Chapter 21 – Approach

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Translator: Lioness


Hearing that there was chaos outside, she hastily went out of the drawing room, adding that she felt quite uncomfortable with being around Lawrence in the same space.


‘It’s unbelievable that he kept on looking at her.’


She couldn’t adapt to the stare he uses as if he liked her. She also noticed that Lawrence and Benedict were following her, but she kept silent, afraid that the same thing would happen again.


The sight that she saw was pure absurd. Lesir, who had betrayed the Hamilton family, was in front of the gate, so she spat her words. But Lesir did not recognize that she was talking to him.


“Where are you looking at, I was talking to you.”


When Lesir was still a knight of Hamiton family, he was treated well. However, he was the one who let go of the good seat and Alice, does not deal with non-human beasts.


‘Even beasts know grace, let alone him.’


Standing proudly with his arms folded in front of the knight guarding her front door, Alice looked at Lesir arrogantly. Lesir’s face instantly heated up at that unstoppable action.


“Are you talking to me?”

“It’s good that you’re still sane, besides, is there anyone apart from you?”


She didn’t like to step down on people by using her title, however, today, she wants to show him how she could push people so that they won’t be able to climb up again. She opened her mouth while he looked at her dumbly.


“What happened to your mouth? Weren’t a chatty person?”

“Your words are too harsh!”

“Where are you talking loudly? This is the Marquess of Hamilton.”


After she pointed her hand at the artist’s building. As befits the richest family in the empire, she smiled heartily at the mansion that stood proudly. It was worth spending money this time.


Even those who ignore the Hamilton family are surprised by the scale and size of the mansion once they come to the family, and were surprised twice by its splendor once they enter. Finally, they were surprised three times by the expensive decorations in the drawing room, all of which were decorated by Alice.

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‘It’s a rich family. It’s money that runs the world.’


Alice never believed that the basis for ruling the country was the Imperial Family because even they, whenever lacking of financial, they got straight to Marquess of Hamilton. So, how dare a mere knight like Lesir look down on Marquess’s family?


“If I had money in my hand, I can just do nothing.”


Looking at Lesir’s ever-changing expression, it felt like the stress she had received from Lawrence was relieved.


“Is it natural to block the Duke’s way of going in the Marquis’ house?”


‘Look at this?’


Dealing with her would cause him loss, so he seemed to be mean to drag the Marquis’s knight after being complacent. Alice opened her mouth, thinking he was the worse one.


“Isn’t it natural to make a fuss in front of the marquis at the subject of the duke’s knight? Are you the Duke? Why did you come out when he was still at the back?”


Alice asked, widening her eyes. Everyone who watched her looked at her in admiration as she innocently tilted her head as if she didn’t know. In particular, the servants of the Marquis family cheered Alice inwardly.


She was a young lady who lived confined to her house and didn’t go out much, but when outsiders persecuted Marquis’s people, she responded immediately.


‘We’re thanking Lady Alice!’


Karus, who looked at Alice whose eyes were twinkling, stood there with a subtle smile. At her words, Lesir looked behind her and Karus was standing behind, to which he didn’t even notice.


“It seems that Sir Lesir was too harsh. But since he was doing it out of loyalty to me, Miss Alice will you understand?”


Alice’s eyebrows twitched when Carus said that he acknowledged Lesir’s rudeness, but that he did nothing wrong because it was for me. I don’t know why that man came all the way here, but I couldn’t tolerate the attitude of making a fuss at the front door of the marquis family and trying to pass it off with words.



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“Why so?”


This time, Karus’s eyebrows rose to the sky. Alice faced him and quickly noticed the changes in his eyes.


‘As expected, he has a personality.’


Here, Alice quickly changed her attitude, thinking that if she dared to say anything, she might end up facing an assassin in the night.


“Understanding is not something I do, but a knight of our marquis family. Isn’t that right, Sir Scar?”


Scar, the knight guarding the front gate of the Marquis family, was taken aback by Alice’s words. He never expected her to call him by his name since there were dozens of knights who joined the Hamilton Marquess family. Does she really know his name even with that crowd? Scar was moved to tears, but received Karus’ gaze and straightened his posture.


“I’m fine as long as Sir Scar wasn’t uncomfortable.”


It didn’t matter if she bother herself understanding a knight as long as the knight won’t betray her. This situation could be better but she didn’t want to forgive Lesir at all.


‘What’s so pretty about a guy who quickly betrayed the marquis family?’


Scar’s forgiveness of Lesir was between knights and knights, so she didn’t turn it into a family quarrel. However, if she forgave Lesir, she would forgive a knight for being rude to a noble lady, so if he did something wrong, she could rise and fall into the ranks of society.


“I-I’m fine.”

“Sir Scar says he’s alright.”


Alice smiled and looked at Karus and his sharp eyes were directed at her. As the confrontation continued, Lawrence intervened between the two.


“What brought you to the Marquis family?”

“Is there any reason for me to tell you that?”



Lawrence lifted his chin.

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“Because the place you are going to visit is where my woman is.”


Alice felt her downy hair rise at his softly flowing words. As she swept her arm, he took her hand and lowered his lip to it.


“Your presence in my woman’s place means that you might take a special interest in her. Shouldn’t that be prevented?”

“My girl? Special interest?”

“Oh, didn’t you know, that we are in a serious relationship?”

“Well, the word is out in social circles.”


However, even if he was saying the opposite, Karus couldn’t read Lawrence’s face. Karus was here to confirm the rumor, so he scanned Lawrence up and down.


‘Lawrence isn’t easy either.’


Alice lamented inwardly, asking Karus and Lawrence, why are there no proper characters in her novels? Alice, who was watching the confrontation between the two, smiled brightly at Lesir, who had stepped back from Karus.


However, the cool light in her eyes was not something that could be hidden. Having received her gaze, Lesir took a step back with a stubborn face. He snorted at him, as if resentful that Alice’s eyes had pulled her back.


‘He is nothing.’


As she lunged forward, she wanted to block her opponent and call him out, but Lawrence wouldn’t let go of her hand. With so many eyes on her, it was hard to pull away, so Alice meekly let go.


As she withdrew her power from her hands, Lawrence glanced down at her, but Alice gave her nobility to Karus with her nonchalant face.


“It’s late to say hello. Greetings, Duke Shellington.”

“It was I who kept Lady standing for too long. I am Karus Shellington.”

“It is an honor to meet you.”

“Forgive me for the sudden rudeness.”


She didn’t want to forgive, but Alice was just a marquise’s daughter.

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‘A duke of this country, a duke with power beyond the authority of the imperial family, tells me to forgive, so I must.’


She muttered the dissatisfaction inside her, but could only pout her lips and smile brightly.


“I’m sorry. What did you come for?”


She didn’t even tell him to come in, so Karus didn’t go over. Alice only wanted him to say his business and go.


“Are you trying to kick me out of the front door without a cup of tea?”

“Ah! Look at my mind. Come in.”


Alice deftly took a step to her side. Lawrence muttered, not letting go of her hand.


“This is enough to go back. Don’t you notice?”


It was a voice so loud that Karus could hear it. The servants of the Marquis Hamilton’s family were perplexed and could see that they were confused. Alice let out a sigh and opened her mouth to Duke Karus.


“The butler is over there. You can go where the butler directs you.”

“Aren’t you going with me?”

“Isn’t it my father’s job to welcome guests?”

Karus’ face hardened at Allis’ scolding as if saying he knew no manners. When he heard that the Marquis of Hamilton was not in the Marquis, he opened his mouth again.


“Marquis is not here?”

“He will be back soon.”


Alice narrowed her eyes at Karus. There was no way the Marquis would let the news of Lawrence’s arrival at the Marquise go unnoticed. She spotted a carriage kicking up a cloud of dust in the distance and shot Lawrence a meaningful glance.


“Then shall we go to a separate building?”

“However you want.”

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