Chapter 15, 2/2

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When there was a lot of work to do, working overtime was inevitable. She worked at the office like crazy, and the lights in her office were always lit until deep into the night. But the two of them didn’t interact much, and even when he had things to assign, even though they were right next door, he would still use the office intercommunication phone to call her and communicate.

During that period of time Lin Jing was also very busy, and sometimes he would have too many dinner parties and social gatherings. He was afraid that he would bother her, so he would live at his own place. It was down to the fact that the two of them hadn’t sat down and had a proper meal together in over a week. So on Thursday, he called her at noon, and arranged for them to have a meal together. After realizing she still had the whole day Friday to finish all of her work, she readily agreed.

The resturant he had booked was a Korean resturant near Zhong Jian, so he parked his car in the compound, and after eating, they went to look around the market next-door. They bought a few daily necessities and Shu Bao’s food before walking back to her place.

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When they walked to the compound, the sky had already completely darkened. Lin Jing smiled the whole way as Zheng Wei chattered on; they hadn’t enjoyed this kind of time for interaction in a long time. He also felt that Zheng Wei was acting closer to him than usual, and it made him happy inside. After walking for a bit, Lin Jing said a few words in Zheng Wei’s ear in a low whisper. Zheng Wei was frozen for a bit, then with a red face she kicked him, saying, “Go to hell, you bastard.”

Lin Jing laughed as he nimbly dodged, and his hand that wasn’t holding onto the shopping bag took her hand in his. Zheng Wei didn’t try to get free like she used to, and slightly tilted her head, and looked at him with a faint smile on her face, her eyes sparkling, infinitely loving and charming. She liked that Lin Jing was looking in her eyes right now; these past few days, when he had been gone, she had missed him too.

Lin Jing didn’t say anything more, pulling at her as he walked faster and faster, at by the end they were both running. Zheng Wei chuckled as he dragged her forward. She obviously knew why he was so eager.

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When they passed the office building, Zheng Wei’s smile suddenly disappeared after she saw the person walking directly towards them on the sidewalk.

To be honest it was a true coincidence. Chen Xiao Zheng had already returned for a few months now, and within these few months, Zheng Wei had met He Yi three times, and Aunty Li five times. Zhong Jian’s apartment compound wasn’t big, but it wasn’t small, and she had yet to meet him after work ever. This time, she was even holding the hand of another man, and it was exactly like two rivals meeting face to face.

His coat was hanging over his wrist, and was still holding a thick portfolio in his hands. Clearly he had just come down from the office, and was walking in the direction of the 11th building where he lived. When the two became aware of the other they were already too close and they didn’t even have the least bit of a cushion to sort out their state of minds left. Chen Xiao Zheng’s eyes fell onto Zheng Wei’s face, then slowly descended to her and Lin Jing’s hands which were holding onto one another, and he immediately gave her a meaningful glance, before she could hide it.

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Similar to the slow motion in a black and white mime show, Zheng Wei felt that in this instant she was cut into innumerable tiny pale pieces. She watched as Chen Xiao Zheng took a breath and her vision shattered. Her hand unconsciously struggled free of Lin Jing’s hand, and tightly making a fist, she hid it behind her body.

Lin Jing turned to look at her and she tried to smile. When she nodded her neck was stiff, but her stance should be invulnerable, yet Chen Xiao Zheng didn’t even give her a polite smile, as if they had never met before and were just brushing past one another, arrogantly and unfeelingly.

It had all happened in only a moment, she shouldn’t see it too clearly.

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In a daze she walked forward a few steps, and Lin Jing’s fingers intwined with hers once again. His efforts finally awakened her from her day dream. “Lin Jing… …” She grasped his hand back tightly, and he lightly smiled. This was still her familiar Lin Jing, but it also seemed like he wasn’t the person who had just been laughing with her as they ran together, holding hands.

Right after closing the front door when they got home, Lin Jing pinned her up against the back of the door. The two of them fiercely entangled their limbs, and the shopping bag fell to one side. (Okay, that description is pretty awkward, so just interpret it as they started hugging/kissing and their bodies were pressed up against one another). Shu Bao curiously moved over to them, he wasn’t interested in fights between adult people. He reached his claw into the bag to look for his food.

Zheng Wei recklessly returned Lin Jing’s passion, as if they were trying to seek proof of something through one another’s body temperature (heat). When he pulled at her clothes, she panted as she stopped him. “Not here.” She still wasn’t used to being naked in front of Shu Bao.

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