere of influence of the Holy Church can interfere with many of the human countries.


On the surface, Holy Knights are extremely used to this kind of daily patrol. They would offer assistance to the citizens and if they meet with villains, they would unsheathe their swords to rid evil. Of course, this is all free…


However, in this unique city, the daily patrols of Tim and his comrades has caused many trouble from the very start and thus, they aren’t really welcomed.


Even though the outcome isn’t really good, but Tim feels proud about himself. After all, if they were to speak of their adventures, it could become an epic legend of a tavern.


For example, they attacked a Dark Elf who was scamming an old lady (Actually, the Town Security is escorting the old lady back home), crashing in on the undead’s mysterious tribute ritual (The well-known skeleton dance team’s performance stage) and destroyed the evil Lich’s super-sized Bone Spirit Tower (The theme park’s Ferris Wheel, it took me so much trouble to build it. Of course, after the incident, I sent a giant fine to old Bill and it was said that these idiots are still cleaning the toilets for the entire team).


They even saved an innocent young woman who was being petrified by Medusa (The poor Medusa sculptor was scared out of his wits. He was repeatedly emphasizing that he was kidnapped by a bunch of lunatics who were praising Holy Light and were blackmailed into changing that stone statue into a human), and challenging an Ancient Red Dragon who was attacking the children. O Holy Light above, it actually intended to eating those little children…


May the heavens be the witness ,that day Xiao Hong was only habitually giving in to her maternal instincts and was playing ‘Heroes VS Evil Dragon’ with the children of the park. Then, a bunch of ‘old children’ couldn’t read the situation and joined in… Fortunately, Xiao Hong’s mood was quite good that day, that’s why old Bill could dig out these metal-skinned cans from the sand pile in the park, and not hold a ritual for the departure of souls…


Of course, they also had to pay the price. After all, the parents of those frightened kids aren’t easy to appease, especially when only their heads are protruding from the sand pile. After going through such a relentless ‘assault’ like the waves, they spent many days before managing to clean away the smell of smelly eggs and tomatoes from their heads.


When they finally understood that they were no longer on the surface human countries, understood that the environment they were in was unique and that their actions were not only not ridding evil but also causing panic and fright, un, more importantly, the papers of hefty fines sent and the documents of detention, they learnt to be more obedient.


At least, they know that this city follows the rule of law which also belongs to the Order faction and that this city doesn’t require them to beat down evil. Finally, they stopped the action of shouting ‘O Holy Light, that evil villain is worth a fight’ after seeing a race of the Chaos and start a pointless charge.


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Un, Tim already remembers that in this city, this isn’t call beating down evil but ‘intentional harming of other’ and it would result in jail time. The most ridiculous part about this city is that it actually prohibits duels that were full of the spirit of Knights and nobles respect. They label it as ‘premeditated murder’ and it is a heavy crime that calls for a harsh punishment.


Of course, there are religious fanatics who don’t learn to keep themselves in check everywhere. This time, under the protest of from Liu Huang City, a paper to send them back to the surface would be sent.


Tim was considered better of the lot. After committing a few mistakes, he started to nurture a habit of assessing the situation properly before drawing his sword. He also gradually got used to ‘the claws of chaos’ walking around the streets.


In reality, when he knew that the Dark Elf Town Security Knight army also believes in Holy Light, he made a decision to pursue a non-human wife. After all, Holy Light doesn’t rule that the wife you marry has to be a human. The few beautiful Priestesses in the Church always have a few hundred flies buzzing around them, he knows that there isn’t much hope for him.


But very quickly, he gave up. He thought it was possible since these female Dark Elves believe in Holy Light. But, they still retain traditional views of Dark Elves. For example, the Dark Elf society is a classical feminist society. In their traditional household, a husband (male servant) is a phrase that is synonymous with slave…


However, what is weird is that despite knowing this, there are still a few diligent colleagues who normally don’t bat an eye towards normal female actually tried even harder to pursue these female elves. That female elf Momo who uses a whip was exceptionally popular…


Alright, the Tim who has vaguely guessed something started to take the initiative to pull apart distance from these colleagues of his who were getting weirder.


But after that chaotic fight, he felt that the situation changed once again. On previous days, the citizens were wary and guarded against him, but they were still to an extent, friendly. But nowadays, the wariness in their eyes disappeared and what could be sensed was sympathy and that weird way of calling.


“Sheng Knight!? If it is just that Beastman auntie who obviously can’t recognise words pronounce it wrongly then I can just ignore it, but why does even the boss of the flower shop and the waiter of the restaurant pronounce it wrongly. Recently, I will even somehow get discounts and benefits while dining. Walking on the street, there will even be people shouting behind me ‘don’t give up, tomorrow would be better!’.”
TL: (圣, sheng) -> means [Holy] while (剩, sheng) -> means [Remaining, left behind] Truthfully, for chinese words, even with the same Hanyu Pinyin, they normally have different intonations to so that one can differentiate the words but these 2 words have the exact same Hanyu Pinyin and intonation so I have no idea how did he managed to hear the difference between the two.


“Hmph, it is just being called Sheng Knight a few times, there is nothing big about that. We are the ‘knights who are left behind’ anyway, so what is wrong with this nickname.”


Lucas was also sent here together with him. He is normally warm-hearted and often help people to fix water pipes and draw water, thus giving him the name of ‘Good-man Lucas’. Just that since 2 days ago, he would sit down in dormitory silently like an ice-cube. What was even weirder is when Tim decided to pull him out to patrol so that they could have a chat about what was bothering him.


But throughout the path, no matter what he says, Lucas remains silent and he would only stare at that withered lily in a daze. Now that he was finally willing to talk, it was a good thing!


“Lucas, exactly what happened to you? You have been acting weird these two days, everyone is worried about you.”

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The concern of his comrade made Lucas’s frozen heart feel some warmth. After another moment of silence, he gives out a long sigh and begins describing what he met with 2 days ago.


“2 days ago, a female said she want to marry me.”


“Waaaaaaa. Isn’t that a good thing!! Then, why are you still so depressed.”


But very quickly, the tragic history of his comrades flashes through his minds, and many different kind of tragedies reaches the tip of his mouth…


But seeing how Tim suddenly stopped talking, Lucas managed to guess what was running through his mind and shakes his head.


“The other party isn’t a fallen angel or demon who is trying to corrupt me. My position in the team is a mere average, not worthy of such treatment.”




“I’m not as unlucky as Fenk and Welon. What I met with isn’t a Beastman auntie that was above 40 years old or a cute little boy. She is very cute with an innocent oval face. She has a beautiful smile with skin like white jade. She is always prancing around and she gives everyone as lively feeling.”


“Then why are you still…?” Since her qualifications were so good, then why is Lucas still so depressed? Tim was unable to comprehend.


At this moment, Lucas’s face was full of reminiscence as he speaks softly.


“She carries a flower to me and says brother knight, don’t be sad. Xiao Xin will be your wife. That smile is just like the warm sun and that sweet voice, is as attractive as honey. But…”


In an instant, the clear skies turned cloudy and Lucas started crying.


“…She is only 9 years old! 9 years old!! She is still so young and I am not a beast!!”

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Finding the root of the problem, Tim pats Lucas sympathetically. Just as he was about to say something, a smile creeps on Lucas’s face.


“However, she said that she was going to marry me when she grows up. Haha, she even says that when she grows to an adult, even if I am the Sheng Knight on the flyer, I should already have enough money to buy a house and a mount.”


In an instant, Tim found himself at a loss of words. After a long period of time, he squeezes out a word from his teeth.


“That… congratulations.”


“Wuuuuuuu!!” But then, the hint of glee on Lucas’s face disappears as he lowers his head to cry in agony while hugging the purple lily.


“Lucas, stop crying. What does 10 years count as. Look at me, I am almost 35 but I am still a bachelor. Even you wait 10 years, you would only be 37 years old. You will still be much better than the other brothers in our squad.”


“Wuuu, no… Not 10 years!!”


“Hm? Even if you wait a little longer than that, but we Sheng Knights can afford to wait!!” Reaching this point, Tim also understood the meaning of Sheng Knights and started to comprehend the meaning behind those weird gazes and sympathy.


But after hearing his consolation, Lucas cried even more miserably.


“I… I can’t wait until that day! Wuuuuu!! It is not 10 years, it is… Is 200 years!! She is an Elf and need 200 years to become an adult!! That is to say, she thinks that it would take me 200 years to buy a house!! 200 years, when she finally becomes an adult, I would already become ashes!”


Hearing that, other than hugging this brother of his who became more hurt from his rare shot at love, what else can Tim do…


“Why don’t we go to Nanxiang and give it a try. From what I know, a lot of cities provide lodging for their Public Security members.”


Nanxiang’s recruitment for students was successful to a point of incredulity. Within 3 days, it had managed to pull away a third of the Church’s total personnel in Liu Huang City. Afterwards, there are also many people who signed up…

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The legal system in Chrome City was also in the midst of being built and in 2 months, after the first batch of short-term training class students graduate, we could invest them into Chrome City’s administrative and legal system.


Then, very quickly, the scattered page of the Origin of Codex could display it uses and start to collect the faith of the citizens towards law and fairness. Then, we could grant the Power of Law to personnel of the legal system and provide military might to the enforcers and the judgement. When this cycle happens, the recovery of the God Equipment Origin of Codex would be hastened.


When this city is taken under the wing of the legal system and its citizens accepts law as one of its beliefs, the Power of the Law in the whole world will grow stronger and would be able to grant even stronger power to its believers. Probably, the initial Holy Light also started growing like that.


When the belief in law starts to spread, hopefully, the views of humans towards other races would not just be limited to simply Chaos and Order and this change in views might be the starting point to harmony.


“Since wiping out an entire faction is impossible, then why not try sowing the seeds of communication and compromise. Now, in Liu Huang Mountain City, even Holy Knights are learning to judge people based on their crimes and not their races. At least, this shows the that there is a chance for success.”


But, for now, I am able to look so far ahead and can only be stressed over the daily quest in front of me.


Now, the Evil Points that I have accumulated is 49 888, not too far away from the day of my revival. However, the few daily quests that have appeared are ‘Kill a hundred humans’, ‘Destroy a few Beastman family, leave not a single one remaining’ and such quests, which are not easy to play around with. This caused me to lose quite a few points. If I were to continue losing points like that, how can I revive?


“Daily quest: Create a nude running event that would catch the attention of the citizens. The more people who joins in the run, the more audiences there is, the more screams and shrieks there are, the greater the prize!”


I fell into deep thoughts. Due to the recent quests being too brutal, I had to give them all up. This quest that is in bad humor became my rain in the drought.


“Lord, perhaps we would require the help of others.”


After knowing what my quest is, Elisa said that.


I nodded my head and sent out my bat messenger…


“Old cow, I heard that you have been getting by well recently. I, Lich Roland, have something which I would like your help for. I heard that your relationship with the Wild Druid Alliance isn’t bad. The thing is that…”

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