Chapter 18

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For almost a month following the incident, Lin Jing didn’t contact her again, disappearing from her life as if he had never come back in the first place. Sometimes, Zheng Wei would wonder if that meant that their temporary part of the road together was already at an end. However, even if the person we met was just a temporary companion, they would never fail to leave us with something, and of course, also took away a part of ourselves as they left. This time, Zheng Wei didn’t let Lin Jing take Shu Bao away and he also hadn’t called and asked about his cat or some of his daily necessities which he had left behind. Zheng Wei made a decision in her heart, no matter how far he had accompanied her on her journey, she would keep Shu Bao.

At the company, Zhou Qu had already been suspended from his work to get investigated and all work matters were lead by Assistant Manager Zhang. Zheng Wei let herself ignore the pleasant, guarded expression on Assistant Manager Zhang’s face because she knew, if Zhou Qu didn’t come back, then she, this secretary of Er Fen, would also no longer be able to continue working here.

Assistant Manager Zhang was an expert at project management, but his character lacked decisiveness and he was also very old, so he considered all matters very carefully. In this extremely unsteady time period, even if he wanted to make a difference, he was powerless to. In the past, he had not liked Chen Xiao Zheng whatsoever, however, it couldn’t be denied that within the leaders of Er Fen, Chen Xiao Zheng had given him the most support and help during this time. In the face of an accident, Chen Xiao Zheng was also even much calmer and clear-headed than him. So, not only did Assistant Manager Zhang have a whole new level of respect for Chen Xiao Zheng, he would also discuss all matters with him, small and big. In the company, as long as they weren’t blind, everyone could tell that on the surface it looked like Assistant Manager Zhang was in charge, but in reality, it was really Chen Xiao Zheng who had the final say in the everything.

Zheng Wei watched Chen Xiao Zheng as he slowly removed the gauze, the terrible scar slowly becoming fainter and fainter day by day. Time is really a potent medicine.

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The scar on Ruan Ruan’s leg had also gradually recovered, a while after the plaster had been removed, moving around already wasn’t a problem. Zheng Wei had said that Ruan Ruan stayed in the house for much too long (long enough to grow moss) so they arranged to meet on Friday to eat dinner together on the left bank of the river.

After seeing one another, Ruan Ruan said, “You shouldn’t get any skinnier, your eyes already take up a third of your entire face. You look like an an actress from a ghost movie.”

Zheng Wei touched her face and said, “I used to have a face like a small bun (round), that was called the beauty of youth, now I’ve become a classical beauty.”

Ruan Ruan let out a laugh then asked, “Lin Jing hasn’t called you yet?”

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Zheng Wei shook her head.

“It looks like you got him really annoyed, you’ve also accomplished an impressive feat. No matter how good, all of the high EQ people who you’ve met have been defeated.”

Zheng Wei rolled her eyes at Ruan Ruan, “How come you’ve defected to the other side, what did he bribe you with to make you speak up for him?”

Ruan Ruan drank a sip of water and said earnestly, “To say the truth which you won’t like, Lin Jing treated you really well, you know it too. You got a diamond, you should just wear it instead of trying to find out where it came from and why it fell into your hands.” (Lin Jing is the “diamond”).

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Zheng Wei said, “He’s good in every aspect, no matter how you look at it, but his feelings are too rational and calm. I always feel like I can’t see through him and that makes me scared.”

“Your demands for him just prove that you have certain expectations in your heart, and the fact that Lin Jing got angry just proves that he’s not as rational about your relationship as you thought he was. Since its already like this, why are you making things difficult for yourself. Just disregard love for now, aren’t your past and current feelings enough to live happily together for a lifetime?”

“A lifetime, like the lifetime you’re living with Wu Jiang?” In front of Ruan Ruan, Zheng Wei spoke things as soon as they came to mind. Only after she said it out loud did she realize that they might have been offensive.

Ruan Ruan stared at the bubbles in her glass cup and said, “Happiness is something you have to try really hard for before getting it. Before I married Wu Jiang, he also wanted to get married so he could have a family, and I’m the same. Is there anything I can be dissatisfied with? Wei Wei, before coming here I did a pregnancy test at home. I’m pregnant. I can finally be a mother.”

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Zheng Wei immediately reacted. She was extremely happy for Ruan Ruan because she knew that a child was what Ruan Ruan wanted the most. “I haven’t heard good news in so long. This is great, I’m going to be an aunt. No, I should be a godmother… … Have you told Wu Jiang yet?”

Ruan Ruan smiled and said, “Not yet, there’s no rush, I’ll tell him after I go to the hospital to take the test.”

Zheng Wei had been together with Ruan Ruan ever since they were 17 or 18 years old and she saw that there was something troubling Ruan Ruan under her smile. “Is there anything wrong?”

Ruan Ruan was silent for a moment, then calmly said to Zheng Wei, “Yesterday, I received a call from Shi accidentally. He somehow got my number from somebody.”

(I think they mean Zhou Yu Yong, the guy who used to be Ruan Ruan’s boyfriend but because his parents were rich and pressured him he left her 

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