Chapter 5: The Supreme Judge

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Posted on 2016-07-22by StarveCleric

Liu Huang Mountain City is a good place. This is a commonly accepted fact in the underground world.


In order to understand what kind of place is Liu Huang Mountain City, one must first understand what kind of place is the underground world like.


A land for exiles, this is probably the common understanding amongst those living on the surface.



The underground world is a crevice under the continent of Eich. The total size of the of the underground world is immeasurable, its geography far too complex to be mapped out properly. It was even said that there was route in the underground world that leads straight to Hell’s Abyss.


Initially, there weren’t much residents here but as eras passed, it became a land of gathering for the exiled


The Elf tribe exiled the Dark Elves, the Dwarf tribe exiled the Gray Dwarves and the Gnomes exiled the Wild Gnomes. 40% of the Beastman Tribe were chased by other factions into the underground world. Even the powerful great Dragons chased the brutal Red Dragons and cunning Black Dragons into exile here. It is also that the Titans exiled the Volcanic Giants here.


The dominant race of the surface, Humans, were no exception as well. Although it was all their brethren they exiled, it was the most complicated bunch of all including Witches, Extremists, Cultists, Necromancers, Revolutionists, Demons, Worshippers, Scientists and so on. It seems as though the underground world has become their disposal ground.


As time passed by until our current timeframe, the races of the underground world have become far too complicated to be calculated but there is one common rule here.


In the underground world, there is no order, strength talks the loudest. The winners earn it all and the losers get enslaved.


Even in the chaotic Chaos faction, this is one of the messiest place with the Underground City Lords waging and fighting wars all year round.


They annex land, steal rations, attack cities and enslave the population. Of course, the countries on the surface are actually no better but due to the restrictions by the different Religions from the Gods of the Order faction and the different Councils of each country, it was still mainly peaceful there. However, in the land where Gods abandoned, the underground world, the war have never stopped.


Those who are able to survive in the chaotic underground world, if placed with comparison with those on the surface, are far from being weaklings.


Well, if we were to use the analogy of a game, the underground is a dangerous zone for high levels opened later on in the game, only players above LV40 are able to form parties to enter.


In most of the underground cities, due to the diverse races in each city, there would normally be just one dominant race oppressing the others.


But, Liu Huang Mountain City is different.


This city which lies next to the sulfur river does not have a long history, slightly below 130 years old and in the eyes of tribes blessed with longevity, it was no longer than a blink of an eye.


But they accomplished a deed which the surrounding Underground City Lords were unable to achieve for a few millennium.


There is no war here, no nobility or oppression.


In fact, there is no ruling race here. The City Lord Adam.Han, a well-known hero, took up the lonesome job of being the City Lord. Despite Adam, a human, being the City Lord here, humans were the scarcer race within the city. Furthermore, there isn’t even a single ruling-class nobility here.


And, this fellow being jokingly said to be muscle-brained was even more renowned to have totally no interest in power or land.


Different from the armies in other Underground Cities which numbers in tens of thousands, Liu Huang City only have a few hundred people in the reserve army and public security team, the strongest of them being the Town Order Security Army, better known as Town Security, which mainly comprises of Dark Elves. But even so, their scale don’t even cross the 800 mark.


In the chaotic underground world, pacifist is a synonym for weak. With their backs next to the mines in sulfur mountain coupled with their weak defence force, they naturally attracted aggression from the other Underground City Lords.


But, after a couple of battles, no one cares to set their gazes on them anymore.


The reason? Because their fists were strong enough.


No army? In actuality, there was no need to.


Ein Mezus, the ancient Red Dragon whom was titled Disaster of Veron, lives on the sulfur mines behind Liu Huang Mountain City. This evil dragon who once laid waste to dozens of human kingdoms, for reasons no one knows, became the guardian beast of this city.


Adam.Han, being one of the most renowned hero of this era, he once killed an Undead Emperor Lord Yongye (永夜 Yong Ye -> Eternal Night) and saved the world. Even after coming to the underground world alone, he destroyed a city of Dark Elves using brute force. That was 40,000-50,000 Dark Elves and a hundred thousand of those of other races. He himself is probably the most famous Thousand Man Killer.


The Great Saint Magaret, nicknamed ‘The Child of Heaven’, was comrades with Adam on their journey to sealing Lord Yongye. She was rumored to be a remarkable existence capable to summoning an army of angels by herself.


It was said that there was once an Underground City Lord who, while on his way to attacking Liu Huang Mountain City, he was ‘persuaded’ to leave by a prominent figure without even catching sight of the city walls…


It was said that as long as the three heads of Liu Huang City exists, it would remain as an impregnable fortress.


In my system, these three fellows are LV200-300s perfect super boss level characters. Not mentioning the current era, even after 3 or 4 updates in my game walk-through database, they are still extremely powerful characters, far beyond the reach of those barely Legend rank LV80-90s Underground City Lords in the surroundings.


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It was due to their strong protection and no one to equal them that turned this city into the only clean land in this chaotic underground world.


But having only military strength is insufficient, the Great Saint took up the role as the Chief of Internal Affairs and kept the city in good order and the Supreme Judge Wumianzhe, yup, that’s me, even went on create the most equal and fair laws in the entire Eich.


As for the City Lord Adam, he spends most of his time doing what he usually do, being a useless lucky charm.


Coincidentally, I, who was rather close with the 3 heads of Liu Huang City, became one of its founder. 


Previously, when I was questioned by the Town Security, I didn’t lie. I really am a good employee with a proper job, as the Supreme Judge of Liu Huang Mountain City!


Although my memories have been mostly scattered after 3 deaths, most of the important knowledge have been retained.


As a lawyer and judge in my previous life, I accumulated knowledge of legislation far beyond that of this era. The legislation I have written for Liu Huang Mountain City have been a rope model for the entire underground world and even the surface dwellers have sent scholars to study from us.


The conflicts due to the diverse races? I carved Martin Luther King Jr.’s ‘I Had A Dream’ on the city markets and city gates such that everyone entering or leaving the city would see it and this was only the first step.


I established racial discrimination to be illegal and offenders would be severely dealt with. After which, I came up with a series of policies to deal with racial tensions and severely dealt with a couple of fools who crossed my laws to give a stern warning to the others.


Being interested in sociology, I understood that a rule, as long as it gains recognition and agreement on the surface, after sufficient time have passed, society, getting used to the presence of the rule, would see it as being morally correct.


As an immortal undead, the only thing I don’t lack is time and stamina. After long years of trying to change other people’s mindset, I have at least succeeded in planting the ideas of racial harmony in the minds of the citizens of Liu Huang Mountain City.


The comparatively harmonious relationship between different races is the basis for Liu Huang Mountain City’s prosperity and the next step would be security.


Killing a person and stealing his items is a heavy crime? In other underground cities, one could pay his way through his crimes, causing rich merchants and nobilities to not treat folks of other races with proper dignity and respect. But here, it is an unreasonable death penalty. Thus, under the threat of heavy penalties, the security of the city turned for the better.


Of course, there must be sufficient violence to put these legislations into action and a group of queer Dark Elves who were driven out of their clan for believing in the Holy Light became the best cornerstone for the security team. After devoting a large amount of resources, I managed to turn them into a team of Public Security trusted by the citizens.


Sometimes I do regret getting such good equipment for the Town Security, giving them so much power made the difficulty of completing my daily quests twice as difficult and the frequency of me being locked in a cell increase progressively… Cough cough, lets not talk about how  I tripped myself my own foot. Lets continue talking about this city which through the blood and tears of a Transcender ushered a new era for the underground city.


The religious conflicts which left splitting headaches in other parts of the underground world? This is indubitably difficult for other cities to handle due to the physical manifestation of gods in the world of Eich. The Underground City Lords are often a believer of a certain god and after making his stand, how can he be trusted to be impartial and if it becomes an oppression against certain races, there would be endless conflicts in the city.


In this city… Amongst the three heads, Red Dragon Ein Mezus believes in gold coin, the City Lord Adam.Han is a well-known for not having a faith while the Great Saint believes in knowledge and Adam…


Yup, you didn’t hear it wrongly, the Great Saint have had a ‘crush’ on the Great Hero for very long and this was well-known fact throughout the world but the blockhead seems to be ignorant of it. Xiao Hong and I couldn’t stand looking upon the situation any longer that we trashed his wedding reception twice.
TL: Xiao Hong is the nickname for Red Dragon Ein Mezus if you don’t remember and btw she is a female dragon.


Of course, I can’t deny my ulterior motive. Other than the Evil Points I earned from causing utter chaos, looking at Adam’s dumb face on the verge of tears was really gratifying.


Alright, looks like I went out of topic, let’s continue talking about the underground world.


The faith of the 3 heads aren’t reliable and if I, arguably, were said to have a faith, I would probably be ‘To give those who sinned what they deserve’ and ‘To grant the innocent the protection of the law’ and such, similar to the spirit of justice in my previous life. Thus, I did something never seen before in the history of Eich – granting the citizens of Liu Huang Mountain City the freedom of faith.


“Faith is an individual choice. While we allow one to spread their faith within the city, but no religious organisations are to force others to convert to their beliefs and those who break this law are exiled out from Liu Huang Mountain City.”


In Liu Huang City, there are people to believe in demons, believe in the Holy Light and even those who believe in Gaia such that there are an incredible number of altars are shrines in the city. But, once any of them uses religion as a flag to oppress others, they would face severe punishment.


While the rest of the underground world are coping with internal conflicts, wrestling over political power, the frequent war of faith between different churches and the casual plundering of the weak by the strong, our Liu Huang Mountain City’s is exceptionally politically stable with there are suitable laws put in place, great efficiency in governance, peaceful and orderly. We attract countless talents and merchants, making it a prosperous city and eventually becoming the paradise of the underground world.


In reality, the city isn’t really all that good. It is just that the other Underground Cities are too chaotic, making the city looks much better in comparison to its surroundings.


Chaos have already become a symbol of the underground cities and the underground world, resulting in many resources and manpower to actively seek out our city, heightening its prosperity.


Even the Holy Light Church on the surface was taken aback by the peaceful city within the land of chaos such that they sent Holy Knights and Priests to receive teachings from the city. Many Holy Knights were stumped by how diverse races could get along and majority of them chose to stationed in the city for extended periods of time. During their time in the city, they studied the ‘scripture gifted by the Holy Light’ while trying to spread the greatness of Holy Light and enlighten the ‘evil underground world residents’.


As a Lich, the natural enemy of Holy Knights and Priests, my detest for them is so great that at times, I would really like to peel off my mask and tell them that their ‘scripture gifted by the Holy Light’ was the creation of an evil lich to see if there would the faith of some people would crumble due to the fact.


Back to the present, this facade has become my best cover while under pursuit.


No one would have expected that the fair, impartial and infallible Supreme Judge Wumianzhe is actually Lich Roland who often stir up trouble and is known to ‘have a loose screw in his head’.
TL: “脑袋进水” (Nao dai jin shui -> A bit hard to translate, literally means head dunked in water but it just sort of means someone with a trouble with his head, having a loose screw in his head)


When I took on the responsibility as the head of the Supreme Court, I insisted on putting on my mask. Due to the unreliable Evil Lich System, I was cursed to be unable to retain my dignity and as a judge who takes law into his own hands, dignity and authority is crucial.


After all, any legislation without authority or fear is just a scrap paper.

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At this moment, the dignity that I have accumulated throughout the years worked its wonders.


Right now, despite only standing there silently, the Town Security army, under long years of being under my authority, was trembling down to their feet.


I turned my head and look towards the one leading the team, Diana Syfen.




No doubt, from the trembling of her voice, she is definitely having a guilty conscience.


I am the superior of their superior of their superior of their superior and this is does not only mean that my official rank is higher than theirs. They are members of the Town Security army and the Town Security army is a subsidiary of the Subordinate Court and the Subordinate Court is a subsidiary of the Supreme Court and me, Wumianzhe is the head of the Supreme Court.


In the legislation that I drafted, as a subsidiary of the Subordinate Court, the Town Order Security Army does not the rights to authorize an arrest. They can only listen to the orders from their superiors and they have to request for an approval from the Subordinate Court, whom will send a report to the Supreme Court, especially if they want to carry out a large-scale event like ‘Swiftly and heavily, we shall severely punish those committing crimes’ to enforce law


And as the head of the Supreme Court, I haven’t received a report for the large-scale arrest warrant.




Of course it is an act of insubordination. I just bombed the base of the Town Security yesterday and they began the operation today, how is it possible for them to request for approval and receive an approval within such a short period of time. Even just considering submitting the request, they would have to first gather up the approval documents from the mess and that’s quite a big project!


Diana’s face turned white in an instant after hearing my muttering.


“No matter how righteous the rhetoric is, the enforcement of law is a violent process and the law enforcers are the tools for carrying such violent acts for the court. If these tools were to start acting as they please, then it might be time to get rid of these tools.”


This is a well-known quote by me and is on the first page of every member of Town Security’s work manual as a warning.


I reckon that they were intending to carry out a sudden raid and fill up on the administrative matters later on. On other days, the Subordinate Court and Supreme Court would just turn a blind eye to it but they didn’t anticipate my sudden appearance, catching them red-handed in the act.


Simply by looking at them silently, the dark-skinned Dark Elves’ faces turned ash white, putting them in good position to compete with those of the undeads.
TL: Undeads (亡灵) is a very broad word in this novel such that it could mean skeleton, zombies, banshees etc.


Insubordination? No matter what the outcome is, what kind of reason was it committed for, for a group of law enforcers to do as they please is a very dangerous act. Today, they could just be committing insubordination to beat up others, tomorrow they could very well be committing a coup d’etat trying to overthrow authority.


Following Liu Huang City’s laws, those fellows who tried to overstep their authority, even in the lightest of sentence, are exiled from Liu Huang Mountain City.


The Dark Elves have landed themselves in a desperate situation. If they met up with other members of the Supreme Court, they could still negotiate with them and settle it privately but the man in front of them was the man who miraculously converted an intangible laws of justice into an actual power similar to the Holy Light, the very symbol of law. They have never heard of an occasion where he compromised with those who tread on the boundaries of law.


Town Security Captain Diana’s face was bitter, but it was time for her to stand out.


“After working so hard for a long time, the ‘evil’ Dark Elves, after much difficulties, managed to receive recognition from the citizens, will it all go to vain like this? After leaving the city, will we have to go out there and live the days of blood and brutal killings… How can I face my sisters who believed in me like that.”


The young lady’s red lips were bleeding blood from being bit on, her purple eyes filled with tears. Thinking back on the days where they fought just to survive, thinking of how they finally were able to find a blissful home and lead good lives after being exiled from their clan, the Dark Elves’ beautiful face were distorted with pain.


“Lord… It was all my individual decision! If you have to punish, please only punish me!” The strong Town Security Captain threw away her pride and knelt for forgiveness.


“Big Sis Diana!”


“It is not big sis’s fault, we did it all for the order of Liu Huang Mountain City!”


“Yeah, what rights do you have to punish us!”


Surrounding their captain, the other Town Security Knights were drunk in their emotions, some of them started glare angrily at me, and the situation seemed to be on the verge of turning physical, thus…


“Incantation of Law:Silence!!”


Following the echo of my voice, a mysterious magic started to take effect. In the midst of air, a silver gavel strikes down and a reverberation spreads through the entire plot of land.


As the silver ripples ripple outward in all directions, not only did all my sound disappear, even the intense emotions of indignant vanished.


In this mystical world, if the faith in the concept of Order and Holy Light could be transformed to an origin of power, then how could the faith in law and justice lack the support of supernatural powers.


Although, while I was in court and the fourth Soul Imprint began to take shape, the one who was most surprised at this was probably me. This meant that the code of law that I single-handedly created was recognized by the source of the world and have become a part of powers of Order.


Law is the power of words. The rules of the world is known as laws and as the one who controls rules and the code of law, my words become the rules of the world.

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TL: The author uses 吾, quite an archaic word for I.


And that is the Incantation of Law.


A unique magical art combining the concepts of law and magic, although it is very different from the Art of Truth used by Mages and the Commandment branch of mystical arts used by Priests, but as long as one fulfill the strict requirements for its usage, its prowess was one to behold.
TL: 戒律 (Means sometime like discipline, being in control of oneself by controlling one’s desires etc -> Translated to commandment)


At this moment, I am dealing with a case with these Town Security as the accused and the narrow alley is my court.


As I called for silence, all living beings must quieten down and listen to my truth.


The Dark Elves’ innate resistance against magic is useless in the face of my Incantation of Law. No one could hear their words and their body and heart feels as though it was soaked in ice water as they feel a chill down their back, quieting them down in an instant.


Only now do they recall that the man in front of them is not one the Supreme Judge, but even more so a great Mage whose limits have yet to be tested.


The Incantation of Law he created by combining both law and magic together have become a unique rule-based magic and its fame have spread far and wide, attracting even the great religious heads and saints from the surface to study. The Supreme Court have even more so, became a sacred land where only powerful Gold-ranks can learn the secrets of the Incantation of Law.


He created 3 new jobs, Knight of Justice (公正骑士), Judgementor (审判者) and Law Incantationer (法咒使) which can equal with the Holy Knights (圣光骑士), Cardinals (红衣大主教) and Monks (苦修者) which the Holy Church is so proud of.


“How fearsome… My magic resistant skin have been totally ignored.”


“I am totally unable to analyse the level of the magic. In fact, I can’t even feel the pulsation of magic, but it is at least Saint-rank (i.e magic used by a Saint-rank).”


In their eyes, to defy orders means to start a war against the entire Liu Huang Mountain City Law organization. Even if they try to escape, they might not be able to escape from the hands of the judges. What is in front of the Dark Elves seems to be the dire situation where they would be exiled.


In front of such dire circumstances, everyone’s heads were drooping, waiting for me to give me to give my verdict.


“My Lord! Looking at how I worked hard for Liu Huang Mountain City for so many years, please only punish me!” Diana kneels with a teary face.


A respected female Knight Captain just knelt down, how could the other knights still continue remain standing. Thus, the sight of a group of kneeling knights unfolded in front of my eyes.


Aiyo, looking at how deep their sisterhood are, I am starting to feel sentimental myself.


In reality, the Town Security Captain Diana is also a LV81 Legend-rank Knight and her abilities are definitely above mine. As for why she was unable to stand up against me, other than her guilty conscience, is the workings of God-tier equipment.


The enchantments of this silver robe was done by me during my the most powerful phase of my life. Initially, I used it mostly to scare other people but after I became a judge, I mainly used it to pressurize the accused. After realizing the Incantation of Law, the Elite-rank magic robe, for no apparent reason, turned into a piece of SemiGod equipment.
TL: The chinese word for SemiGod (亚神) here is different from the power ranking (半神). The one for the equipment means ‘Second only to god’ while the one in the power ranking means ‘Half-god’


【SemiGod Equipment; The Dignity of Judicature (Binded)】


【Defence:10Points(Even metal plates only have 5Points of defense, for a cloth magic robe to reach these level of defense is already very incredible.】


【Unique Ability 1 The Self-Judgement of the Sinner: Induces guilt within sinners and as time passes, sinners would fall deeper into a state of fear and helplessness. The greater the sin, the greater the effect of this ability. The innocents are exempted from this ability.】


【Unique Ability 2 The Dispassionate Judge: The user equipped with the mask would have his charm fixed at 100. Resistance against seduction, detection, illusory and similar magic +20.】


【Unique Ability 3 isn’t activated as the user doesn’t satisfy the basic requirements.】


【Unique Ability 4 isn’t activated as the user doesn’t satisfy the basic requirements.】


【Curse of the God Equipment, Weight of the Gavel: The user equipped must have a job related to the legislative system and must carry out his job impartially. If he were to twist the laws for personal reasons or speak falsely, the law robe would become an unquenchable fire, destroying the user’s soul and physical body.】


【”Please use the authority granted prudently. The choice made after the Gavel strikes down doesn’t merely decide the rise and fall of an individual, but represents the dignity of the legislative system and its impartiality. –The Supreme Court Wumianzhe】


In the continent of Eich, SemiGod equipment and above are that troublesome. Its abilities are specific albeit strong, and are often affixed with some kind of troublesome God Equipment Curse.


The magical robe is exactly the case. The other ordinary robes only boost the effects of spells casted. It doesn’t boost intelligence, but in exchange, they often come with several powerful special abilities.


The first Unique Ability saves me quite a lot of hassle while on trial. Be it a serial killer or the head of a triad, as long as they retain a shred of conscience, they become a bunch of chickens in front of me. As for the second Unique Ability, it allows me to disregard all attempts to figure out my true identity.


As for the God Equipment Curse, being unable to defy the laws set and being unable to lie isn’t too big of a deal to me. Firstly, I’m single and thus there is no reason for me to flout the laws on personal reasons.


Taking a step back, I were to want to engage in a scam, it would be more than sufficient to play a word game to mislead others. Instead, using lies that could be exposed are actually less effective.


“I don’t lie, but this doesn’t mean that you are able to understand the true meaning of my words. Don’t blame me if you misunderstand my words.” The SemiGod Equipment Curse may not work on me but its might doesn’t take a cut.

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Right now, the law enforcers, who believe in the Holy Light, have overstepped their authority and are filled with guilt. Under the pressure of the SemiGod equipment, they felt as though invisible chains were restraining their bodies, pushing them down, causing them to be unable to straighten their bodies.


I estimate that simply by standing there, the pressure the other party encounters wouldn’t be inferior to a dragon’s pressure, and this would continue to increase as we proceed on with the judging. But seeing the circumstances now, if so continue to pressure them, I might end up seeing some girls seeing their pants.


Alright, this should be sufficient. If I were to go too far, they might just snap and do something desperate. Furthermore, I have no intention of driving them from the city.


Thus, I turned around to leave, leaving just a few words behind.


“I just happened to pass by and didn’t see anything. Tomorrow, remember to get your captain to file the report.”


Hearing my words, I could hear tears of joy and thanks sounding from my back.


“Thank you, my lord!!”


After I  turned about the corner, the Elves collapsed onto the ground together, some of them hugging each other crying, celebrating the dangerous circumstances they just overcame as I smiled under my mask.


“Lord Wumianzhe may seem frightening but he is actually a kind person.”


“That scared me! Momo almost suffocated to death. Sister Anna, let Momo rest on you a bit.”


“You wrench, don’t touch as you please. You should go find Lily.Milan instead.”


I left a little toy to listen in to their conversation… Cough, the naughty wind delivered their discussion to my ear.


“To listen seriously to the complains of your subordinates is the responsibility of a superior. If I don’t know who is talking bad about me, what if I mistreat the wrong person… That girl is called Stacey right? She really knows how to talk. Of course I’m a good person.” Thus, my mood lifted significantly and I decided to lighten their punishment. But in the next instant, I knew that my mood would worsen.


That is because just by the street, my loyal maid, Elisa, has been waiting for a long time.


“Master, what happened to you? To think you would actually let them off?”


“The law is dead, but we are alive. A legislation with no flexibility or no humanity would only create grudges from others. Their actions and motives weren’t wrong, it is just that the procedure they worked by was illegal. Exiling them would be going too far. See how the great me dealt with this perfectly, holding the executioner’s blade high up in the sky but yet putting it down lightly. This is how a true superior official should act, learn a bit.”


“The truth?” Her lips curled in disdain. The maid with a vicious tongue, my number one loyal servant, once again ignores my facade and glee.


“… It isn’t fun playing them to death at one go. Haha, I really earned quite a bit today. Not only was my daily quest a huge success, I also got a handle and a favour over the Town Security army. Heh, those lasses, see how I will deal with you all tomorrow, for you all to dare to steal the feed from the mouth of my Ah Bao.”


Of course I would remember the Dark Elf named Diana, that evil bitch who took Ah Bao’s bone from me.
TL: Refer to chapter 1, not the same Diana as the captain of the Town Security.


Tomorrow, when you report to the Supreme Court to file in the report, I will let you understand what a superior’s harassment means, what a non-violent aggression is like, what bloodshed in the office means!


Chasing you out of the city? Being Dark Elf Knights who believe in the Holy Light, you all are probably the only ones in the entire underground world, wouldn’t I lose a hard to come by toy and useful tool like that.


Elisa sighs helplessly.


“As expected, I really shouldn’t hold any expectations for your conscience. You are really evil to your bones.”


“No, I am a good person! One day, I would definitely convert those Evil Points to Justice Points, then work hard at doing good deeds, then I would finally be able to enjoy a good reputation!”


From a certain viewpoint, my current situation could be said to be caused by that mess of a system… Having to do evil deeds to earn points, but how can I earn a good reputation doing evil deeds. I even have to wear a metal mask just to go to work…


If only that’s all. What I really can’t tolerate is that…


“…That darn mask and robe, for it to be a SemiGod equipment set. Just by looking at me, those beautiful ladies are either stunned with fear or shaking their legs and peeing their pants, causing me to still not have a girlfriend despite being advanced in age.”


“No, what is wrong isn’t the mask or your dress up, but your brain. An undead Lich looking for a girlfriend? …Hehe, I can’t even laugh at such a joke. Right, I heard that while you are a human, you had been a virgin throughout… Reality may be harsh, but please don’t escape from reality.”


“Tsk, not to scare you, but there’s a female who says that she wants to marry me.”


“Aiyo, which necrophile would have such heavy taste… No, I get it, it must be some naive loli, agreeing to marry someone after receiving a lollipop. But, even though you aren’t popular, but to go to the extent of lying to lolis just to satisfy your own pride, that is really too pitiful… Aiyaya, master, why does your face look so awful, don’t tell me Elisa has guessed correctly again.”


“Bastard Elisa! I… I want to be a good person! I also want to have a girlfriend!”


Thus… This time, the citizens of Liu Huang Mountain City had the honour to see the tears of the head of the Supreme Court.

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