Zhong Jian had many different branches [helping out], as long as Er Fen’s records in the books were throrough, to be able to pass this challenge wasn’t completely impossible. During that time, almost all of Er Fen’s employees were working over time day and night. All of the records of dealings between Cheng Tong and Er Fen on Zheng Wei’s hands were required to be redone, and Zhou Qu practically made a home in his office. Over at the leader’s side (I think this is talking about Zhou Qu) it was all dark clouds and overcast skies, while her side was naturally only lightly raining again and again. Even after being by Zhou Qu’s side for so many years, Zheng Wei had never seen him so worried about anything until now. Zheng Wei didn’t understand much about financial management, and regarding Cheng Tong, she merely knew that is was essentially a sub-division of Er Fen. Zhou Qu worried 24/7, but she knew that she couldn’t help with anything big so she only made sure to do what she was responsible for well.

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That day Zhou Qu and Assistant Manager Zhang discussed for a long time in the office. Even for lunch, they told Zheng Wei to get takeout for them (aka, they didn’t even take a break for lunch). When Zheng Wei knocked on the door to give them the takeout, she heard the sound of them talking immediately stop after hearing the sound of her knocking.

Only after Zhou Qu said, “enter,” did she very carefully open the door, go in, and place the food on the coffee table. Zhou Qu looked normal, but Assistant Manager Zhang’s eyes were guarded as he stared at her. Zheng Wei bit her lower lip, silently retreating as she left.

After work ended that afternoon, and Assistant Manager Zhang had already left, Lin Jing called her, asking whether she was free that night, but she told him that for the time being, she would be busy. Only after she hung up did she realize that Zhou Qu, at some unknown time, had come to stand in front of her desk. She didn’t know why, even though it was obviously just an ordinary phone call,  she had a strange feeling in her heart, as if she had just done some shady thing.

Zhou Qu gently tapped her desk with his finger and said calmly said, “Don’t mind Assistant Zhang’s attitude this afternoon, at this time, your relationship with Lin Jing… but I believe you can separate your private life from your work.”

Zheng Wei put down her phone, looked at Zhou Qu and earnestly said, “Him and I have never discussed work matters before.” (I think Assistant Manager Zhang is worried she’ll like leak something to Lin Jing about Er Fen and Cheng Tong’s relations/dealings)

Zhou Qu wearily sat down on the sofa across from her, and said, “I know. But I’ll have to trouble you for this period of time. You also know a little bit about the company’s situation right now, and to tell the truth, no business could withstand such a detailed investigation. General Headquarters is turning a blind eye to it too, if the police work very hard at tracing it back, my role in this will be rather passive. (aka, I won’t be much help)”

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Zheng Wei thought some more, but still asked, “I still don’t understand, if Er Fen is clean (innocent), the police have no way of doing anything (no basis).”

Zhou Qu laughed bitterly, “Voicing the definiton is unclear, and the relationship between Er Fen and Cheng Tong is the most awkward out of all the companies in the country. Sometimes one has good intentions, but… I’m also wrong, on some level, I truly even tacitly accepted Feng De Sheng.”

Zheng Wei said, “You clearly know that Feng…”

Zhou Qu nodded, “That man Old Feng is too greedy for the things around him. But he was right about the fact that without him, I wouldn’t be here today either.”

The two people stayed silent for a bit, then Zhou Qu opened his mouth again. “Zheng Wei, do you know why I recruited you to Zhong Jian, and had you stay by my side? Your temprament is a lot like mine when I was younger, the frankness of your character is very rare and also the one that suffers the most easily. In the past I was a little technician (kinda like unimportant, junior, young), and began working on site right after graduating. Of course, I was too insistent on the principles that I believed in. As a result the college students who entered the company with me all mixed in pretty well while I was still struggling working onsite. Old Feng was the manager of my project, and he was the one that pulled me along (basically the one who taught him). And then after that I also slowly learned the ways of the world, getting me to where I am now. When I saw you, it was easy to see my old self in you. But I was also very contradictory; on one side I wanted you to remain that straightforward young lady, but I also worried that your too simple nature would suffer the same losses I did. However, you are smarter than I was, you should be able to judge a lot of matters better than I could when I was young.”

Zheng Wei sincerely said, “I can’t be considered smart, all I know is that without your guidance I might not be the Zheng Wei I am today too. I’m very clear about the care you’ve shown me these past few years. I just don’t have any power/ability, so I can’t do anything to help you right now.”

Zhou Qu laughed and said, “Today Assistant Manager Zhang actually had an extremely absurd proposal. He said, based on your relationship with Lin Jing, we should…”

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Zheng Wei was secretly surprised, and then she heard him continue to speak, saying, “At that time I immediately shot down Old Zhang’s idea, even though Lin Jing is sitting in the position jus below the leader of the Anti-Corruption Bureau, work is work, and private matters are private. He won’t necessarily show you favoritism, and I don’t want to make things difficult for you.”

Zheng Wei unconciously fiddled with the pen in her hands, and hesitantly said, “I’ve always never asked him about his work matters before.”

Zhou Qu stood up, and said, “I know, I’m just telling you this because I wanted to tell you (I wanted you to know), even if Assistant Manager Zhang or anyone else proposed this idea to you, you can just immediately reject it. It’s time to get off of work, you’ve also already worked overtime for many days, you should go back earlier. Work belongs with work, your life still has to go on.” (aka, you still need a life)

After a few days, the police formally requested for Er Fen to transfer over all financial records from the past five years for them to review. That day, seven or eight police officers in uniform came up to they office floor, and they were all unfamiliar faces. Lin Jing wasn’t among them. Zheng Wei remembered that she too had a set of this blue uniform in her closet, but most of the time he dressed casually. If he had also appeared today at Er Fen, she wasn’t sure how she should’ve responded.

The police took away a dozen large boxes filled with records. Zhou Qu had also been called over to discuss and to assist in the investigation. Even since the few white police cars had parked in front of the office building, the entirety of Er Fen was panicking inside, no matter who it was. Compared with her anxiety for the future, Zheng Wei was even more worried about Zhou Qu. She was afraid for this mentor and friend of hers, who had helped and cared for her an innumerable amount of times to fall into the mud (this hazardous situation).

When work ended, she didn’t want to see all of her colleagues who would inquire about the news again, so she chose to go through the back door of the office to go home, to escape the tide of people getting off work. The back door of Er Fen’s office directly faced the fish pond in the apartment complex, and when she passed by, she saw He Yi Zheng standing with a young woman, but she wasn’t sure what they were talking about. From the looks of the woman’s figure and dress, that girl definitely wasn’t Wei Shao Yi. When she walked closer, Zheng Wei realized she looked very familiar. It actually turned out to be the secretary of the former CEO of Zhong Jian, Shi Jie.

He Yi saw that she was a bit confused, so he waved at her and then pointed at Shi Jie saying, “You still remember Shi Jie right? She used to be my dad’s secretary, and she just came to ask me something.”

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Zheng Wei wasn’t in the mood to pay attention to his abrupt explanation, and while smiling at Shi Jie she walked past them. When she walked past Shi Jie, a faint scent of perfume drifted into Zheng Wei’s nose.

Zheng Wei stopped, turned, and said to Shi Jie, “Secretary Shi, I really like your perfume scent, can you tell me what brand it is?”

Shi Jie’s lips delicately hooked up a bit (aka, she smiled) and said, “RUSH2, I also really like it, it seems like our preferences are very similar. But I am already no longer Secretary Shi, I already resigned.”

Zheng Wei didn’t remember how she said bye to He Yi and Shi Jie. Too much had happened to her that day and the smell of the RUSH2 perfume was giving her a huge headache.

After returning to her residence, Shu Bao meowed while he circled around Zheng Wei’s legs, as if he was suggesting that she give him a belly rub like she usually did. Zheng Wei wasn’t in the mood to pay attention to him. She thought that she had probably caught a cold; she was dizzy, her throat was sore and her entire body was indescribably tired.

She rummaged around in the basket at the head of her bead looking for an Yinqiao vitamin C tablet (I think this is a brand or something?). Every time she suspected that she was getting sick, eating this would be especially effective. However, even after going through the entire basket, she couldn’t find any. She had clearly told Lin Jing to go buy some last week and she had personally put it into the basket.

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With no other way, Zheng Wei called Lin Jing’s phone but a long time past before he picked up.

“Wei Wei, what’s up?”

Zheng Wei wasn’t in the mood to exchange pleasantries and directly asked, “Have you seen my Yinqiao vitamin C tablets anywhere, exactly where were they placed.” (AKA where did you put them?)

“Why do you need to take medicine suddenly? (like without any rhyme or reason)” He said in a low voice, and Zheng Wei could almost hear the sound of a voice speaking through a receiver and realized that it didn’t seem like a good time to call him as he was in a meeting. So, she quickly said, “Just tell me where you put them.”

Lin Jing said, “The Yinqiao vitamin C tablets should be in the medicine box next to the closet.”

Zheng Wei held the phone as she walked over next to the medicine box and sure enough, she saw what she had been looking for at the very top. Lin Jing continued to ask, “Have you eaten yet, if you’re sick it’s best to go see a doctor…”

Fidgeting, she nervously interrupted him and said, “Don’t worry about me, just don’t randomly move my things. Go to your meeting, I’m hanging up.”

After swallowing four of the vitamin C pills, Zheng Wei pulled the curtains closed and without even changing, lay down to sleep on her bed. After a while, she once again turned on the lamp that Lin Jing had brought over. In the familiar light, she sank into a deep sleep.

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