Chapter 46 – Vakunau, The Capital of the Nakran Empire (1)

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“Isn’t that expensive?”

“How much do you think the magic tools the Hamilton family buys per month costs?”

“I don’t dare guess.”


Everyone knew Hamilton was wealthy but the exact amount they had was unknown. At first, he had a rough estimation of their wealth, but it seemed that it was far from reality.


“I’d like not to know.”

“Right, that’s what the Magic Tower Master comes out like.”


Lawrence knew what kind of person the Master of Magic Tower was because he had been there with Crown Prince Daniel. If he had to choose, the Master of Nakran Empire would be the most arrogant person he had ever seen without hesitation.


The arrogance of the mage masters of each empire pierced the sky. It was unbelievable to see one of them, the Mage Master of the Erha Empire, crawling on Alice.


“There is one thing I felt in my entire life.”

“What is it?”

“Money is the best.”


It was fascinating how a noble lady talk about money like her.


‘This person is the princess. What should I do with her…’


Alice, who said such a thing, looked very pretty. He realized her condition was not normal, but he was helpless.


Instead of saying anything to Alice, Lawrence stroked her hair. He smiled as he played with Alice’s hair.


‘Wh, what is it? Why are you laughing.’


She couldn’t calm her heart beating wildly while he faced her with a smile. Her face flushed, and the wizards who were watching them, whispered to each other.


“They are young.”


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“That is so nice.”

“I envy them.”


Unlike the wizards, who sighed as they looked around at their tired faces from their research, the atmosphere between Lawrence and Alice was sweet. Yet that dreamy atmosphere was broken after the appearance of the Magic Tower Master.


“Here it is.”

“What about the purchase record?”

“They were purchased by the Duke of Littenverk.”

“Then I’ll have two, please.”


“Two. One to the capital of the Nakran Empire, the other one for the Duke of Littenverk.”

“I thought you only needed one?”

“I only needed one record.”


One location had to be revealed because a record of the sale had to be kept, but the other didn’t have to. This was the method used by the imperial family to purchase extra scrolls in case of danger.


“You’re quite meticulous than I thought, for a lady from the Hamilton family.”

“Thank you for the compliment.”


To Alice, who smiled lightly, the Mage Tower Lord held out another scroll of hers without a word. He did not go inside for the record and gave her coordinates on the spot. After accepting the two scrolls, Alice put the scroll with the Duke of Littenverk’s destination written on it into her magic bag.


“You bought that here too.”

“I bought everything here, too.”

“Could it be that you bought it personally and not from the company? That many magic tools?”


When asked by the Master of the Magic Tower, Alice smiled meaningfully, but she did not answer. Lawrence pulled her shoulder to protect Alice from the eyes of the Mage Master who was glistening with her greed.


“We’ll go now.”


Alice paid the price before tearing up her scroll to Vakunau, the capital of the Nakran Empire. Exactly 80 gold coins. Alice tore up the scroll after confirming that the face of the mage lord had turned dark as he accepted the gold coin.


Their vision became blurry as it radiant white light. Lawrence was holding her arm and upon opening their eyes, she saw new place, still dizzy.

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Unlike Erha Empire, a place where people dressed in exotic clothes wander around. This was Vakunau, the capital of the Nakran Empire.




Alice admired the new scenery in front of her eyes. It was such a beautiful wall. The brick walls were the same as those of the Erha Empire, but the patterns engraved on the walls were different.


In addition to roses, various flowers were colorfully inscribed on the walls. Lawrence asked Alice, who was like a child, excited and smiling.


“Is this your first time here?”

“It’s the first time I’ve been away from the capital of the Erha Empire.”


Alice, who looked around her without giving Lawrence a glance, seemed like she had just arrived in the capital. Lawrence grabbed Alice’s arm and dragged her, thinking that she might become a target for crimes if she stayed like this.


It was against the etiquette to touch the body of a noble lady, but neither Alice nor Lawrence cared about it anymore. The two of them have been through a lot on their way to the Nakran Empire, and they are closer than ever.


“Go ahead.”


Lawrence took the lead. A soldier guarding the walls of the capital recognized his face and family seal and ran out.


“Your Grace!”

“Long time no see.”

“Why are you coming alone?”

“What do you mean alone?”


The soldier widened his eyes in surprise when he saw Alice standing behind him. He had heard rumors that the Duke of Littenverk was bringing the girl he fell in love with at first sight from the Erha Empire, and it turned out real!


“Open the way.”

“All right!”


Lawrence was the commander of the military power in the Nakran Empire. His status was also famous in the Nakran Empire, and he was also the number one person the barbarians wanted to kill most in the border area.


Even though it was not time to open the gate, the soldier opened the gate and welcomed him. Alice, who was walking by Lawrence’s side, tried to walk calmly as she felt the stares increased around.

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“I heard that the Duke of Littnverk was great, but I didn’t expect it to be this great.”

“I heard the Hamiltons’ were great, too, but I didn’t expect them to be like that.”


Thanks to Lawrence’s playful reply, Alice’s tense face relaxed. Lawrence’s eyes widened when he saw the smile on her lips. Now that they had entered the capital of the Nakran Empire, it was time to inform Alice of her identity.


‘Can I really tell her that?’


After thinking for a moment, Lawrence finally shut his mouth. It was because he couldn’t speak for himself. Lawrence decided to inform the situation after consulting with Daniel, the Crown Prince.


“Let’s go to my house first.”

“Uh? I have a place to go.”

“Where to?”

“There is a house I bought in advance in the Nakran Empire.”

“It can be dangerous, so stay at my mansion for a while.”


Lawrence used safety as an excuse for Alice, who prepared so thoroughly that she bought a house. The capital of the Nakran Empire was the safest place in her entire empire, but Alice couldn’t know about this situation, so he decided to trick her.


Lawrence, who didn’t like the fact that she was staying somewhere other than his duchy, was determined to make her stay beside him.


“Because there’s no way the guys who have been attacking us so far won’t attack just because it’s the capital.”

“Ah, I see.”

The house she’d bought was unoccupied, and she’d have to keep it to herself until she could hire skilled knights and servants. Unnecessarily nervous, Alice stood close to Lawrence, and instead of shying away, he put his arm around her shoulders.


The two of them, walking slowly, were unmistakably lovers. She heard whispers from the people of the Nakran Empire who recognized Lawrence’s face, but Alice tried to pretend not to know.


It had been so long since they were walking.


“Your Gracel!”


The Knights of the Duke of Littenverk stood in front of him and showed their respects. Dozens of knights bowed to one person, and everyone fell silent at the solemnity. Seeing that majestic sight, Alice also shut her mouth.


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“Meet the Duke of Littenverk, Commander of the Empire!”

“Stand up.”


The knights who stood up in perfect order at Lawrence’s words stared intently at Alice standing next to him. After seeing that she was nervous, he held her hand. By now, the familiarity of their interlocking fingers was obvious.


“Are you going straight to the house, Your Grace?”

“I’ll stop by the duchy house first, then go to the imperial palace.”

“We will escort you.”


As the knights escorted them from the front and the sides, Lawrence and Alice became surrounded by them. Although she escaped from the eyes of the people of the Nakran Empire, their curious eyes were still there.


‘I’m going to die from the stares.’


He whispered to her, who was uncomfortably staring down. He tried to pull her hood up.


“Why, you’re pretty.”

“Wh, what?”


Even the knights around were startled and slowed down. The first time they heard Lawrence, their lord, speak so kindly to a woman, then they looked away as if they hadn’t heard.


“You’re pretty, so just go.”


“That’s nice to hear, so let’s just go.”


Lawrence walked without letting go of Alice’s hand. Her gaze, which had been directed to her face, reached their clasped hands.


‘Why is this person like this?’


Alis squeezed his hand at Lawrence’s attitude of revealing his affection, as seen in the Erha Empire. Her lips parted as Lawrence looked down at her, taking that sign that she had something to say.


“Why are you like this?”

“I told you I love you.”

(TN: Wow, direct. Respect, respect!)

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