Chapter 10, 1/2

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“Do people who are public prosecutors also drive after drinking?” Zheng Wei sat next to Lin Jing’s driver’s seat, and smelled the faint scent of alcohol from his body.

Lin Jing shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t like to drink, but the common practice now is that way, it’s like if you don’t touch a glass, matters cannot develop. You have to want to get along well with all kinds of people. Social niceties can also be said to be a part of work. These few years after I have come back to the country I have already slowly gotten used to it, after drinking you of course have to go home, I only remind myself to try and drive a bit slower.”

Zheng Wei banteringly said, “Can I understand, you are doing this activity to compromise as revolutionary justice?”

Lin Jing said, “Justice is the opposite.”

After hearing this, [she] again remembered Zhou Qu’s remarks from the day. She lowered her head and said, “There are a lot of things I cannot understand.”

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“For some things not understanding is good.” Lin Jing lightly said.

“Then I’ll just dumbly/foolishly continue on [not understanding].”

Lin Jing laughed saying, “I am also contradictory, sometimes I see the adult like side of you, beginning to handle most matters with ease, and I’ll feel gratified. But a lot of the time I still wish you were still that fearless little dragon from that day.”

Zheng Wei laughed along, “I have too many teachers, I can’t help but grow up.” There was a sentence that she didn’t say to him: Lin Jing, when didn’t you give me a lesson?” (I think she’s referring to when he left)

He seemed to have guessed the unspoken implication, and did not say anything further.

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He listened to her words and parked the car at the entrance of the company complex. Zheng Wei said, “I can just walk in, you also go back a bit earlier.” (meaning, she only has to walk in, don’t wait for her/see her in)

He nodded, took a look at he and abruptly said, “[To be honest] he (in fact) doesn’t suit you.”

Zheng Wei blanked for a bit, [and asked], “He? Who’s he?” The hateful seatbelt was actually stuck somewhere, [whatever she tried], she [still] couldn’t release it.

Lin Jing ignored her feign of unawareness, reached out his hand and [in place of her] pressed gently on the button and the restricting seatbelt immediately released, but in her heart it was like there was a thin and long string slowly wapping around her heart.

“Originally I still was tenative about confirming whether he was the the person I had seen at your school three years ago, but seeing your expression, I understood everything. You still like him, but he is not someone you can entrust with your whole life.”

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Although she didn’t think he had said anything wrong, but at the moment these were not the words she wished to hear, especially coming from his mouth. Zheng Wei became angry and said, “Lin Jing, what qualifications (right) do you have to come and plan out my life (for me).”

She still didn’t like beating around the bush when speaking, however Lin Jing was obviously not enraged. Undisturbed, he said, “I have seen more people than you. Chen Xiao Zheng may have some talent, but someone who doesn’t have a sense of security in themselves, how could they make you happy.”

“[If] He can’t make me happy, then you can?” She laughed coldly.

“If you want to hear the answer, why don’t you try it out?” He arced his eyebrow. (aka, try dating him. Ooooo the arrogance in Lin Jing is kind of romantic, but it may spur Zheng Wei to NOT date him out of spite… (sigh))

Zheng Wei immediately became infuriated, and said, “You egoistical people, you all believe yourselves to be infallible presenting a way that’s best for me, [but] do you know what I want? Have you asked how I want to live yet? Don’t say it so prettily, like you actually care about my happiness, in fact you all are selfish! One to two have already left, this isn’t important, I don’t blame you guys, but why do you have to return after leaving. He isn’t anything good, you are the same, Lin Jing, you dare to touch your own heart and say that sentence, at the time you hadn’t even said half a sentence before leaving. After coming back for three years the way you acted, like how you weren’t the least bit considered, was it all for my benefit? The feelings I had with you for 17 years, 17 years, I saw you as the most important person, other than my parents, there was no one else closer than us. But you, you didn’t know what to do (didn’t even know a sentence to say), and threw me away for 7 years (abandoned me). Even considering the matter between my mom and your dad, so we couldn’t become lovers, could it be that because we couldn’t be lovers we had to break off all ties [with each other]? Within the three years after you returned to the country, even if you gave me a greeting, even if you only gave me a shoulder to allow me to rest on for a minute, we wouldn’t be this way today. You just said something about my happiness before you left, you all calculated too perfectly, I’ve grown scared of you smart people.” (;-; why did I have to be right, why is this so sad)

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The way she cried was extremely messy (all over the place), Lin Jing reached a hand out to wipe at her tears, but was pushed aside by her hand. “You should leave, big public prosecutor.”(not literally big, just a way to show his status to create more distance between them)

She pushed the door and left.

Lin Jing said towards the figure of her back, “All of your scolds are correct, as an youngster I thought there were a lot of things more important than love, I only realized afterwards that the only thing I could remember was just a little bit of happiness, like when you had just fell and were crying as you hugged me, when I was practicing writing characters and you played by my side with the ink… … I don’t dare to say that I’ve become very important now, at least I said I wanted to give you happiness, that sentence wasn’t fake. Wei Wei, there are too many thin, cold people in the world, even if you found a stranger, he also wouldn’t necessarily be able to give you the life you wanted. I’ll leave, but you must know, [the person who] sent you home today, [he] wasn’t a police officer.”

Zheng Wei ran the entire way back to her apartment, she suddenly missed Shu Bao. People were still not as good as an indifferent cat, at least if you treated him well, he would know.

The old walkway was painted black (the lighting), and groping around in the dark, she walked up, fishing out her keys and opening the door. She heard the distant sound of footsteps, half-lifting the keys just standing there, and indescribably had a few moments of anticipation. However, the sound of the footsteps gradually progressed, it only belonged to a late neighbor. She repeatedly laughed herself helpless, shook her head, opened the door and went in.

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