ELCL Chapter 57

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In Vance City, beacons of war were lit up all around the city. For the the God Equipment, for great power and for absolute authority, the experts who were normally reserved and the supposed demeanor of nobility were all thrown into the thrash.


Those who are kings, or gentlemen, or scholars and saints, or powerful people who have gone in retreat, in this moment, they are all engaged in a slaughter like mad dogs.


On the other side, due to the assassination of Lorci’s High Priestess, more than 20 Matriachs have brought their army and started to collect fresh blood. However, the most confusing of them all is the disappearance of the one who is at the core of the problems, the Beastman Sovereign Shou.


I don’t think that Nuya.Shou who has been with the Scepter for extended periods of time can resist its temptation. After a month of being with it, his soul has already been locked on by the Scepter and the whispers of the Devils linger in his ears. There is no way he could let go of it, needless to say a mastermind controlling him from the back. At most, he could only be viewing the situation, waiting to reap rewards.


At this moment, due to the unexpected situation of the Queen of Banshees killing Kajah, the situation was developing out of my control.


The deaths of those fellows who are fighting over the Scepter aren’t pitiable, after all they were the one who allowed greed to blind them. Since they want to obtain the God Equipment, they have to be mentally prepared to die… Alright, there is too much powerful figures and expert there fighting over the Scepter. With Saints all over the place, I couldn’t interfere even if I wanted to.


But I can’t ignore the Dark Elves.


Victoria came back just awhile after she went out. There is no need to collect the troops left behind by the Syfan Matriach. All of the Warriors and those following the party have been torn apart by the other Matriach to serve as fresh blood tributes to appease Lorci’s anger.


Even so, they still find the tributes insufficient.


Chaos spreads and hatred will be inherited. Even if they need sufficient blood to appease Lorci’s anger, the Dark Elves will choose to sacrifice those of the other tribes first. When the Dark Elves really start to slaughter other tribes, the hatred that have been accumulating in Vance for many years will all explode. The ending will surely be a cleaning of races and a destructive riot.


In my hands, there is indeed an ace that is able to suppress them…

【God Equipment: Origin of Codex】

【Faith In Law: 557/99999 (The belief from 1000 people in a week allows it to increase by 1 point every week, and the cap is 50 points every month. When the points reach the maximum, it will automatically replicate a SemiGod Equipment, Scattered Page of Codex.】

【Effect 1: The Land of Law (Passive): In the heart of the city where it is placed, the entire city will become a Land of Law and in the area where its effect is active, Enforcers can wield the Power of Law.】

【Effect 2: Great Judgement (Active): Requires 100 Faith in Law to activate, and consumes 1 point every minute after activation. After the user activates it, everyone in the city will be cast with a Legend-rank level Judgement Spell and be judged on their actions in the last 3 hours. If guilty, their freedom will be restricted and debuffs such as intangible cuffs and weapon seal will be inflicted on them. In the Great Judgement, the effects of the enforcer’s Incantation of Law will be multiplied several folds and their power ranking will be increased by 1. (The requirements for usage: The laws in the city are in chaos, criminals are doing as they please and the city is on the verge of destruction)】

【Effect 3: All is Equal in the Face of Law: Demarcate a zone and lower the rank and stats of people within the zone to be of the equal level as the user. Duration: 10 seconds. Requires 1 Faith in Law to activate.】

【Effect 4: Sinners will be Judged (Active): Activate Great Judgement towards a single target, cleansing him of all his sins through the judgement. Requirement: The target must be willing to undergo judgement.】


Seems very strong? But it still isn’t insufficient. In Eich, God Equipment tend to have God Energy and God Soul embedded within. This codex may represent the origin of the Power of Law, but without the support of a God of Law, it is slightly inferior to other God Equipment. Of course, it is still much stronger than any other SemiGod Equipment.


The rumors of Yongye Scepter has become quite outrageous. Other than the nonsense I made up, there is a rumor that says that the secret and fragmented soul of an Ancient Malevolent God is hidden within and Emperor Yongye is the only one to decipher it. Even worse, some say that the soul of Emperor Yongye is within and he will choose the most suitable person to be his successor… Fine, I finally understand what it means for a rumor to become more convincing the more it spreads. In the face of greed, people will try to correct any logical flaws in their mind.


Now that Vance is on the brink of destruction, the conditions for ‘Great Judgement’ has been fulfilled. It seems like we can replicate the quick actions taken in Chrome City previously where the city was cleaned by over hundred temporary Legends during the Judgement.


But I didn’t want to do that.


The situation may seem similar, but in actuality, it is entirely different. The Chrome City which only have a few Legends is different from the guards of over 20 Elf Matriachs. If we were to try to suppress them coldly like we did back then in Chrome City, we might not win even if we add an additional 300 temporary Legends into our force and at least half of our forces would be wiped. Besides, this is the dumbest course of action to take.


Why? War is always born from governance. When considering whether to fight a war, we must remain practical and take our interests into account. It might feel good to lower our blades on them, but if we were to kill over 20 Elf Matriachs in one go, we would have forged an irreconcilable grudge with the underground Elves as well as Lorci. This trade which only brings hatred to us is really not worth doing.


It may seem to be a dead knot, giving us only the choice of either watch the city being wiped clean or to suppress them with bloodshed. But, isn’t what I am the most skilled in is to turn the cruel war into a farce, changing a tragedy into a comedy?


“Stop struggling and enter!!”


“No, I am the most noble Queen of Banshees, not a pet that you keep! Take away those milky-white substance! You vile disciple, **, sex fiend, old bachelor…”


“Hehe, continue scolding as you please, only your mouth is formidable now anyway. Wait until you enter, I will make sure that you feel so much pleasure that you feel like dying from it! Wahahahahhaa!!”


“Noooooooooo!! Pervert, I am your mentor!”


“It is because you are my mentor that there is joy in doing so! Wahaha, resistance is futile. This is my territory, no one will save you no matter how you scream. Just surrender and serve me.”


“MASTER!!” Hasty footsteps could be heard from the back. Then, the door opens and the anxious Elisa lifts the broom at her back and knocks violently on my brain, bringing back my consciousness which has gotten too high.

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Only after the panting Elisa saw the situation within the door did she calm down.


The lewd scene that she was expecting didn’t appear. She only saw someone taking 2 test tubes to mix them together, seemingly trying experiment with the medicine. At this moment, she looks innocently at me.


“Why did you hit me?”


“That… I’m sorry, Master. It is just that I happen to overhear your conversation and I thought that you were…”


“I am doing serious work now. Wait, I had cast an Isolation Magic here, how did you hear it? It can’t be that you installed a hearing device here!!”


“Hehe, let’s not pursue a woman’s secret.” The young lady blinks her eyes in embarrassment and the cheeky look of her sticking out her tongue looks extremely cute. Being able to find herself after breaking through into the Legend realm is a good thing, but…


“Secret you head! Don’t act cute at a time like this!” At this moment, Elisa suddenly seems to be attracted to the butterfly knot on her tail and lowers her head, trying her best to feign ignorance. I started to reflect on whether I am too forgiving towards these juniors.


However, thinking about what we were going to face and the heavy responsibility that is about to be entrusted to her, I suddenly lost my interest in pursuing the matter.


“Forget it. Your arrival is timely, there are some things that I want to brief you about first. After my plan activates and everything is successfully, I’m afraid that there won’t be much time left for us to interact.”


The inauspicious meaning of the words makes Elisa nervous.




But before briefing her, I look towards the struggling Harloys in the bottle and hesitates for a brief moment. From a certain sense, my plan will strike a fatal blow into the core of the Order Gods, so it should be align to her goals. If I could get her to help, the success rate of the plan would be increased significantly.


Don’t underestimate Harloys just because she was caught so easily. Actually, I think of her as the hardest to deal with among the Undead Lords. Knowledge is power, knowledge is wisdom. In the face of ‘The Omniscient One’ Harloys who has went through countless era, Magaret and I can’t even count as a student.


The reason why we could successfully catch Harloys, 90% of it has to be attributed to her suicide tendency.


If she wasn’t too complacent after obtaining the body with a God’s Bloodline and runs out to find me when her synchronisation with her physical body hasn’t completed that she didn’t even have a third of the power she had at her peak and if Adam, who is one of the strongest Warrior in the world, didn’t successfully assault her, a Mage who is helpless in close combat, and my assistance in restricting her movement, it definitely won’t be such an easy task to get hold of her.


To say the truth, my partnership with Adam is well-versed and we have long attained the level where 1 + 1 = 3. With Adam as the main fighter and my harassment, I have the confidence to make even a Mage Incarnation of God kneel and submit to us.


The fact that I was able to catch Harloys made me so happy that I got engrossed into playing my part, saying out some horrible lines which caused Elisa to come barging in.


“Just give it a try. If it doesn’t work, you can always silence her.”


Thus, I started talking.


“All of this began from an agreement. That was back when I was still Emperor Yongye. By the River Styx, I made an agreement with Death God Ayer…”


The plan isn’t very long or complicated, it took only 10 minutes for me to finish my piece. However, Harloys stopped me in my tracks multiple times to plead me to strengthen the anti-eavesdropping barrier and anti-spying magic. After I finished it, the Queen of Banshees in the bottle seemed to have malfunction and could only repeatedly mutter the same words like a psycho:


“I didn’t hear anything, haha, nothing at all.”


“Hee hee, as expected of my disciple, really playing it big this time. Should I feel sentimental at how my disciple is starting to surpass me?”


“This doesn’t seem to be right. Why are you telling me this, are you finding a reason to get rid of me? However, if this plan succeeds, it seems that my vengeance would also be complete and there would be no reason for me to remain living. Should I be happy?”


Elisa, after listening everything solemnly, fell into silence.


“Master, to sacrifice so much, is it worth it?”

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“Un, of course it is worth it. There can’t be rewards if we don’t sacrifice something. If we don’t change anything, what is awaiting this world is only destruction and calamity and I personally think that there is still a lot of things worth living for here.”


Elisa lowers her head and became even more depressed.




“I don’t deny it.”




“True, sometimes I do find that I’m a bastard.”




“I would have to deny that. I don’t have the conditions to be perverted. Just look at me, I am so poor that only bones remain…”


However, the motion of Elisa raising her head stopped my words. Her widened eyes stares fixedly at me, but the cold face she puts on usually is replaced with a wretched face full of tears, not a trace of her dignified appearance normally.


Looking at the silent flow of tears, an ache in my chest makes me lower my head helplessly. Just like before, I carefully wiped the tears off the crybaby.


“I’m sorry.”


“I don’t need an apology…”


“I’m really sorry.”


“…You villain, I said don’t apologise… Wuuuuu!”


My rare sincere apology was like a trigger, plunging this Legend back into the times of her childhood, where she would just sit there, paralysed, crying without a care.


Cajoling little children has never been my expertise. I panicked. But very quickly, Elisa stops and with tearful face, she speaks of her condition.


“…Fine, I am willing to bear everything, but you must accept one condition to repay me.”


A condition? This is something that should not be accepted at all costs. Who knows what the other party would request of you. What if she requests for you to solo an Demon Prince? However, looking at the sobbing girl, I somehow nodded in response to her request.


“Fine, as long as it doesn’t go against my principle, no matter what condition you lay out, I will agree to it.”


Looking at her nodding her head, I heaved a sigh of relief. However, somehow, the ache in my heart worsens. Thus…




Hugging the young lady lightly, I felt her familiar warmth and smell and I felt that my heartbeat which has stopped seem to start beating again. I felt comforted.


Undead may not have body warmth, but my rare gentleness made Elisa raise her head to stare at me.


“Just for a moment.”


“Un.” As though like during thunderstorms in the past where she happily looked for reasons to dive into that body that wasn’t warm but yet comforting, the girl who have grown up quietly takes half a step forward, allowing me to hug her tighter as she secretly make a wish.


“… Is it still only kinship now? Big Brother Rolo, Master Roland, the next time we meet, I will become a good woman that you would be unable to ignore.”


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“Cough cough, this is really touching. Have you two forgotten that there is a third party here? Aiyo, seems like another teacher-student relationship. Looks like it is our tradition. Back then, if Cecily hadn’t fall in love with that Wood Elf bitch, I wouldn’t have hardened my determination to kill her. Cecily techniques were great, it is quite a pity now that I think about it. I should have taken out her soul to make a doll.”


Without any hesitation, Harloys revealed her dark history as a lesbian while serving as a light bulb at the same time. The normally thick-skinned Elisa, remembering her tears and laughter, lowers her head in embarrassment and quickly pushes he away. At that moment, the air stilled.


“No one will treat you as a mute just because you remained quiet.” Looking at the soul inside the bottle unhappily and her delighted expression, I know that she had thought it through and made her decision.


“Un, as expected of my disciple, playing quite a big game there. I will help you, but you must let me go first. Kajah’s physical body still can be used after stapling it together. You know my strength, the reason why I failed this time is because I was careless. If I help you, the success rate would be much higher.


I shook my head and instead, smiled as I lifted another bottle up. The bottle is filled with a thick white-colored transparent fluid. I opened the bottle and heartlessly pours it into the bottle with Harloys’s soul.


“That is 2 separate matter. What I need the most now is countless number of Child of Greed. You should just obediently merge with the main body of Greed.”


Yes, that bottle of disgusting fluid is the main body of Greed and not that special secretion. My plan to turn this tragedy into a comedy is to reenact the nude city. I don’t believe that the Dark Elf Matriachs can continue on their rampage without weapons and clothes and can still go against my Enforcers.


However, if I only use main body of Greed to clone Child of Greed, not mentioning the long time required before it can go into action, if it ends in a great loss for me and my enemy, it would affect my future plans greatly.


The original plan of using ‘Great Judgement’ and Adam to scare the Dark Elves would result in great loss on our side and many aftereffects cannot be called an ideal solution. However, the sudden appearance of Harloys gave me an additional choice.


No one is able to compete with the Banshees, who have the talent of ‘possessing physical bodies’, in controlling other people’s physical body. The Queen of Banshees Harloys, despite having ablutomania which prevents her from using any physical bodies other than those of female Elf royalty, but her unparalleled ability in controlling physial bodies allow her to rapidly clone Child of Greed after possessing the main body of Greed. It is also an easy task for her to control over ten thousand clones to recognise their allies and enemies.
TL: Ablutomania -> Obsession with cleanliness


“No, disgusting!! This thing is weird, the liveliness of this soulless physical body is shockingly high. Its attraction towards my soul is too great, I’m afraid that I might not be able to leave the body after possessing it, how can I help you if that happens!”


The Queen of Banshees’ reason is convincing, but I already have it all planned out.


“Rest easy, this is one of my prided creations, Greed of the Seven Deadly Sins. Its potential hasn’t been unleashed yet. Later, I will help you fuse a bit of Kajah’s God Bloodline into it, allowing it to evolve into a complete body. I ensure that you will be very energetic, making you so happy that you won’t even think about possessing other bodies. Right, it is better for the main body to retain human shape right? Do you prefer loli physique or a young mature lady physique? Forget it, since a fluid being is able to transmogrify, I will just add all of it in.”
TL: Young mature lady -> As it means, a woman who dresses maturely, looks maturely, acts maturely despite being young


“Your Seven Deadly Sins? This Slime is your undead creation? SAVE ME!!! SOMEONE IS KILLING THEIR MENTOR! Bastard, have you forgotten what Pride did back then? You actually still dare to create undeads.”


It is impossible for her calls for help to leak out anyway, so I ignored it and continued with my work.


Un, young mature woman, mature woman, teenage girl, old lady… Wait, old lady seems to be a bit too strong a taste, I better delete it. Then, the hairstyle, hair color and clothes… It feels like playing a gal-game. Hehe, I feel quite excited.


“You disloyal disciple, I was blind to accept you back then. My greatest regret in my life is to teach you Undead Creation, look at what kind of monsters you built! This time, you are even using me as an ingredient for it. What is this? Why is my color changing, why would a soul have color?”


Continuing to ignore her, it was about time for the complete product to appear.


“I, I am melting? Why would a soul melt? What have you done? Death God above, why did you allow me to meet you, why would the perfectly normal Undead Creation turn into something like that in your hands!”
TL: She is using the word ‘old lady’ to refer to herself. It is what 30~40 gangster-like ladies (or crude) use to refer themselves to, especially when they are trying to intimidate someone.


“** Maid costume, fallen angel maid costume, beast-ear maid costume, standard English maid costume, robot teenage girl maid costume, extremely short H maid costume! AHHHH, my creative juices are burning!!”


“Stop doing weird stuff in my body, you bastard maid fetish… So warm, so comfortable. Wait, it can’t be, how can undeads have feelings. What did you do!!”


“Hehe, are you happy? Proud? You are going to be my greatest creation. Let me think about what other maid costumes there are… Right, angel maid costume! Completely natural wings and the feeling of the flesh and feathers are completely identical! Perfect!!”


Looking at her motivated master, Elisa knows that she can’t stop him. After solemnly expressing her sympathy towards the Dark Elves, whom misfortune is going to fall on, and Harloys, who deserves to burnt on a stake for over 10 times, she closed the door and leaves.


She still needs some time to organise the information she just got hold of. At the same time…


“Hmph, I am not just a silly woman who will just wait obediently. You want to use the family card to dump me? Dream on!” Elisa also has her own schemes and she has already started taking actions.


In the slums beside the mines not too far from Vance, an eerie blood-red altar has been constructed on the chilly cliff where the Dragon Empress almost died.

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The locals there have became the tributes on the altar.




“That is my child!!”


In the face of the heartless thugs, the workers of the mine tried to retaliate but their actions are destined to end in vain. That’s because those thugs are once their protectors and the master of this mine, the personal guards of the Beastman Sovereign!


The single-eyed Lion King looks at the cries of despair below. The citizens who he protects are being sent to their doom. The Beastman Sovereign, reputed to the close with his people, looks at such a sight without a single expression on his face.


But, among the crowd, a stubborn Kobold male rushes out and shouts towards the Beastman Sovereign.


“Why!! Lord Lion King!! We pay your taxes and my nephew even died for you!! Why…”


He couldn’t continue his words. He has been forced to the ground by some soldiers carrying the insignia of a single eye. That soldier looks up towards the Lion King, as though asking for the opinion of his superior.


On other days, to win the favor of his army, Shou.Nuya would take good care of the family of his soldiers, but now…


Ignoring the questioning look from his subordinate, the Lion King looks on without a single change in his expressions. The old soldier stuffs the mouth of the Kobold and carries him to the altar. Bringing his blade down, a head rolls down and fresh blood splatters on the floor.


“Haha, you traitor. I will patiently wait for the day where you get abandoned by your people. You… You actually turned to the Demons!”


This is the howling of an ex-ally. At this moment, the Dragon Queen only retains sufficient strength to howl. Her severely injured body is tied to the top of the altar. She is to be served as a super high-tier tribute.


There is no way the knowledgeable her would be unable to identify that this eerie blood-colored altar is a Dimension Gate leading to the lower realm where Demons live.


“You came.”


Shou ignores his ex-ally. The only thing in his sight is his new ally who just arrived.


“Ainsterna.Eduar, the Spatial Distortion leading to Liu Huang Mountain City has been prepared. Is your army ready yet?”


The ones who walked out from the Dimension Gate isn’t just the bald and plump Ainsterna, but those who were Shou’s enemy for a long time as well.


“Of course. However, correcting a point, from today onwards, they are your army. I am allies with Liu Huang Mountain City and you are the mutual enemy of us. If you fail, hehe, you know it.”


“Hehe, cunning Devils. Betting on both sides again? Then, if Liu Huang Mountain City is to be destroyed, then you will be my ally?”


“Hehe, as long as there is enough profits, we can be the allies of anyone, even if it is those foolish Demons whose heads are filled with muscles.”


Ainsterna laughs, laughs to the point that the fats on his belly is trembling. He looks like a gleeful merchant who just finalised a big deal.


“Hehe, haven’t we been allies in the Underground Alliance all along? Actually, I have a good impression of that Wumianzhe. He is exactly like a natural Devil Lord, but it is a pity that the new City Lord of Liu Huang Mountain City is also a human. The underground world only needs one ‘human’ Underground Autarch. Having a second would be too dangerous.”


The two Underground Autarchs with their own plots smile as the other Underground Autarch who is treated as a tribute curses them. The cries of despair that accompanies the tributes at their moment of death spreads very far.


PS. Still that the same phrase, Squirrel don’t write tragedies. I am thankful for all your support. With the acknowledgement and support from everyone, Squirrel is able to maintain the motivation to continue writing this book.

Isn’t it good to write a relaxing story? Even if the world is filled with despair, but there is always a way out. The sun always comes out after a storm, there is always a solution to everything, one could always face everything smiling. Squirrel likes to write relaxing and interesting story, so I hope everyone likes it too and will laugh cheerfully because of it.

Too many long and weird sentences that I find it hard to translate. I left out some description at some parts because it simply doesn’t fit into the sentence (don’t worry, doesn’t really affect the content that much)

Ohhh for the first time, my invisible words remained invisible after copy pasting

Anyway this is my last chapter that I have stored so it will take awhile for the next one, getting lazier recently. Probably start writing again tomorrow

Ranting about my Tiana, really OP Chloe-counter, been trashing all of the Chloe teams that I found so hard to defeat in the past.

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