Chapter 36 – Marquis Hamilton’s Decision

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Translator: Lioness


After seeing Lawrence off to the imperial palace, the Marquis of Hamilton stood in front of Alice who turned around. Facing that complicated expression on her face, Alice couldn’t bear to lift her head.


“Follow me.”


Alice followed after the Marquis, who strode ahead. From any point of view, she was like a guilty child going to be scolded by her father, so the employees of the Marquis clicked their tongues. Hearing the sound, the Marquis yelled at the servants.


“Who dares show that attitude towards me?!”


Surprised by the loud yell, the servants bowed their heads and fell to their knees. Everyone begged for forgiveness from the Marquis, but no one begged for forgiveness from Alice. Seeing that, the Marquis let out a deep sigh.


“I neglected you too much.”



Absolutely not. Alice was able to grab hold of the servants of the Marquis family. It was she who left them alone. She knew they were cocky, but she didn’t mind them because she was leaving anyway.


After opening the door of the office and entering, little Alice sat down, but he opened his mouth first.




“Why do you want to leave this empire?”


Alice hesitated at the Marquis’ question because she couldn’t possibly say she heard a strange voice. Seeing her not being able to open her mouth easily, the Marquis said first what she was thinking.


“Is it because of people ignoring you?”

“Ah, that…”


It wasn’t the real reason, so she couldn’t say that. It was time for her to ponder whether to tell her that Stella was harassing her, or to say that she had better go to another empire now that Gail, the crown prince, had earned her wrath.


“Do you think things will be different if you go to the Nakran Empire?”


Alice’s eyes sparkled at the Marquis’s other question.

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‘I can answer this for sure.’




It would be different. She vaguely thought that if she left for the Nakran Empire, she might be able to escape the voices that haunted her. She thought it would be different if she went to the Nakran Empire, where there were no temples, and where people believed in different gods, than in the Erha Empire, where there were temples.


The Marquis closed his eyes at her firm answer as he thought of the same thing. If he persisted and Alice remained in the Erha Empire, there were two things that could happen. Either she was used as a hostage to blackmail the Nakran Empire, or the Marquis himself becomes a kidnapper and dies.


If she went to the Nakran Empire, this tragedy, which would only end when one of her two was ruined, could have been prevented. At least the safety of Alice, not the Marquis, was guaranteed, so the Marquis was willing to let her go.


“Do you want to go?”


“What do you mean, where? The Nakran Empire.”

“Yes! want to go! I really want to go, Father!”

“Then call me Dad.”


“You’ve never called me daddy before. When you were young, you used to call him dad, but four years ago, it was so hard to hear that.”


The Marquis’ words made Alice’s heart ache. She couldn’t tell the difference between the Alice he had raised and the Alice she was now. When she was silent, the Marquis took something from the table. It was a large box.


“Open it.”


The Marquis raised his trembling hand to open the box that the Marquis had pushed in front of her, and it was filled with gorgeous jewels and gold coins. Alice picked up the white sheet of paper from the top and widened her eyes.


“What’s this?”

“You can’t go to Nakran empty-handed, can you? Take it for I had prepared a house for you.”


He couldn’t take a picture of what she liked, but regardless, it was a decent house he found in haste in the morning. The Marquis kindly smiled at her.


“Did you have a hard time here?”


A tear fell from Alice’s eye. She received affection that even her father in another world could not give her now. Her heart ached all the more because she knew that Alice was not of the blood of the Marquis of Hamilton.


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Sadness was mixed in her trembling voice. It felt like all the stress she had ever had on her was gone. As Alice wept bitterly, the Marquis also looked at the ceiling. If he hadn’t done that, he would have cried, too.


“Don’t cry. Why is the person who said she hates this house and wants to go to another empire cry?”


Even the Marquis’s voice was slightly watery, Alice pretended not to know. After wiping her tears, she took a deep breath and asked the Marquis.



“Don’t give your word carelessly.”

“I should do that.”

“And don’t lend money thoughtlessly.”

“I must.”

“And don’t expand your business like you did before.”

“Yes. And?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll send my new product to Her Majesty the Empress of the Erha Empire.”

“And you’re still going to do your job?”

“It’s my job, and I have to take responsibility.”


In fact, she intended to play and eat, but when she talked to the Marquis, she couldn’t bear to say it.


‘I just need to work a little and earn a lot.’


As in the Erha Empire, she intended to run the business using an agent instead of stepping forward. The Marquis will also help, so of course she should do the trade business.




At the Marquis’ low call, Alice, who was lost in thought, raised her head.


“Leave tonight.”


“Go and make sure to contact me that you have arrived safely.”


The marquise’s wrinkled hand gripped her soft hand. A lot of emotions in her hands enveloped Alice. She was stuck somewhere and couldn’t speak. At her, whose lips only parted, the Marquis Hamilton spat out his last words.

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“You must be healthy.”

“… Dad must be healthy too.”


She barely opened her lips and whispered in a low voice. Alice gritted her teeth, unable to show her tears in front of the marquise, who looked at her with his calm eyes.



“Thank you.”

“I’ll go see you later when things get better.”


The Marquis whispered, hiding the fact that he would never see her again. He never knew when will his daughter would find out.




Lawrence could not forgive the crown prince for summoning him. To summon him from another empire, the Duke of Nakran, to come and see him. As if that weren’t bad enough, it was Karus who came to deliver the news.


After crossing the Erha Palace without hesitation, Lawrence went to the main palace, not the palace where the Crown prince was waiting. The embarrassed emperor’s face at his sudden visit was worth seeing, but he couldn’t help but smile. As soon as he sat down on the other side of the drawing room, Lawrence, who hadn’t looked at the teacup in front of him, opened his mouth.


“I greet His Majesty, Emperor of the Erha Empire.”

“What happened to the Duke of Littenverk? Didn’t he decide to return to the Nakran Empire?”

“I was going to go back, but…”


“The crown prince of this empire said he was looking for me.”


“Yes, he was.”


The emperor’s brow narrowed. The emperor of the Erha Empire was a greedy person. It was for this reason that he did not let go of the crown despite his old age, and that prevented the empress from interfering in his state affairs.


“I already allowed you to leave the Empire, but he blocked you?”

“Duke Shellington came running himself.”


Lawrence answered, excluding anything unfavorable. Hiding the fact that he was trying to run away with Alice, he told only part of the truth. Even with this small fact, the emperor of the Erha Empire trembled with anger.


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Rather than calling the crown prince to find out what had happened, the emperor’s crumpled pride was more important to him. he cried on the spot.


“Chief Chamberlain!”

“Did you call, Your Majesty?”

“Go get Gail!”


The chief chamberlain was startled by the angry emperor’s voice, entered the scene, and then went out again. While waiting, neither the emperor nor Lawrence said a word. Lawrence, who wanted to refrain from talking to the crumpled-faced emperor and sparks flying, quietly tilted the teacup in front of him.


By the time the teacup showed the bottom, the crown prince, Gail, entered the audience room.


“Did you call, Your Majesty?”


The emperor of Erha, who did not respond to his greetings, threw the empty teacup he drank at him in anger. The teacup that hit him right on the forehead shattered in front of Gail and his forehead burned red.


Surprised by his action, he opened his eyes wide and looked at the emperor, but quickly turned his head to the angry face of the emperor who opened his eyes. Then, when he saw Lawrence smiling with his mouth raised beside him, he opened his eyes again. When the emperor saw that, he thought it was a rebellion against him and even threw the saucer under the teacup.


“Your majesty!”


A frightened Gail dodged to the side. The emperor, who was more offended by that appearance, raised his voice.


“Do you dare stop what I had permitted?”

“Your Majesty, what do you mean? How can I stop the will of the emperor of the empire?”


The emperor, slightly offended by Gail’s attitude, opened his mouth.


“Son. You embarrassed me.”

“Pardon, Your Majesty?”

“I gave the Duke of Littenverk permission to leave the Empire.”


Gail’s eyes changed at the emperor’s words. In the end, isn’t it because of Lawrence Littenverk that he prostrated himself in front of his father, the Emperor? Gail, with his natural high ego and stupid brain, glared at Lawrence like he was going to kill him.


“Did that duke tell His Majesty that?”

“That is true.”

“That duke is a thief!”

(TN: This whole chapter gave me sadness and stress. Ugh.)

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