Chapter 7, 2/2

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Not in a good mood, Wei Shaoyi said, “Lies! He was very anxious when I brought the necklace out, and lunged at me and grabbed it from me, eyes red. I told him that I wasn’t a thief, that I had picked up the necklace to return it to him, and surprisingly, he actually took out his wallet to pay me money.”

She laughed at Wei Shaoyi’s misfortune, and said “Ah, it failed, it failed, your dreams of love disappeared.”

This time, Wei Shaoyi did not bother with Zheng Wei’s teasing and said, sighing, “He cared so much [about that necklace], I think that necklace definitely has to do with a woman very important to him.” (I think she’s speculating its a lover)

“You can just go see the owner of the necklace and see who is better. Don’t tell me I didn’t tell you this, our labor union’s Lee A Yi (Aunty Lee) said it before. He had a girlfriend in the past, and after, he didn’t know why they broke up.”(I think this means she has a chance with him)

Wei Shaoyi mockingly laughed, saying, “The type of guy I like is one who is dependable and loyal in love. But those types of guys are even more unlikely to like me. But it’s really only admiring from afar.”

Zheng Wei’s lips twitched, and mischievously and suddenly yelled, “He Yi, you’re here too.”

Wei Shaoyi almost spilled the soup in her hand.

Not long after, Prince He (He Yi, just a way to show his father’s wealth and status) was racing motercycles at midnight and hit a median (the dividing block between the two directions of traffic), and almost became handicapped. However, he understood how to make use of this opportunity and while in the hospital, complained and groaned about how he could not eat without Wei Shaoyi coming to see him. The president and his wife had no other choice. Wei Shaoyi once again became the hot topic of conversation between the workers. Everyone in Rui Tong (I think it’s a division of the company) took turns to come and visit He Yi, and when Zheng Wei came to visit the genius, bringing flowers, she found Wei Shaoyi, just as she expected, looking very cold (unfeeling, annoyed) and sitting next to a very dazed looking He Yi’s bed while feeding him. But the look on her face made Zheng Wei strongly feel as if what she was feeding him was not porridge, but actually arsenic powder (poison).

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He Yi’s injury had not fully recovered when a world shaking even occurred. Within Liu Fen and Rui Tong (two divisions of the company), two very major incidents that questioned the safeness of the working conditions happened all within a single month. Both incidents were of contruction men who fell to their deaths from very high places. The safety conditions of both the construction and mining industry within the country had been shaky to begin with, and most major companies are concerned. Within this industry, there’s a saying that goes like this, “If you work less, you are hungry but still alive, but other than dying from a safety issue, you also are likely to die from starvation.” After the workers from Liu Fen suffered from bodily harm, due to terrible mistakes made, the President and the rest of the management staff faced lots of pressure. After they sent the incident reports up, Rui Tong’s attempts to improve failed again, as another 3 men had failed to their deaths. This was clearly showing hat the controlling forces of the world were trying to get rid of Zhong Jian. The heads of Liu Fen and Rui Tong were immediately fired, and the person in charge of safety regulations in Zhong Jian, He Yi’s father, had to take responsibility. Before, the worst that could happen would be that Liu Fen and Rui Tong both lost their privileges to bid on new projects, and the head and the person in charge of safety would be punished. However, although the entire responsibility cannot be pinned on one person (it takes a lot of people to push down the wall), President He took the blame and fell into dire straits. All of the evidence of his past crimes he committed at work (embezzlement I think) was all poked through, and everyone was well aware that this was nothing more than the result of the fierce competition (vying over power) between the executives of Zhong Jian. Shortly after, the prosecution office got involved and the evidence was undeniable. The former peerless President of the Zhong Jian group (/corporation) was sacked at once. The work he had been supposed to do that night was given to the secretary to do, and the Board secretary was temporarily put in charge of the work.

When you affect one person, the whole group is also affected, what’s more, this was such a big disturbance. For this period of time, even Zhou Qu (her boss) had to speak very discreetly, running around everywhere, working hard to use this time, because as of now, the company’s inner workings (management) was going through a big change and he wanted to ensure a promotion for himself. At this time, everyone once again became happy for Wei Shaoyi, as she had maintained a clear head and had not been confused by the strong outwards appearance of the He family and married He Yi. Only Zheng Wei knew that ever since what had happened to the He family, [the imprisonment of the old man (He Yi’s dad)], and before his wife could even cry, Wei Shaoyi stayed by the yet to recover He Yi’s side all night long.。She didn’t know whether Wei Shaoyi was doing this out of pity of because of a woman’s innate kindheartedness. But she could not deny that this time, the awkward and peculiar Wei Shaoyi let her gain a newfound respect for her (刮目相看 gua mu xiang kan).

Zheng Wei also sneakily went to visit He Yi a few times in the hospital. That side of He Yi, with his chattery, vigorous personality suddenly calmed down, she really wasn’t used to it. She didn’t know what to say, and just said repeatedly, “If you think positively, you can move past anything.”

When she left, Wei Shaoyi made an exception and escorted her out (went to send her out), and still she did not say anything positive, but she did sigh and said, “Half a month ago, this place was so full that people had to get in line to make an appointment, and the flower bouquets almost reached the end of the stairwell. But after the incident, unexpectedly you are the only and one person from the company that came to visit him. The things in this world are even more unexpected (interesting?strange?) than in any play.”

Not long after He Yi was discharged, he and Wei Shaoyi got married, and Zheng Wei was their only wedding guest that night.

Zhong Jian’s secretary’s last name was Ouyang, and Secretary Ouyang temporarily held 2 posts, including the president’s, and the Board worked very hard on taking matters into their own hands. Not long after, towards the regular workers and the leaders of the various sections within the company, carried out a major change. Many of the branch heads were replaced. What made Zheng Wei really happy was the fact that within Er Fen, other than just the 50 year old rich executives/managers who were asked to retire, Zhou Qu’s position was a steady as Tai mountain, moreover, the headquarters seemed to respect Er Fen even more. They not only approved of Er Fen’s request to buy a large new piece of equipment, they also directly sent Er Fen some new technical workers. Included were the directly appointed Technical Director and the Assistant Manager.

The position of Assistant Manager was a very special job at Zhong Jian. Their status/salary was only barely less than that of the Vice President, and furthermore, this post often represented a stepping stone/marker for people who were getting promoted up to go through. This time, although the new Assistant Manager at Er Fen wasn’t very old, his qualifications/experience weren’t especially good, and he had only spent 7 months at the construction side, everyone knew. He was most likely the secretly chosen person who would be in charge of Er Fen’s market and technology development, and the person who would become the successor of the rich [Head] Manager position.

The day that the Assistant Manager reported in for work, Zhou Qu personally drove down to headquarters to bring him back. His office was located right next to the Director’s office. A description of his office’s equipment (features) and conditions was told to Zheng Wei by Zhou Qu. Apparently, they matched the high status the Assistant Manager position possessed, with everything arranged very meticulously.

After they returned to the company, Zhou Qu focused on the middle-level managers in the meeting room, where he introduced them one by one. The young Assistant Manager did not exhibit the commonly seen, frivolous behaviors of an arrogant young adult who had achieved success early. Once they saw him he seemed even more like a motivated, observant man who was above quarreling. Even though the expression in his eyes was slightly alienated, his manners and smiles were fitting for the situation. He didn’t speak much, and the occasional few sentences he said were just right.

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When Zheng Wei was introduced, he acted the same as he did previously, laughing and shaking her hand, and said, “When I was at the office, I heard a lot about how Er Fen’s Secretary Zheng was both young and capable, and was Manager Zhou’s capable assistant. In the future, I am only afraid that I will ask you for a lot of advice.” (politely asking for her guidance/support)

Zheng Wei modestly repeated, “Why are you saying this? Assistant Manager Chen is really overpraising me. You graduated from a famous overseas school, are you are both young and promising. Why, a few days ago, Manager Zhou said that we really must be thankful to the executives at headquarters who are partial to our Er Fen. When they have any good talents (workers) or equipment, they think of us first. This was the reason why they sent Assistant Manager Chen over here.”

On the road back to the company office, the Manager of the human relations sent 2 other young workers over. They pulled on Zheng Wei’s sleeve and asked, “Zheng Jie (older sister), how was it, how was it?”

Zheng Wei weakly pulled her hand back. “How was what?”

“They all said that the new Assistant Manager has good taste, but we haven’t seen it yet.”

Zheng Wei lazily replied, “I have a stuffy nose, I can’t smell anything. In the future, working here every single day, you guys are still afraid you won’t be able to see him.(sarcastically)”

“That’s true. Oh, also, Zheng Jie, your stomach isn’t feeling good again?”

Zheng Wei made a sound, “En,” and then locked herself into the bathroom.

That night, Zhou Qu was in charge of coordinating, and he let Zheng Wei reserve 3 tables at the best restaurant near Er Fen. All of the middle-level workers and above were invited to come and give Assistant Manger Chen and the few technology workers a welcoming dinner. Zheng Wei was very busily giving greetings to everyone, she almost didn’t get to eat anything. When she finally (with much difficulty) got to sit down. Zhou Qu walked over to her side and said in a low voice, “How does your face look so ugly (because she’s been going around so much), eat something first. In a bit, go and toast to him. You guys will have a lot of opportunities to see each other at work.”

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Zheng Wei nodded, and hurriedly ate some of the food. She held a wine glass in her hand and walked around the crowd, over to everyone at the other table. Right when she went over, everyone laughed at Assistant Manager Chen and said, “Our Er Fen’s flower (pretty girl) came over.

Zheng Wei stood next to him and smiled, taking her hands to toast to him, “I’m offering you a drink (I’m drinking to you), after today, I hope you can learn a lot at work.”

“Secretary Zheng, we’re all colleagues here, you don’t have to be so polite.”

“Call me Xiao Zheng (little/small Zheng, it’s an informal, affectionate nickname), call me Xiao Zheng.” She then lowered her cup to clink against his, saying, “I’ll drink to you first.”

Assistant Manager Chen also drained his glass. He had drank a lot that night, and his faces was slightly red, but his eyes remained clear.”

“I heard that Assistant Manager Chen studied at G University for his undergraduate before going overseas, right? If that’s true, then aren’t you schoolmates with Secretary Zheng?” someone asked.

He nodded, “Come to say it, we do come from the same school.”

“Then you should have seen/met each other before, when you were in college.”

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Zheng Wei laughed and said, “We may have met before, but forgotten afterwards.”

She was a pretty good drinker, Zhou Qu had not seen her like this is a long time. After drinking her face was surprisingly not red, but pale and glowing.

“Zheng Wei, do you remember what I said to you before?”

“I know, but my stomach hurts today,” Zheng Wei said in a low voice, before getting up to go to the bathroom, her insides a mess.”

She leaned on the wall as she walked, and then used cold water to wash her face. When she raised her head [and looked] towards the mirror, she suddenly froze, water droplets running down her cheeks.

Could the mirror see into her heart?

“Zheng….Wei….” He wanted to speak but then hesitated.

She recovered her demeanor immediately, turned her head towards the person behind her and laughed. She took a tissue and wiped all of the excess water on her face, before walking back towards the table.

That night, the dormitory only looked even emptier after Wei Shaoyi moved away. But, this was also a good thing. At least, when she sat in the corner of her room and wailed and sobbed loudly, no one would come knocking on her door. She didn’t need to smile for anyone else, didn’t need to pay attention to any other person.

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