After returning to G City, Lin Jing continued going to work. Zheng Wei still had one last day of leave left. Lin Jing did things extremely efficiently; since they had already decided to get married, then they might as well do it quickly. Originally he had planned that immediately after returning home, they would contact both of their parents and immediately get registered. All along, his mom’s reaction was what worried Zheng Wei the most. Although Aunt Sun had treated Zheng Wei like a daughter since she was young, so many things happened in-between. No ordinary woman would accept the daughter of the third woman in her own marriage as her own daughter in law.

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The call to Aunt Sun was made by Lin Jing the night after they returned to G City. Zheng Wei was next to him, and all she heard was him roughly explaining the course of events, and then he conveyed their intention to get married. After, he just held the phone, not speaking, all the way until he hung up. Come to think of it, what came from the other side of the phone definitely wasn’t a blessing.

Seeing Zheng Wei’s worried face, Lin Jing didn’t really say anything other than tell her not to be afraid, and to let him do it. This was his problem, so he said that he would fix it.

Zheng Wei’s parents’ reaction was much better. Her dad was extremely amazed and emotional about marrying off his precious daughter. Her mom asked about Aunt Sun’s reaction then sighed, saying, “His mom not being able to accept it right now is expected, if you’ve decided to marry him, there is a lot of time. Maybe everything will turn out alright. Lin Jing is a good child, I can feel reassured if you are with him. You guys should’ve been together a long time before this, it’s all my fault… …”

Her mom remarried, but the other party wasn’t Zheng Wei’s father, but a retired middle school teacher. He was an ordinary man whose wife had died five years ago. He had a pair of grown daughters. Like Zheng Wei, they had moved away because of work. He was pretty good to Zheng Wei’s mom. The two lived a very peaceful life, almost never arguing. Maybe to her mom, that kind of ordinary and peaceful lifestyle was what she wanted the most in life.

When her mom found out that Zheng Wei and Lin Jing were planning on getting registered immediately, she still flipped through a few almanacs then advised them to change their register date to a day half a month later. After all, older people were usually more concerned about these kinds of social traditions. Lin Jing thought a bit. Although it was only registering the marriage, they should still pick a good day, so he decided to honor the elder’s intention. Their wedding day was formally scheduled half a month later.

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Lin Jing’s house design was quite stylish but before Zheng Wei moved in, it was a bit monotonous. There were many books, less decorations, and the furnitire was a bit cold. Although it was neat, it lacked life. Zheng Wei didn’t like it, so during the initial period of time after she moved in, she advised him to change the color of the curtains, and she also changed the sofa cover into a warmer cover. Every corner of the house was covered in many messy little ornaments. Although it was a little messy, Lin Jing liked this change. He said that Zheng Wei was the hostess of this house, so whatever changes, whatever decorations, the power was all in her hands.

Today, Zheng Wei moved this, then tomorrow, she shifted that, so that there was even a little bit of the feeling of a young housewife. Shu Bao was running around the house, as everything was new to him just like it was to her. She suddenly remembered something that Lin Jing had said before. His original bedsheets and blanket covers were all sky blue or white, looking extremely cold. He wanted to wait until the day they registered their marriage to change them all into a cheerful, bright red.

When she had time, Zheng Wei went to the department store alone, wandering around in a circle on the home textiles area on the fifth floor. There wasn’t anything, the best thing that she saw was a set of red satin sheets with a woven pattern on top. She felt the surface of the sample with her hands. It felt very delicate, and the pattern was exquisite. Although its price was a bit expensive, she really liked it. The young clerk walked over and attentively said, “Miss, your eyes are really good, this set is extremely suitable for newlyweds to use on wedding nights. Other than the samples, we only have one set left inside the store. If you buy it now, we will also give you a thin wool blanket of the same color.”

She heard the words, “newlyweds,” and thought of the bed sheets, her face suddenly got a bit red. She thought, it was this set, Lin Jing would probably like it too.

Just when she was about to let the clerk get the bill for her, she saw another pair of fair hands gently touching the tassels on the bed sheets. Accidentally, she raised her head and the two people saw one another, both looking blankly at the other.

It was still the other person who reacted first. She greeted her faintly, saying, “Zheng Wei, long time no see.”

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“Yeah, we haven’t seen each other since graduating, Zeng Yu.”

Zheng Wei and Zeng Yu couldn’t even be considered especially close, even before. The greatest connection between the two of them was that they had liked the same boy. After a few simple exchanges, there was a period of silence.

Zeng Yu contined to play with the soft and slender tassel. Breaking the silence she said, “You want to buy this set of sheets, so are you preparing to get married?”

Zheng Wei said, “Yeah.”

Zeng Yu hid her small look of astonishment very well. She said, “If I’m not wrong, the groom isn’t A Zheng is it.”

“Aren’t you the same?” Zheng Wei asked in reply.

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“When we were in school, I never would’ve imagined there would’ve come a day like today. That is… … You guys were so good, I even hated you before.” Zeng Yu calmly said.

Zheng Wei smiled and said, “You don’t have to be ruthless now, in the end, neither of us got him. It’s even now… … Didn’t you go to America with him after?”

Zeng Yu also wanted to continue mocking herself. She said, “I was still young then. I thought that feelings were like a multiple choice question. Without you, he only had me. Honestly, I had the wrong idea from the beginning. Maybe you weren’t the girl who was suited for him, but I wasn’t either. The difference between the two of us was that at least he loved you.”

“Love and not loving, the end result was still the same. There’s no use discussing this now. He also found a girl suited to him. The riches of the Ouyang family might be what Chen Xiao Zheng dreams of… …” Zheng Wei waved her hand to call over the clerk. “Miss, please give me the bill.” She pinched the small bill in her hand and said to Zeng Yu, “I’m sorry, I’m leaving first. Also, by the way, congratulations.”

Zheng Wei walked towards the cashier. Zeng Yu suddenly called out, “Do you still love him, Zheng Wei? If you do, you will regret getting married now. Ouyang doesn’t like men. Outside of the country, our circle of students all knew, she had a lover, but who was of the same sex. A Zheng has only ever loved a single person. Do you still need me to tell you who it is?”

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The shopping bill was squeezed into a tight ball in Zheng Wei’s hand. That night, which had made her finally decide to never look back, Chen Xiao Zheng had frantically grabbed onto her hand in his desperation. He had whispered in her ear, “If I said I have a special reason about Ouyang, would you believe me?” That had been his “if”.

It wasn’t that Zheng Wei had never tried to believe his variety of excuses, exonerating him, letting herself live easier. But she finally got an answer from Zeng Yu’s mouth. Only now did she realize, the answer had already been in her heart early on. She smiled at Zeng Yu and said, “Does that make any difference to me?”

That’s right, did it make any difference? Even if it did, this difference was only to Chen Xiao Zheng, not Zheng Wei. None of them understood, what made Zheng Wei completely sever their connection had never been because he didn’t love her, or because he had left.

“Thank you for telling me this, Zeng Yu.” Zheng Wei looked thoughtfully at Zeng Yu and said, “Honestly, I want to say it, that year I also hated you.”

Zeng Yu’s smile finally felt at ease. She used the special mischievous nature of a little girl and said, “Then now?”

Now? Her past grudges vanished with a smile.

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