She felt his loneliness. She had never imagined that he would also end up here. The old locust tree in Wuyuan wasn’t just her dream alone.

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In that moment, Zheng Wei suddenly felt relieved. She had completely forgiven this man who had failed to live up to her expectations, and she had also forgiven her blind and unquestioning love from her youth. She had previously spent her best youth on this man, completely using all her laughs and tears, letting love bud. Although it never blossomed into a flower in the end, it didn’t matter. Even if there hadn’t been Chen Xiao Zheng, Zheng Wei’s youth wouldn’t have been eternally perfect. It was precisely like reminiscing about one’s homeland, one’s youth was for looking back on. When you have it, it is worthless. Only when it is all gone do you look back, everything full of meaning– the people who have loved us and those who have hurt us are all the meanings that exist from our youth.

Zheng Wei thought, in the end, she was happier than A Zheng, regardless of whether it was in the past or now. When she had loved, she hadn’t held anything back. When she had cried, she had cried buckets of tears. Within this relationship of feelings, she hadn’t lost anything. Her love was infinite and perfect. Because Chen Xiao Zheng had given the Little Jade Flying Dragon ups and downs in his love, he had allowed Zheng Wei to learn how to enjoy the fruits of ordinary happiness.

Goodbye, A Zheng.

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When Zheng Wei left, she was finally able to smile slightly. She had always dreamed of coming to see the old locus tree together with the one she loved. Either Lin Jing or Chen Xiao Zheng, both of them had been absent from under the tree for periods of time. But it didn’t matter, this was her old locus tree. The one she had come to visit for a date was her youth.

When she finished her trip to Wuyuan and returned to the airport in G City, she was completely unsurprised when she saw Lin Jing waiting for her. She smiled and nestled herself in his embrace, absorbing the warmth of his chest. She said, “Lin Jing, I’m back.”

A month later, Er Fen’s case finally closed. Feng De Sheng was sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment. Only because of inadequate supervision and failure to do his duty was Zhou Q punished internally by Zhong Jian, so naturally, he couldn’t hold a government office again.

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Zhou Qu decided to immigrate to Canada with his wife. On the day he departed, Zheng Wei went to the airport to see him off. Before seeing Zhou Qu, the Zheng Wei who had already married Lin Jing was a bit hesitant, but once they met face to face, Zhou Qu gave her an unrestrained smile. No matter how Zhou Qu may have used Zheng Wei, and no matter if Zheng Wei had failed to live up to his training, Zheng Wei was still extremely thankful for the first time she had met Zhou Qu.

After the plane took off, Zheng Wei didn’t go home. She suddenly missed Ruan Ruan, so she traveled to the cemetery alone. She walked along the quiet path towards Ruan Ruan’s resting place, and on her way up, she coincidentally met Lao Zhang who was coming down.

After Zheng Wei left Er Fen, under the persuasion of Lao Zhang, she had joined the construction company which he owned with a few friends. She was responsible for the inner work in the office. Among the shareholders was a man from the design institute called Yuan Cao who had previously made Wei Shao Yi’s heart beat faster. After coming in contact with him, Zheng Wei discovered that he was an interesting person. Working in a new company was obviously much more tiring that working in a state owned enterprise*, but watching the company growing in size day by day was like watching one’s own child grow. That kind of joy was beyond words. Lin Jing’s heart hurt watching her work hard, but he also encouraged her to have her own career and world. A Zheng Wei who was once again back in the thick of living with lots of fighting spirit was a much more vivid and lively Zheng Wei.

*-Er Fen is a state owned enterprise

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At this place. Zheng Wei and Lao Zhang both weren’t in the mood to talk. After exchanging a few pleasantries, they both waved goodbye. Zheng Wei sat before Ruan Ruan’s gravestone and rearranged the flowers left behind by the previous visitor more neatly. She now knew the meaning in the language of flowers of baby’s breath–“Sweet, supportive love.”

*-Baby’s breath is a flower type, just in case you didn’t know.

Zheng Wei only wanted to sit with Ruan Ruan quietly for a while, but her phone kept her by constantly ringing. First it was Lin Jing asked her where she wanted to eat for dinner, then it was He Yi calling to ask her whether she knew where Wei Shao Yi had gone.

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He Yi didn’t decieve Shao Yi about himself, and a woman’s sixth sense was forever sharp. Zheng Wei had experienced Shao Yi’s emotional obsession over feelings before, but she had slapped He Yi on the face twice. In the end they didn’t divorce through. Maybe love was rigid, but marriage was flexible. We all have to learn to compromise. Even the resolute Wei Shao Yi wasn’t an exception.

Zheng Wei hung up, then told Ruan Ruan a few little girl jokes from work. 20 bold girls said they couldn’t understand why woman of 30 still lived. They said, if there was a day when their faces had wrinkles, they would rather die.

Zheng Wei laughed a little beside Ruan Ruan. Do you still remember, weren’t we the same as them before? Honestly, anyone who was alive will eventually grow old one day. Only you, only your youth will never decay.

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