312. Country of Sakura, Cherin and the Seven Holy Swords [83]

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「Good evening, president.」

I cleared my throat lightly and then called out after she finished her phone call.

「Ara, Allen-kun. What are you doing here?」

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The president’s eyes widened for a moment and then she immediately returned to her usual gentle expression.

「I wasn’t able to fall asleep, so I thought I’d take a light walk.」

Actually, I just wanted to empty my bladder before going to bed.

But I felt shy to say that to her.

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「I see… that might be a good idea.」

She folded her arms in an adorable manner, and nodded to herself.

「But don’t stay up late, okay? Tomorrow is an important day, after all.」

She said with an “older sister” tone, raising her index finger.

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「Ahaha, I understand. I’ll just get some fresh air and return to my room right away.」

「Fufu, I’m relieved then.」

After having such a light chat, I finally got into the main subject.

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「By the way, president, were you on a phone call?」

「Ah… yeah, it was from my father.」

「From Rodis-san?」

Rodis Arcstria, the current head of House Arcstria, who has held important positions in the government for many years. I was told he attended the top secret conference together with Tenshi-sama and Leia-sensei.

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